Michael Mosley Australian tour September 2019

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Michael Mosley Australian tour September 2019

This topic contains -32 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  StewartBeveridge 2 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Michael’s asked me to let you know that he’ll be on tour in Australia this month. You can find dates and tickets here:

    Hope to see you there!

    Hi just joined the site because I came across this ABC TV show from a few years ago that might help Micheal as a refrence point on his tour or maybe a follow up feature whilst in Oz? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Whz431eJVI

    Really enjoyed the audio book (recommend you also need a copy of the book to refer to pdf’s) and the TV horizon show hope they plan to make a follow up edition, alternatively how about a monthly Vlog show this could be done at a very reasonable cost. Also have you thought about organsing a TEDx I know I would be interested in hearing various POV’s on Fast Diet

    Hi just joined the site because I came across this ABC TV show from a few years ago that might help Micheal as a refrence point on his tour or maybe a follow up feature whilst in Oz? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Whz431eJVI

    Really enjoyed the audio book (recommend you also need a copy of the book to refer to pdf’s) and the TV horizon show hope they plan to make a follow up edition, alternatively how about a monthly Vlog show this could be done at a very reasonable cost. Also have you thought about organsing a TEDx I know I would be interested in hearing various POV’s on Fast Diet

    I saw Michael in Melbourne on September 27th. It was a great show, very good info.

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