Make March Mine

This topic contains 339 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  lilymartin 1 year, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 350 total)

  • Day 22 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Feeling good today. Sun shining brightly, birds singing, Springtime is really moving at a pace, love this time of year.

    @ jaifaim, I have already booked an apartment in Malta, in Birgku ( spelling?) with amazing direct sea views across to Valetta and access via water taxi, plus parking outside for a car so we can explore the island more at our leisure, and explore the three cities and Valetta by foot. Now just have to wait to see which airline flies there in March 2024,,, 😄

    In the meantime I am organising our road trip to Spain in October, making sure everything is a fait accompli this year, as last year was all a muddle and another Staycation cannot be borne again this year 😆 I love Ireland, but sometime ya need to get out!!!!

    @funshipfreddie, your Reno guy must have had his ears burning knowing we were talking about him !!!!

    Being trained in a new book of business in work, it’s going great, so I am in the position of being both trainee, and trainer to two new staff….but I am enjoying the challenge. Only a few weeks ago I was annoyed at my boss, but after my strong words to her, things have gotten better. Oh if I had only been this bolshie when I was younger, I could have ruled the world ha ha !

    Have a great hump day 🐫

    Day 22 – Ireland – FD800 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hello everyone! Later than usual as early start with cycle and work calling me….

    Well maybe it’s all in the mind… I went for a fd800 yesterday and it was surprisingly easy… so far today I’m a little undecided but might go for another FD800. I’ve realised I expect my body to keep up with me and instantly reflect my great efforts… it’s not happening of course so this is where patience is key. I must believe that change will follow … not straight away but soon.

    Hey @malee57 where are you? And how were the blue mountains and the festival? I’m really interested to hear 🎵

    @matpi – how and where are you? I hope you are ok.

    @daffodil2010 Birgu is a fantastic spot to stay … just such a magnificent view of the three cities and with easy access to Marsaaskala and Marsaxslokk and beyond to the blue grotto etc.. I love the west coast too. Ah I just love the whole place 🇲🇹. It’s great to have the plan in place for next year!!! 🏖️ Well done on the work situation – it effects us so much so always great to be able to speak your mind.

    @funshipfreddie hurrah! That’s such a relief – funny how that happens.

    @snowflake56 hope the dancing is fun! Your friend is very lucky to have you both close by and up for fun 🤩

    @gardenlily funny image of you skipping the headless dummy at the tip 😂😂😂

    @at your walk sounds lovely! I’m back in the zone of a good walk each day and feeling the benefit to my mood and focus. No ginger cake for me but it sounds delicious! One of my favourite flavours.

    @stitchincarol it’s not like you not to have chatter so you must be busy busy busy! I hope you are ok and back to the chats soon 💕

    @penz bravo bravo bravo! 👏 how’s the halo today? 😇 .

    @ccco good to see you here….and @northgeorgia – good to see you are keeping to your usual routine with posting… I do hope you are ok.

    @lilymartin i hope thé catering day went well. I looked up Liquorice slices… like caramel slices with allsorts? Oh mon dieu… delicious!

    Ok I’d better dash…and stop thinking about ginger cakes, liquorice slices, Guinness truffles… 🥴

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 22 Pocket List

    @jaifaim FD800

    Day 22 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. Still lots of work to do, both at work at home…but onwards we go.

    USA day 22. ADF

    I was suddenly not liking the direction I was going (UP), so I decided to see what would happen with ADF. We’ll see !!

    Pocket List – Day 22 🍋

    Sorry haven’t been able to write much lately! Too much going on but I am reading all the posts. Hope you all are having a great day! 🙂

    Day 22 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 2min plank ✅ – 150.2

    My WF went fine yesterday, and didn’t even have to resort to gum to get me through to bedtime, but my weight is a full pound lower than two weeks ago (although up from last week, but that was a weird week because of the conference I was at). Progress is tediously slow, but progress is progress–and I’m not GAINING weight, so that’s a good thing!–and I’m feeling positive about my journey these days. Will I be 141 at Easter? Nope. But neither will I be 157!!!

    @at I haven’t made banana bread in ages, but will have to consider rum-soaked-raisins next time! 😉 I did make Banoffee Pie for Sunday dinner (complete with a GF crust from vanilla GF oreos [Walmart brand] for DS31 that was as good as any crust…a big relief!) and it was a hit for all of us….although, truly, just a plain Banana Cream Pie is probably still what I prefer. But it was fun to make it and enjoy it, and I’m thankful it’s gone now, LOL!

