Measuring waist or BMI?

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  • I have been wondering whether to continue to use the BMI as a guide to how much more weight to lose or to use the weight measurement instead(waist should be less than half your height).

    I am 5ft 1ins which should mean a waist of 30 inches.

    I have lost 23 lbs since January and 13 inches all over.I have gone from a size 14 to a 10. My waist has gone from 38″ to 34″ and my BMI has gone from 30 to 26. But best of all, my rather high BP is now rather fabulous.

    I have been swimming and running over the summer.Half marathon due in mid Sept and I have noticed little abs!

    My goal was another 5lb=2 stone/28 lb and a BMI of 25.But I am worried that if I aim for another 4 inches to lose, will become skinny and lose my curves.
    Any thoughts?

    Hi annette52,

    Interesting question, and I do have some thoughts:

    First, when I read Dr. Mosley’s statement in the book that male or female, your weight should be no more than half your height, I took that to be for reasons of health, rather than aesthetics. Especially risk of heart disease or cancer. Second, I’ve seen pictures of women who are curvy, but with a waist that would meet Dr. Mosley’s standard, so you might not have to sacrifice your curves. That would vary from person to person.

    You might consider pressing on toward 30 inches and see what happens. After all, if you don’t like the results, you always have the option to stop losing, and either maintain or put some inches back on..

    BTW, great news about your BP!

    Good luck!

    Hi Jambuster7,
    I haven’t been this weight for 20 years and at 52, it is taking some getting used to.When I lose the next 5 lb and reach the 2 stone mark, that is a weight that I haven’t been for 30 years.
    I am worried about looking scrawny.I can’ quite see where another 4 inches is going to go from on my waist. I keep thinking that it took 23 lb to lose 4 inches…and I certainly don’t want to lose that amount again.
    I had been thinking that I was almost there in terms of weight loss.
    The recent BBC programme “Long Live Britain” reminded me about the waist/height goal.I shall press on and see what my waist is at 2 stone.
    A BMI of 23 would mean that I would need to lose another 11 lb, so another 16 lb in total from today, which would be too much.I have more muscle now, due to running.
    I am very confused.But thanks for your thoughts.I will lose the 5 lb and see what the waist is and take it from there.

    Hi all
    It is my opinion that BMI is at best a guideline. Given that 19-25 is generally regarded as a healthy BMI, there is plenty of room for manoeuvre while still being in this range.

    I’m 152 cm (5 foot and a bit) and began at 52 kg for a BMI of 22.5, right in the middle of the healthy range, (43-58). Yet I would regard myself as distinctly overweight if I had a BMI of 25 (58 kg. I’ve no idea what I would look like at 43 kg as I reckon that is what I weighed at about 14 years of age.

    I now weigh 49 kg (BMI 21.2) and even my husband can see that I’ve lost weight (all of 3 kg or about 1.5% of my total body weight). Yes, my bras are getting a bit hollow, but the real difference is around my waist. I only need to look down to see that my abdomen is flatter. I now measure 74 around the navel, so only just under 50% of height and 68 around the waist. No six pack, but that’s not what I’m after. So yes, I still have curves, it’s just that the package is smaller.

    I say go for the waist measurement. It’s more stringent than BMI and it makes a visible difference

    Thanks for that.
    I am 5 ft 1 and was 11 stone 11 lb(BMI 30.5)when I started in January.My seemingly impossible goal then was to lose 2 stone and get to a BMI of 25, which was 9 stone 11 lb.

    I am now 10 stone 2 lb (BMI 26) and finding it a real struggle to shift the remaining 5 lb.I am training for a half marathon and seem to have put on muscle(as my weight is the same) but lost 3″ all over in the past month.

    But I am also a completely different shape now and have lost an amazing 15″ all over too. The challenge of another 4″ seems excessive to me.

    But I will plod on and keep chipping away.

    I think that your final words sum it all up: plod on and keep chipping away. Weight loss is not your only benefit, fitness and a new body shape are both very worthwhile achievements so don’t be discouraged about your BMI (or waist measurement for that matter). You know what you have achieved to date and everyone can see the change in you.

