Metabolic damage

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Surreburre 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    I recently tried I.F for about 4 months. I had great results early on and I reckon I dropped about 8 kilo’s over 2 months, maybe another kilo over the next month (drastic slow down), then the loss ground to a halt entirely. I was trying the 5:2 version of fasting, not the warrior diet etc.

    So I had stepped it up, by about the 3rd month when things were slowing down. The 5:2 diet became more of a 4:3 or 3:4 diet. I started doing weight circuit training in the mornings, cycling to work, going for walks at lunch, and watching what I was eating on non fast days etc thinking this would give me the push I needed to keep losing weight. It achieved nothing, with only one kilo lost in the 3rd month, and nothing in the 4th

    Now I suspect I have gone too hard and damaged my metabolism, slowing it down to a snail. Has anyone else had similar issues, and if so, was there a solution?

    What I am presently doing is going off fasting entirely until the end of the year, and trying to maintain my exercise routine to prevent too much weight re-gain. Then I plan on going back on to fasting at the end of the year with a less gung-ho approach, to hopefully prevent repeating my error. But I am not really sure if that break is long enough, or if its too long?

    Any advice or opinions appreciated. Thank you

    “I recently tried I.F for about 4 months. I had great results early on and I reckon I dropped about 8 kilo’s over 2 months, maybe another kilo over the next month ”

    You seem to have had success.

    “push I needed to keep losing weight. It achieved nothing, ”

    This happens for many reasons.

    “What I am presently doing is going off fasting entirely until the end of the year, and trying to maintain my exercise routine to prevent too much weight re-gain. ”

    To lose fat weight, it would make sense to continue fasting, and gauge the results.

    You may be on a plateau and your results may appear with consistency.

    There’s not enough from what you mentioned to pinpoint this.

    What is your charting progress?

    Dear Aussilad,

    Of you don’t og fasting for selvrealisering days at a time I beilere the theory says that your metabolism should not be affected.

    I have studeres with thyroid problema for abort 15 years and have been gold that I will have to use medicines, so I have been checking the levels yearly. For the frist time in 15 year the levels have been normal, and will within what is considered as normal and healthy 🙂

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