Meal Time Strategies

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ayurvedic123 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Okay so how do you do it?
    Sit down at a table, eat standing up? In front of the telly?

    I try to not let myself mindlessly eat. So no eating, snacking or drinking while I write this. All meals, even a cup of coffee sitting down at the table.

    Trying to slow meself down too as I am eating. You don’t really get that full feeling til about 20 minutes into a meal! And I don’t know about you but for some people 20 minutes is a good 10 beyond a normal meal!

    When you finish your plate. Getting it to the sink and washing up! Not filling it up with more!

    Then Brush my teeth. that says that I’m finished with the meal. It’s kind of a satisfying ritual.

    I’d also love to hear what strategies you have for mealtimes ? Whether at home or at the office or when you are out doing errands and don’t make it home in time for a meal. What do you do?

    -Trying Harder

    I think everyone has their own strategies around how to eat and not go overboard. For me it has been sticking to 3 meals a day- I haven’t “snacked” in the six weeks I’ve been fasting. I have trained my body to eat three times each day at a certain time. In terms of serving size- I fill my plate with a reasonable amount of food and tell myself I will not eat anymore than whats on my plate. If I’m at a restaraunt I order what I want but I also have them bring a to-go box. When the food and box come the first thing I do is dump 1/2 of my plate in the box, close it up and only eat what’s on my plate. I’m also a calorie “estimator” on my non-fast days. Although I don’t count every calorie I do keep a mental tally of what my total intake is so that I don’t go overboard. Also- and this is huge- never ever go to a buffet! I used to go to buffet’s 1-2 times per week but have found I can’t resist the temptation to keep eating. By not going at all I remove that tempation entirely. I hope some of this helps!

    OOO thats a neat idea! To box up half your meal when you are at a restaurant! But wouldn’t happen here in France. They don’t do doggy bags in this country, ever!

    I think it is really important to stick to sitting down and eating at a table.

    Confirmation this morning on the BBC. Apparently we wolf down an additional 30% if we eat in front of the telly or a computer screen !!

    I too am trying to eat at the same time every day. And supper earlier rather than later. I don’t have acid reflux but I used to! Finally got that under control by having a meal followed by a walk around the block. And not endless cups of coffee or tea throughout the day.

    My main meal is at lunchtime. Dinner is often a bowl of soup or stir-fried greens. I even like romaine lettuce like this! Nice and crunchy yet hot ! Maybe it is just the season but the idea of eating a cold salad just doesn’t sound appealing!

    -Trying Harder

    I think everybody has their own methodologies around how to eat and not go over the edge. For me it has been adhering to 3 dinners every day-I haven’t “nibbled” in the a month and a half I’ve been fasting. I have prepared my body to eat three times every day at a specific time. As far as serving size-I fill my plate with a sensible measure of nourishment and reveal to myself I won’t eat any longer than whats on my plate. In case I’m at a restaraunt I arrange what I need however I likewise make them bring a to-go box. At the point when the nourishment and box come the principal thing I do is dump 1/2 of my plate in the case, shut it down and just eat what’s on my plate. I’m likewise a calorie “estimator” on my non-quick days. In spite of the fact that I don’t tally each calorie I do keep a psychological count of what my aggregate admission is with the goal that I don’t go over the edge. Additionally and this is tremendous never at any point go to a smorgasbord! I used to go to smorgasbord’s 1-2 times each week however have discovered I can’t avoid the compulsion to continue eating. By not going at all I expel that tempation. I trust a portion of this makes a difference

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