    A half marathon is well out of my comfort zone, though I’m planning a 3 generations 5.7 km with my son (good 10k runner) and my 9 year old grandson. Give me 100 km on my beloved road bike any day!

    What I like about muscle is that it gives shape to the body. I have sturdy but reasonably shapely limbs. Bike riding gives shape and endurance to the legs but strength training (yes, weights) is great for the upper body. Still have some flab on the upper arms though(nanna arms here in Australia).

    Oh and the other thing that I like about muscle is that the strength gains are functional. No trouble moving heavy shopping out of the car boot, putting boxes on shelves that are at head height or getting out of low squashy arm chairs.

    Of course, you are right. But standing on the scales to see that pesky 2 lb back again is rather tedious and a little bit soul destroying after 2 fast days.

    A Half Marathon is out of my comfort zone too!There is a local event in my city every year, and every year I have said that having watched some very overweight and unfit folk stagger round, I should be able to do it too.My boys made the point that I had better get on and do it before I got too old(I’m 52).

    So I did stagger round in March. The end of race photos were a depressing sight. Lycra doesn’t do rolls of fat any favours at all.I had already lost 10 lb at that point.

    My blood pressure is much much better. Off to see my GP later to wow her with the improvement and new me.Psoriasis has completely gone.Body may have a little weight to go yet but is toned and looks so much better and as a result, slimmer.

    My aim is to be the right weight for my height and strong. I have no desire to be skinny.I want to keep the curves too-the ones that are in the right place!

    I can wear sleeveless tops again.Minimal upper arm wobble now.
    I was hoping to reach the 2 stone goal before the Half in mid Sept, but perhaps running and swimming are going to build muscle instead.I would rather be more toned, fitter and stronger to run 13.1 miles, than 5lb lighter.

    Further update. Just checked waist measurement and lost another 1″ off in 2 fasts!!

    Also noticed that where the gap is between ankles and calves when feet are together…I now have a gap between my thighs!!!!!!!!!

    Weight may have plateaued but I’m still shrinking.

    Disappointment to Joy. Hurray!

    I would say don’t get too caught up with numbers, although I understand they are a good guide for all of us.
    Don’t forget muscle weighs more that fat.
    How are your clothes fitting, sounds like a wonderful improvement!! plus your other health benefits!!! well done you
    What is wrong with being a size 10???
    Isnt it strange we can lose weight but not inches then we can lose inches but not weight, just the body doing its own little adjustments…
    Please be kind to yourself…. we are all different and not textbook, sounds like you have a healthy future for yourself aided by the progress you have made holistically.

    Annette, look in the mirror. Pinch the waist. People, even at the same weight and height, are built with lots of variation. For example, if you could to add two inches to your height, would it be above or below the waist? Just like faces. diamond, heart, oval etc. At your height, a lot of average advice is given and we both know we don’t fit that mold. (5′) Advice like measure your waist around the bellybutton – I’d be running into pelvic bone. Maybe keep going but concentrate on your fitness level- so jealous! And if you feel good. Remember, you can already see through your thighs ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hey Annette! Great job so far! How are you these days (last post was 15 Aug) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi. I’m new to posting on this forum , but regularly read it! I need help as getting very confused about BMI vs waist size. I’m 47 and 5ft 2, have a BMI of around 19, sometimes dropping into the 18 range and waist size of 26.5 inches. I lost over a stone 18 months ago via WW and have maintained using the 5:2 or 6:1 depending on how many social events I’ve had on ! I was quite happy with this until I read that my waist size, for health reasons, should be 24 inch. For me to reach that size means dropping well below minimum BMI and I already have scrawny arms. My husband had asked me not to lose more weight- I fit in age 13 jeans now!! I’ve read that you can’t spot-lose fat via exercise (but I’m very active daily due to my job). What do I do? I feel quite deflated.

