Michael Mosley in the mirror- reflections.

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Michael Mosley in the mirror- reflections.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Freefalling 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I just have to say WOW and THANKYOU to MM and MS for all their thoughtful efforts in bringing the FD to us all. And to thank all members of the forum that engage, support and honestly share their journey.
    I did our fortnightly shopping last night. I glanced down at the trolley as I paid up. What a VASTLY different trolley it was compared to 6 months ago! I carried the goods to the car with a strength and vigour that wasn’t there 6 months ago! Went home to cook yummy food with an excitement and motivation that has renewed our lives! My hubby and I couldn’t even get interested in the choc biscuit aisle!! And we DID try, walked away with none!
    The changes are not just physical, somehow seemingly without thinking too hard we have tuned into our bodies, given them what they need and are reaping glorious benefits!
    Sorry! Just had to say that! I will crawl back into my happy little shell now 🙂

    Well done and well said @freefalling (and Mr Freefalling)


    Oh @sylvestra you are so kind and caring. Thank you for your response. Have a wonderful week!

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