Minus calories on non fast days

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  HappyNow 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi Folks, so I just started yesterday and already my head is all over the place ( it doesnt help that I have a type of OCD that means everything has to be done perfectly ) …. I have been calorie counting by taking 500 cals off my daily amount.( this is supposed to lose 1lb a week ) so its not much of a push to add in two fasting days. The only thing is Im suddenly realising I may have to change how I was counting. on some days I would count what was going into the family meal ( crock pot style chilli etc ) then divide by 3. Now I realise I will have to do a complete separate meal for myself on fast days to get exact cals, again this isnt much of a push as I have intolerances so I usually have to cook a different meat than what my boys have. Im really wondering how exact my counting on non fast days has to be and if sticking to my taking off 500 cals a day will be a good or bad thing. the way i figure it if im still taking off 500 cals a day on non fast days it gives me room for not being exact. I do have a tendency to not really count on sat or sunday either. Just wondering how strict everyone else is on their 5 normal days ? and do you make a pot of something and divide it up or cook completely separately ?

    hi kkcat! I have OCD tendencies myself so I know what you mean, but I want to reassure you that you don’t need to be that rigid about it. I aim for 500 calories on my fast days, but sometimes end up at 530, or even 600. I have still lost on average 2 lbs per week. A couple extra calories here or there won’t make a huge difference. As far as what you eat on fast days, you can eat whatever your family is eating, just a 500 calorie portion of it, or you can make a separate meal for yourself if you would rather. Do whichever you think will help you get through the day ok. (That’s if you want to eat all your 500 cal at dinner, which is what I do. If you want to split your calories up over the course of the fast day that’s fine too but will probably require a separate special meal(s) for you.

    On fast days I usually just have a small portion of what my family is having, or else they eat something I don’t like and I make myself a 500 cal meal of something I do like.

    As far as how people handle their nonfast days, it varies. Some people count calories every day (I do, because that works well for me). Other people do not count on their nonfast days but try to eat reasonably and try to come in around their TDEE. I find that if I don’t count calories on any given day, I will go over the amount I should be eating, without really meaning to. If I count, I can have a full satisfying amount of food while staying within my calorie budget.

    Best of luck with 5:2, and welcome!

    Best advice is to calculate your numbers – BMR & TDEE and aim to come in comfortably between the two on your non-fastdays and somewhere around 500 (as Kilda says it really doesn’t have to be dead on) on your fastdays.

    Weight loss is very dependant on the individual, exercise levels, types of food consumed etc. so there’s no genuine ‘average’ loss to aim for. Don’t get obsessed with the scales, they are a fickle master. Making this lifestyle your own and easy to stick to long term is far more important than losing 3lb per week I promise you.

    I suppose it depends on how much you want to lose and how much you are eating and drinking on a ‘normal’ day. I’d suggest you try counting only on your fast days and be strict about it to start with. The first 4-5 times you fast might be really hard so you want to be able to release the pressure the next day and not worry about it.

    I have subconsciously picked up some good habits on my ‘normal’ days. I find I’m less inclined to hoover up everyone’s left overs as I abhor wasting food. Instead, left overs are put in the fridge and I have it for lunch or, worst case, the dog or chickens might get it.

    I weigh myself everyday. Not because I’m worried about it but because I’m interested in this from a scientific perspective (albeit as an amateur!). My weight fluctuates a lot from day to day so what I concentrate on is a rolling 14 day average. As long as I see that average continue to slowly fall, then I know it’s working!

    Good luck and keep it going!

    Your BMI is: 23.3
    Your BMR is: 1411
    Your TDEE is: 1940 calories

    just wondering how many calories i need to have on normal days and fasting days?:)

    Hi Maisie94,
    Sorry if I’ve missed earlier posts from you which clarify this, but your necessary calorie intake is likely to depend on whether you are aiming for weight loss or just health benefits (and weight maintenance)?

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