Michael Mosley – what an inspiration!

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Michael Mosley – what an inspiration!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  MummyBots 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I was lucky enough last night to attend the talk by Michael at the Science Festival in Newcastle. What a guy! What a communicator! From start to finish he was interesting, witty, engaging and so knowledgeable on all his topics…I can’t praise him enough. I have sat through a lot of lectures and talks and this was certainly one of the best.

    He also signed copies of the 5:2 diet book, including my well thumbed copy, with encouraging messages for people to persist with the diet because it works and is so good for you (he explained this further with new science during the talk which was very interesting too).

    I ‘fell off the 5:2 wagon’ last year but got back on a couple of weeks ago and if I needed any further inspiration just looking at Michael would do it! He really does look wonderful!

    Did anybody else catch the talk?

    Lucky you. I would’ve loved to have heard him speak. If you can fill us in on some of the new science talk, that would be good 🙂

    The talk went through Michael’s career in front and behind the camera too, programmes, series, innovations…excellent stuff and very entertaining. He talked about experimenting on himself, others who had done it, influences on his career…riveting stuff and immensely enjoyable.

    Much of the new science is having what was stated being much more reinforced by new research. It was encouraging to see how much this way of life is coming to the fore and having a huge impact though. Lots of people have had huge benefits from it – people there were saying just how it had been positive for their health!

    It was interesting to see just how much we still don’t know about how our bodies work but IF is a massive research area now. Mice on the diet lived a lot longer and, although programmed to get dementia, didn’t get it until they were twice as old as other mice.

    It was interesting to hear just how little exercise does for you regarding weight loss – but does give health benefits obviously but as a dieting tool – nope! Apparently a good number of people (obviously not all) go to the gym do a good work out and then have a latte or something similar – so all the calorific benefits are gone! Just like that! Studies also show that going to the gym can be balanced out by people doing less when they finish working out as they’re knackered! So again it cancels out the gym work calorie wise.

    The number of studies going on into the 5:2 is huge now too and seems to be all positive as we’re all hunter gatherers at heart and probably shouldn’t eat as often as we do but we’re used to it and the ‘low blood sugar’ people claim as a reason to eat isn’t right either – the body levels out after about 4 hours (if I recall rightly)- otherwise we’d all have problems overnight!

    I’m a bit stumped at the moment but will update as things come back to me – I’ve been busy at work all day and am just a bit brain dead right now 🙂

    His programmes about the human body where great. I show them to my college students.

    ” It was interesting to hear just how little exercise does for you regarding weight loss – but does give health benefits obviously but as a dieting tool – nope!”

    ” Studies also show that going to the gym can be balanced out by people doing less when they finish working out as they’re knackered! ”

    I agree that strength training alone will not reduce weight. Consistent cardio training will reduce weight. Fasting and appropriate eating fits well with these two disciplines.

    There needs to be a smart balance of fasting with strength training & cardio training.

    Strength training is not mentioned by Mosley in his video as he demonstrates the session of a 3 rep HIIT exercise on the stationery bicycle. Optimally, 8 repetitions provides better results in a short, compressed time which is not discussed on his video.

    The truth is that all 3 components are needed for long term well being.

    Mosley will be promoting the 4th component to wellness in his future video, which is a mental attitude & meditation. I’m curious how similar his findings will be to what we already know about meditation.

    Here are the 4 components, that when optimally performed, that will bring a higher level of well being:

    ⚫Fasting & food intake

    ⚫Cardio conditioning

    ⚫Mental attitude & meditation

    ⚫Strength training

    Only the fasting seems to be given attention in these forums. The other 3 components seem to be discussed minimally because they are not given attention in the Fast Diet book. That may change in the future.

    Hi csOjbr

    I wish you’d flagged up that Michael was doing this talk last night in Newcastle (I presume you mean Newcastle upon Tyne?). We live close by and we would have definitely attended if it was generally open to the public.

    FAO: rockyromero

    You don’t state which country you live in but the Mental Attitude and Meditation programme by Michael has already been aired in Britain.
    Very good it was too.


    “You don’t state which country you live in but the Mental Attitude and Meditation programme by Michael has already been aired in Britain.”

    Thank you for your note. I’m in the USA & would like to view this segment as I’m an admirer of Mosley and started 5:2 due to his previous segments.

    Pics or it didn’t happen!

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