
This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Motown67 6 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hello all… has anyone found the 5:2 diet help with menopause… Menopause slows the metabolize down and stops producing estrogen.
    I’m 38. I used to run loads. Eat healthy.
    My life did a complete back flip when my estrogen dropped off my blood results.

    I’ve put one stone on since February.
    I’m hoping the 5:2 Will sort me out! 🙈

    Doing 5:2 didn’t do anything for or to my menopause symptoms: probably because I was 65 when I started Fasting and because I take Tincture of Motherwort daily for every other symptom.
    5:2 should certainly help you to lose that one stone. And since your body is changing [ I’ll admit 38 is a bit young!], you might want to investigate if you body reacts differently to certain foods now. Example: it seems that white rice and beer cause me to gain weight and hold it. You might see a similar correlation.
    Good luck.

    I don’t think 5:2 had an impact on my menopause.
    However when I was younger (before menopause), losing a significant amount of weight did have an impact on my hormone levels.

    Dear Enliven
    Really sorry that you are experiencing this at such an early age….. same thing happened to me, however I was preoccupied by a messy divorce at the time and cannot now really identify whether the depression I went through was down to the stress or the hormones. All I can advise is plenty of rest and as much exercise as is comfortable for you. Continue to eat well and by all means persist with 5 – 2, I think the benefits of feeling that you have some control (even though it’s around your diet) is psychologically helpful.
    Good health to you, be kind to yourself.
    Best Wishes

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