    @jaifaim It’s VERY impressive you wore an outfit from 21 years ago; WELL, well done, you!!

    @merryapple Fascinating about the Brides Bonn you made!

    @lilymartin A licorice slice?? Truly? Do elaborate! And someone you missed from your list: @michelinme I’m actually getting worried…Is she fine? Is her daughter fine? Is her mom fine? This long a silence is not good.

    Oh, @funshipfreddie, GREAT quote: “Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.” ~ Richard G. Scott

    @penz Yup, I’ve been finding myself busier than other years seem in memory, and had the same reaction to @northgeorgia‘s weight of 213!

    @daffodil2010 “Boiled loin of bacon”??? Hmmm. I’ve never seen that at a grocery store. This is what our US bacon looks like: And here’s what uncooked, unsliced pork belly looks like: But a pork loin? Clearly, it’s nothing like bacon. Now see my confusion?? 😂🤣😂

    @gardenlily Actually, I see no reason I can’t talk about the book. It’s fiction that I keep forgetting is fiction–because it’s so well written–about a topic important to the author, about Filipina girls getting caught up in the sex trade there. The particular girl in his novel fought hard but was truly captive, and it’s the story of her life from about 14/15 (we never actually know for certain except that she’s lying when she says she’s 16) until she’s a bit shy of 30. The angle that my author wants to see fixed is all the children fathered by expats who then abandon their babies and the mothers. It hits close to home for me because my brother fathered a boy in the Philippines; thankfully, he took responsibility, and my whole family in the States has a relationship with my nephew via FB and FB Messenger…not much of a relationship, obviously, but it’s there, and we’ve helped financially when things come up. The author has decided to self-publish, so I’ll include a link when he does.

    @funshipfreddie So lovely you finally heard back from your original reno! I actually edit very little these days; my established clients have all stopped writing and I’ve done nothing to find new clients. And are you suggesting that staying in my nightgown all day when I’m editing is somehow shameful and inappropriate??????????????? 😂

    @penz Well done on resisting the Guinness Truffle Chocolate!!

    @snowflake56 I hope the dancing was fun and especially that it was a good experience for your friend.

    @jaifaim Yeah, I always LOOK like a zombie in the morning even while my fingers are flying over the keys of my laptop, but yesterday? Nothing, LOL. I’m back to normal today, and have even passed that wake-up stage of zombie-like appearance!

    We have services on Wednesdays during Lent, all preceded by a meal, and tonight’s meal is pulled pork sandwiches served by the choir. My job is to make a chopped cabbage salad with golden raisins, chinese noodles, and a balsamic dressing–a yummy favorite the congregation all knows and loves as mine, LOL. I’ve been mulling over how restrained I can be and have decided I’m not even going to try to skip the desserts, but will skip the bun for the sandwich, and will not eat more than a single full serving of a dessert…or enough nibble-portions that they add up to a full serving! As has become habit, I’ll break my fast at 1:30 with two hard boiled eggs, and I think that’s all I’ll need until our early meal. And that’s my pledge to you all!

    Okay, my silent streak has clearly ended, LOL! Have a grand one, everyone!

    And I’m holding on to this when I’m tempted to add a bun to my pulled pork tonight: “Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.” ~ Richard G. Scott

    Day 22 – UK Cam – NFD
    Quick post for accountability – weighed in this morning 137.4 so not much change but quite as expected after Mother’s Day indulgence. Learnt a new skill this morning – brick-laying! Need a soak now to ease muscles and then out for meeting so will catch up/chat more tomorrow.

    Echoing @funshipfreddie – Happy Hump Day~~

    Day 23 FD Auckland

    Trying to not be ruled by scales and haven’t weighed in for the last two mornings. In truth the temperature has dropped and I don’t want to get out of my Jim jams, sox and tartan dressing gown before I start eating and drinking! Macintosh the Westie gets me up at 0700 hrs come rain or shine.
    @gardenlily I so admire your studio clean up. I need to do that badly. Hope I don’t uncover anything too dead when I do! Love the dumping the body at the tip story. Midsommer Murders??
    I have seen two rats up in the oak tree using the branches like a highway and y’day there was a well fed rat in the garage so I need to do some pest control. There are so many cats around you’d think they’d be on the case. Mac’s job was to keep cats off the property so the birds have a safe landing place but now he’s so old they are colonising in.
    @lilymartin Not sure about the sound of a liquorice slice myself. I love liquorice but in baking?
    @daffodil2010 I dream of going to Spain… Goya and food!
    Have a good day!