    I don’t think you can get an accurate picture with just one measure. I am 5 ft 4 and weigh 9 st 3 lb, which makes my BMI 22.1 which is fine, but my waist measurement ought to be 32″ or less, and it is actually 34-35″ which would make me quite overweight probably. However I am slim all over apart from my podgy pot-belly, which can expand by a couple of inches just after eating a normal meal. The measurements can be very different after a fast day or after a non-fast day, so I can’t rely on that measurement alone, although I would really like to see my stomach shrink, especially as we all know, belly fat is the worst kind of fat…

    @dhargreaves I would have to say that, with a BMI of 19 and wearing age 13 jeans, that you didn’t need to lose any more weight.

    I’m not sure where you would have read that you ‘should’ have a waist size of 24 inches. My advice would be to throw that darn book in the bin!!! The recommended ‘healthy’ waist size is no more than half of your height so at 5′ 2″ (62 inches) that is 31 inches – and you are well under that.

    Like everything to do with sizes and weight loss, that is only a guide as everyone is built differently ….striving to fit some sort of ‘pattern’ is not always healthy.

    You say your husband doesn’t want you to lose more weight and I would have to agree with him.

    Please stop obsessing about this – trying to fit into what some book or magazine tells us we ‘should’ be is what can lead to eating disorders and to making yourself unwell.

    Accept yourself – you sound absolutely an OK size to me – enjoy your new lighter self. And THROW THAT BOOK/MAGAZINE AWAY!!!


    Yes, I know what you are saying and logically that’s the answer I’d give someone else, but the press is full of waist size being a risk factor for disease. I’ve found tables (US sites ) showing height and ideal waist size , but surely dropping into an unhealthy BMI for the sake of your waist can’t be right? I wondered if the 5:2 or 4:3 might have the effect of burning the fat but allowing maintenance within a healthy BMI. I found I lost another 1/2 inch from my waist whilst maintaining on 5:2 but I can’t see how I can lose more sensibly.

    @dhargreaves …I am just going to repeat – there is nothing wrong with your current waist size.

    You asked ‘what do I do’ and you’ve been given advice.

    You have just said ‘Yes, I know what you are saying and logically thatโ€™s the answer Iโ€™d give someone else’ – so please listen to your own advice! YES – dropping to an unhealthy BMI for the sake of a couple of inches is TOTALLY WRONG

    Your BMI is fine as it is, you are not at risk because of your current waist size, your husband doesn’t want you to lose any more weight….

    I’m afraid, to put it bluntly, if you don’t want to take that advice then nothing anyone says is going to make a difference. I just wish, for the sake of your health, that I could convince you.


    re waist size you may well be short waisted as I am, therefore if the distance between your ribs and pelvic rim is shorter than the average you will not have room for a waist. I have started the 5.2 diet this week and I know that my waist even at age 24 and a size 6 was 26′ If I can get to a body fat percentage of 25% at 67 I will be very happy.
    Michael mentions body composition as a better way of measuring muscle and fat than scales so see if you can find a personal trainer with a Tanita scales or Bodystat machine. Don’t fall in to the trap of thinking that muscle weighs more than fat. It is scientifically impossible. Think of a pound of fathers compared to a pound of potatoes. muscle is denser than fat and takes up less room which is why going by your clothes fit or measuring all over your body is a better way than scales or BMI

    Thank you Jenni tee, that’s helpful. I think the BMI vs waist advice can be confusing and I wondered about the scientific and medical rationale behind it all. The waist sizes on some of the charts are very aspirational!

    dhargreaves I meant a pound of feathers!!not fathers. the rationale behind waist size is that abdominal fat can often be a indicator of internal visceral fat around the abdominal organs which is dangerous (see Michael’s orig book) and can lead to heart disease etc hence apple shaped is not a good look for health or beauty.Try measuring the distance between lowest rib and your bony pelvic rim and then measure some friends You will be amazed at the difference.

    @jenni.tee Re the waist length .. that’s really interesting about the distance from hip to rib..

