Michael : before and after

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Michael : before and after

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  • Michael : before and after

    Michael before.
    This is a photo I saw on the wall of my mother’s house taken a couple of years ago when I was about 188 lbs. My wife Clare took the other photo this evening. I am wearing the same shirt but am now 168 lbs. I’d love to see how you’re doing. If you’d like, post your story or send in your before and after photos to stories@thefastdiet.co.uk and we’ll put some up on the site. Good luck with the diet. Michael

    Michael after.

    Is that really the same shirt? You look fabulous now and so much younger.

    Wow, amazing difference. You look so well padded in the before photo. Hope you’re not still losing weight.

    I have really been inspired by the difference of body shape in those  2 photos. It has been a great incentive on my fast day yesterday.


    Inspiring, but tell the truth; you bought yourself a new shirt!

    Hi Michael I started your diet in Jan this year and weighed 102kg and I’m now nearing my target of 80kg or less. Would like to get to between 12st7lb and 13st and maintain that range. The only problem is I need an entire new wardrobe even my retro 80’s jeans only just fit!! I have lost maybe 4inches off the waste and feel so much healthier. I try and walk the dogs for 3-5 miles a day and that’s helped a lot in combination with fasting on Mon and Wed, cutting out wine for four to five days per week and 1700 calories on a normal day.. One question I have if you could help is: On a fast day if I burn 500 calories through walking can I have a food intake of 1100 – 1200 calories? I’ve lost the weight but I’m just curious whether I’m busting my fast and slowing down the process? Cheers and thanks for the inspiration 🙂 BTW I’m 58

    Hi Michael,

    My Husband and I started the 5-2 diet in April after watching your program on PBS, (Big fan of your work by the way). Since that time my cholesterol has dropped 30 points and my blood pressure is lower, (it has always been good bp, but lower is better!) I am genetically predisposed to high cholesterol, so this diet is the only thing that I can stick too that works! Thank you for your work in this!

    Just wondering if Michael is still doing the 5:2 version of this diet or the modified version that was mentioned this article… “I didn’t want to lose any more because my wife, who is a doctor, said I was looking gaunt. These days, I fast one day a week, and often skip lunch on the other days.”

    I am concerned that a person could go on forever losing weight. When is enough enough? I get the whole healthy lifestyle thing and am doing it, but am wondering if one day a week would be enough to keep the status quo, once you have reached the desired goal?


    wow you look fantastic

    It’s amazing what a difference losing 20 lbs. makes, you look fantastic Michael.

    Congratulations from down under! I learnt about the fast diet when your documentary was shown on the TV here in Australia around mid March 2013. Ever since, I have become a great fan of yours and watch all your documentaries. I and my wife have started the 6:1 and stared reading and understanding your’s and Mimi’s book (The Fast Diet).

    Thank you so much for brining out this wonderful book.

    PS: I’m sure you are not wearing the same pant 😉

    Wow its great to see the before and after. You look fab 🙂
    Great motivation for everyone.
    Thanks for introducing us all to this new way of life.

    Wow, congrats on you. what a transformation. Looks great and amazing =)

    Deffo the after one!

    Looking great, much younger! Thanks for giving me the motivation to continue.

    My husband has lost the horrible beer gut on 5:2. Lost 3stone, I’ve lost 2.

    We are very grateful for your research, Michael.

    Just starting the 5:2 with my hubby.
    Fingers crossed we can stick to it as we’re doing a 35 day cruise in March & we don’t want to roll off the boat at Southampton!

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