    Pocket List

    Day 23, NFD, Aus

    Great news about your workplace @daffodil2010 – good to hear things have improved with your boss. I’m having issues with one of my staff members. She’s very very junior and basically a part-time admin assistant. She was very upset last week when she was not invited to a meeting I had with the CEO. She felt I denied her a networking opportunity. Why she thinks she should have been included in that meeting is beyond me!

    I’m the same @jaifaim – logical me knows that weight is not going to magically drop by the kilos overnight, but impatient me wants to see results NOW.

    Good to see you checking in @ccco and @northgeorgia.

    Thanks for all the praise resisting the Guiness truffle chocolate but I feel it’s all misplaced. Yesterday’s planned FD just didn’t. I realise I am trying to do FDs when I should be channelling @stitchincarol and yoda: there is no try, only do.

    I’m away all next week on one of those work love-in retreat – let’s solve all the problems in the company type things. Ho-hum.

    Brick-laying! Do tell, @gardenlily!

    Day 23 Melbourne, Australia FD

    I got back from my time away yesterday and then spent so long catching up on posts that I was too tired to write a post myself. We had a great time at the music festival, and I discovered 2 (to me) new musicians so am very happy about that. And enjoyed seeing musicians that I already love listening to. My sister that I spent most time with does not eat breakfast so most days ending up being TRE just because that is the way we both function. So happily, my weight basically did not change.

    Today I am attempting to follow @funshipfreddie‘s example and not eat anything until 3.30pm. The morning was not difficult as I was busy, and I do not usually eat until 11.00am anyway. But I now am looking at the clock every 5 minutes to check whether I can eat yet.

    I laughed at the thought picture of the headless body being dumped at the tip.

    @daffodil2020 thank goodness things seem better at work. Work colleagues (not just bosses) can be difficult at times, as per @penz.

    Day 23 – Dorset – NFD

    Morning All, my friend has been staying so sadly my diet has been out the window and after eating things like rice and pasta all my joints are playing up!!

    We are away on Saturday for 5 days, so I will see you all at the end of next week. Tomorrow will be full on trying to sort out work, us going away and my daughter going away with the school! My brain does not function with too much.

    I haven’t had time to read the posts but hopefully someone is hosting April?

    Have a lovely week/s

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    So glad yesterday’s FD is over. I was feeling quite tired & grumpy by about 4 pm. The manopause maybe? 😅 But I persevered & had around 650 cals.

    @dramaqueen6 – what’s the link between pasta/rice & joints? I’ve noticed some mornings a couple of my fingers are a bit sore when I wake up, but only for a couple of minutes 🤔 Enjoy your trip! 🚙

    @stitchincarol – no, I’m not suggesting staying in your nightgown all day is shameful; I wouldn’t dare 😳 😅

    Drat, gotta rush…

    Pocket List – Day 23 🍓

    Day 23 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Quick post as the morning is running away from me. All well here and still plodding on.

    Feeling sore after my workout this morning, it was pretty tough on the legs, but I intend to keep at it as the summer of motorcycle riding beckons and I need to be supple and limber enough to hoist my considerable frame onto the back of the bike without a struggle 😄 I can do squats very easily, my joints seem in good nick, so not bad for a 55 year old!!!

    Oh @stitchincarol, it was taking ages to,open those links so I will later. Interested to see what the bacon loin is ha ha n

    Have a great day – it’s an FD800 today

    Day 23 – Ireland – FD800 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    So a tough day food wise yesterday… I woke hungry but was going ok so went with the aim of doing FD800 but then I struggled yesterday afternoon…then had a last minute dinner offer with a friend but she is really mindful about what she eats so I’d say I came in over 800 but not by lots… will be interesting to see the scale tomorrow… @merryapple I’m staying away from the scales during the week as they are annoying me 😂
    Resolve is low today… must get my brain into gear… have woken hungry and keep thinking about foods I shouldn’t eat… may try a milky coffee and see if that sorts me out until later.. I usually don’t eat until lunchtime during the week…

    Like others I’m feeling a little tired and achey at the moment.

    Enjoy jour trip @dramaqueen6! And good luck with getting everything done beforehand. Same for @penz – sounds like an interesting event and what a workplace to offer a week away! Wow!
    @funshipfreddie well done on getting through the day. I knew that struggle too. Hate those days…
    @malee57 welcome back!