    @dhargreaves This just goes to show that all these “rules” about what is right .. are APPROXIMATIONS based on AVERAGES… they are only rough benchmarks.. the first rule of thumb should always be your OWN body .. in all it individual non standard wonderfulness.

    When I first noticed that I had gained a waist, I started measuring that rather than around my navel because I am high waisted and can clearly see the narrowest part.As those measurements are shrinking, so is my abdominal fat which is part of my hip measurements.As long as there is a downward trend, then I am very happy.

    I’ve found the comments concerning waist to hight measurements both helpful and reassuring. I’ve been obsessing about my waist size as I’ve never had a small waist and have been worrying about the much published link with waist size and heart disease. I am 5.4 and currently 9.11 (137lbs) and aiming to get below 9.6 as my goal is to weigh less than 60kgs. I have read so many articles recommending a woman’s waist should be less than 30. Well, depending on where I put the tape measure, how much I breath in, and how tight I pull it, I can make my waist shrink from a 34 to a 29! I’m now going to stop worrying about it after reading all the comments and from now on i will just carry on concentrating on achieving my goal and enjoying this new way of eating/living. I’ve lost 11lbs in 8 weeks and feel rejuvenated on the 5:2 plan. I believe I will use this as a way of life in future as I feel so much healthier and happier :-))

    Hi Elainefriend,
    It is really confusing isn’t it?
    When I started this way of life in January 2013 My waist was 38″ and I was 11 stone 11 lb, BMI 30.5 at 5ft 1.My waist is now 33″ at 10 stone 10 lb, BMI 26.2.I am high waisted and just continue to measure where my waist is, which is becoming more defined as time passes. My aim is to achieve a waist of 30″, which I think will equal a weight loss of another 14 lb, which according to various BMI scales should put me into the BMI of 25 and normal.
    I am just going to see what I look like as I shrink(lost 24 inches all over to date). I have no desire to look gaunt or skinny at 52, but I do want to look healthy.It will be interesting to see how I look and what waist size is best for me.
    Well done on your weight loss to date.

    Hi Annette, Yes the below 30 desirable waist is confusing. Like you, I am high-waisted, if I put the tape-measure around my belly-button, I’m almost measuring my hips and in fact in that position, my waist is only a couple of inches smaller than my hips which are currently 37inches. My BMI is now in the normal range at 23.4 and yet my waist, as measured around the belly-button stubbornly refuses to budge, if I put the tape measure higher where I do have a natural curve, then I’ve probably lost an inch but seeing as I’ve now lost 12lbs, the weight is definitely not budging as fast in the waist dept as it is from my hips, legs, back & bust. But, I am really happy on this diet. I bought some bio analytical scales and have been delighted to note that I’ve only lost fat, no muscle at all, in fact my muscle mass has increased on this diet so I’m really impressed by that. As a woman of a certain age (older than you) one cannot afford to lose muscle. So for me this diet is a win, win and I aim to reach a goal weight before my next birthday in July, ill keep you posted as to my progress and waist size.

    Hi Annette, Forgot to say well done on the weight loss so far. Keep me up to date with your future losses and how it impacts your waist size. Have a Happy Easter, don’t eat too many chocolate eggs though! I am currently in Greece, Easter is the biggest celebration of the year here, staying on track with the weight loss will be a challenge in the coming few days, luckily I’m not a chocolate lover so I will stick to the red-painted hard boiled eggs that will be in abundance here! Well-done again to you for your well-earned weight loss :-))

    Yes I have just measured around the belly button and I have a waist of 37 inches too!I first noticed that I was gaining a waist on this way of life and thought it made far more sense to measure my natural waist.These are the inches that I am counting as my waist.I also have some teeny tiny abs from running too!
    My tummy is shrinking, but very slowly. I guess that being ‘of a certain age’ is not helping.I refuse to accept that I shall have to put up with and accept not having a waist(which some of my friends insist is the norm).
    I have a small Easter egg to look forward too and I will enjoy it too.
    I will let you know when I whittle a bit more off my natural waist. Around the belly button is mostly my hips as well.Have a wonderful time in Greece.

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