Mind over matter

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Fatcatsam 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Yesterday I started the 5:2 diet after a fair few years yo yo dieting and I am now bigger than ever! I found the actual eating fine, and didn’t feel hungry, but, I was quite moody and normally I would comfort eat to sooth my feeling, which in part is why I am over weight now! So for me I think its in the mind. I nearly caved in twice after a difficult day with my youngest who is 3 going on 16! I went to bed early to save my poor family for anymore outbursts and read the 5:2 book to keep me on track and I have woken up this morning feeling much better and then the thought popped into my head that its my feast day today which put a smile on my face. I have just had some toast for breakfast which tasted sooo good ! silly after one day I know but I am hoping this plan makes me appreciate my food more. I did eat it more slowly than I usually do.

    Any way I am on my way to a slimmer, healthier and brighter future which will benefit me and my family. GO ME 🙂

    Hi furbie! Yes GO YOU:). I completely understand the mind concept as I too don’t feel hungry but I miss that feeling of actually ‘eating’ if you know what I mean which seriously affects my mood. But hey just persevere because once results start coming it is all worth it. Losing weight is never THAT easy, although made MUCH easier by the 5:2 diet :D. Keep at it we all get there in the end!

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