    Thanks @stitchincarol it felt good … just have to keep up the work now… good to see you back to the chats.

    Ok… going to sign up to FD800 today and have that coffee and then start the day again 🙃

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 23 Pocket List

    @jaifaim FD800
    @daffodil2010 FD800

    Day 23 – USA/GA – ?

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Might try for a 3rd FD today, but will play it by ear. Sunday will probably be the next one in any case.

    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 2min plank ✅ – 151.0

    I didn’t do horribly yesterday, skipping the bun on the pulled pork sandwich and having only one dessert–a cookie–but I nibbled on lots of meat while I was getting it heated up, and lots of sliced almonds when I was making the cabbage salad, and lots of English toffee bits when nibilitis hit me. I think there was more, as well, but since this is a new day, I’m not going to try to remember my failings from yesterday and start fresh today. 😉😇

    Another migraine today: I’ve had to take migraine medicine five days in the past eight days, after taking none for many, many months. I’m due for my annual in the next month anyway, so I’m going to ask about a med I can take to stop this cluster, because I’m fed up with them. They’re not debilitating as they were when I was younger, but they’re still miserable, and I want them gone.

    I’m in a race with the clock because I slept later than usual, so don’t have time for chatter (although it’s in me today, LOL) but I’m so intrigued, @gardenlily and @merryapple, with chatter of a studio clean up and a body and Midsomer Murders⁉️🤔 And @penz you made me chuckle–and shake my head in equal bafflement at your junior worker–throughout your post! @funshipfreddie You made me laugh out loud–I’m still laughing! So glad I have your tacit approval to wear my nightgown as long as I want each day, LOL!

    And now I must replace this nightgown with actual clothes and get myself across the street to church to do my work there. Have a grand one, everyone, and you can cheer me on that I make huge progress on my edit: I only have 48 pages to go! 😏

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 23 Pocket List
    @jaifaim FD800
    @daffodil2010 FD800
    @northgeorgia ???
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 23, Germany, NFD

    A late post today, early dance class, doing quick step with sore legs and abs was challenging. It seems we’re using untrained musles with line dance and I’m not used to dancing on flat shoes.

    @malee57 Welcome back!

    @daffodil2010 I’m glad you feel better at work.

    @penz I hope your week away with work will be succesful. Perhaps being together in a different environment will help.

    @gardenlily Brick laying, that’s difficult, I tried it once but was unable to get it even.

    @dramaqueen6 Like @funshipfreddie I’m also wondering about the link between rice/pasta and joints. Enjoy your time away!

    @merryapple I only weigh myself once a week, on Wednesday, I prefer to go with the clothes I wear and a look in the mirror.

    @jaifaim and @stitchincarol My DH and I had a lot of fun trying to do line dance, my friend didn’t like it very much and doesn’t know if she wants to come with us again. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. We had our problems following the instructions but it was our first try and I’m sure next time we’ll be better.

    @stitchincarol I hope the medication did help! Any idea what triggers it?

    Day 23 ( late) country west Australia NFD
    Had an accidental FD on day 22 thanks to a killer migraine and feeling so sick.
    But back in the land of the living today. DD came to dinner – salmon and rice and bok choy.
    Yum and not too calorific.😋
    @northgeorgia, to FD or not to FD ? Just be kind to yourself. 💐
    @jaifaim, there are days like that when being mindful doesn’t come easy. Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start. Funny though, I too am staying away from Cruella most of this week!!😲
    @daffodil 2010, you do sound pretty fit for 55 years young. The summer motorcycle riding sounds fun, but I admit to being a tad trepidatious ( not sure if there is even such a word!!) around motor bikes.
    Too worried I would fall off. 🙄
    @Funshipfteddie, I LOVE your word ability. Manopause – love love love it!!!😁
    @dramaqueen6, life happens! Day at a time. And some days are good and some not so good diet wise.
    I am just SO pleased to be back on this particular wagon. I lurch a bit up and down but am SOOOO motivated. And though Cruella is not showing much of a downward trend, my clothes are fitting better, I making better food choices, I am eating FAR less and friends are noticing the tractor tyre disappearing! 😇 we are here to hold your hand and keep you company on your journey. 🤝
    Duty calls. Will post more later…..

