Michael's blood results long term

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Michael's blood results long term

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Pattience 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I’m doing IF mainly for the cholesterol benefits, and would be interested to know what Michael Mosley’s blood results were showing after some time on 5:2.

    Hi Austin

    Michael (in the book) shows his cholesterol after 3 months as dropping quite substantially. I don’t know if he has recorded any further readings

    A number of posters have reported similar results

    Mine were:
    Weight from 90.8 (January 2013), 80.7 (April 2013), 69.8 (February 2014)
    BMI from 34.8 (January 2013), 30.1 (April 2013), 26.27 (February 2014)
    Cholesterol from 7.2 (January 2013), 5.9 (April 2013), 5.4 (December 2013)
    Tryglicerides from 3.2 (January 2013), 0.8 (April 2013), 0.6 (December 2013)
    And I’ve lost 27 cm from my waist and gone from a size 18 to a 12

    So it does work, my doctor was very pleased and I don’t need medication

    Is it reasonable to compare yourself with MM?

    Yes it works but losing weight may be the crucial factor to improve cholesterol somewhat regardless of how you do it. If you have high cholesterol and don’t need to lose weight, then maybe something else is required?

    That said, its probably a good idea to do the fast diet anyway.

    One thing i have read about several times is that low fat diets are not good for cholesterol levels but the way dieting science seems to be done its hard to know where the truth lies in anything. that said, if someone makes a convincing argument, then its hard to go past it. I read a convincing argument in the art and science of low carb.

    I read a brilliant article about the difficult with nutrition and diet science but for the life of me, i can’t find it again. I wish i’d kept a link. Basically it was about how hard the science is to do and get right and why we are therefore all so confused about it and why things always seem to be changing and so on. An insight into this issue is achieved from reading Good Calorie Bad Calorie by Gary Taubes.

    I should add I’m not so much about promoting low carb diets but i think they are helpful to understand. I am about promoting eating whole foods rather than processed foods.

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