    USA. Day 23. FD

    Day 23 Pocket List
    @jaifaim FD800
    @daffodil2010 FD800
    @northgeorgia ???
    @stitchincarol WF

    Down 5 lbs.! Yahoo! 🙂

    Day 24 NFD NZ

    Woohoo I’ve broken into the 80s (just!) with 89.8kg. I’m chugging along with this WOL trying to eat ‘normally’ and do 2xFD per week. So no calorie counting, make sensible food choices and try to balance the weekly meat vs veg days… It’s amazing to me that I can eat and lose weight without a ridiculously rigid restrictive diet. Thank you 5:2!!!
    Go @ccco! It’s a great feeling isn’t it!
    @lilymartin Yes the old tractor tyre… I much prefer this term to muffin top, I must say. Maybe it’s the young and the restless who have muffin tops?!
    @malee57 lovely that you had a great time. Amazing to be able to gather again in crowds and have fun!
    @stitchincarol You should try and find Midsomer Murders on Youtube. They are murder mysteries set in the charming English village of Midsomer and environs. The characters range from rural workers to the upper crust who are usually driven by one or other of the seven deadly sins to knock each other off in the most inventive of ways. The crimes are solved by a long suffering detective and his sergeant.
    Sorry to hear about migraines @lilymartin and @stitchincarol. They’re not much fun. And @dramaqueen for achey joints from ?gluten.
    @jaifaim Be kind to yourself and sending hugs. Remember the Elvis suit😁
    @snowflake56 Your line dancing sounds so much fun. I used to do Western riding when I lived in California in the 1980s. We would go for a ride then have dinner and line dancing in full Western kit (black cowboy hat, grey boots with black embroidery, spurs, black satin shirt with turquoise tassels). Yahh baby!
    @funshipfreddie I too love manopause. I heard on the TV last night the name Funship in relation to cruises. I didn’t know that!
    @daffodil2010 Love the motor bike fitness squats. Who knew!
    Onward and downward!

    Day 24, NFD, Aus

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 24 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went well. The challenge is to keep today’s NFD’s eating within reasonable limits. I’m going to be quite busy so I hope it won’t be too difficult.

    Well done @merryapple! Each milestone is exiting to reach. I don’t count calories either. On a FD I eat only fruit and vegies with a small amount of protein, and not too much of those. And on the NFD I try to watch my serving sizes (sometimes as it gets bigger and bigger) and try not to snack too much.

    Day 24, Germany, FD800

    We’re having rainy nights and sunny days here at the moment, it’s the weather I like.

    @ccco Well done! I also don’t count calories. We always cook from scratch, I think that helps.

    @merryapple Well done on getting in the 80s! Riding, dinner and dancing, that must have been fun! Our lives have changed a lot since the 80s, haven’t they? Before doing 5:2 I never did any diet and I’m really glad I found this WOL. It works and I like the flexibility but I have to stick with it otherwise my weight is going up again.

    Pocket list day 24
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 24 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    So a good day FF800 yesterday… I’d have hoped to see a lower number on the scales this morning but I do feel good, know I’m slimming down but it’s just a little disheartening that recent efforts are not showing up yet but… they will, they will, They will. 😁🥴 and I’m still sun 160 👍 Scales being locked away now til 31/3.

    @merryapple go you!!!! 👏👏 and thanks! I did and my strategy worked yesterday… an early treat and a little reward for two good days reset me and I was good to go for the rest of the FD800.

    @lilymartin and @stitchincarol I’m so sorry to hear about the migraines… I do hope it passes for you… I’m struggling still a little bit but find cranial physical therapy and cutting dairy (most days) and gluten is making a big difference to the vertigo and headaches I developed recently. Maybe that could help you? I gave up taking the painkillers daily as figured they were causing other issues… I’m still waiting on test results but decided to try my own solutions in the mean time.

    @snowflake56 what a shame your friend didn’t enjoy it but you tried and she tried. It’s not for everyone I’m sure but It would have been a lot of fun for her and with friends … I think the trick is to not take it too seriously. I know I don’t … I’m going to an Irish dance class at the moment (just for fun with a friend) and I’m rubbish at remembering the steps.. was actually quite good when I was young but now I’m definitely a freestyler… still it’s an excuse for the two of us to do something different and energetic… this term is over soon and I think we’ll do something else but we will see.. 😂

    @malee57 – with you on the toughest of days, the old NFD 👍 must keep focus now…

    @ccco – way to go you!!!!!!’ The best news 👏✔️

    Hi @northgeorgia 👋 and @penz – enjoy!

    @daffodil2010 – good for you being able to hop into the bike 🏍️. I love that feeling – it’s been a good few years now so am envious of your trips – just the best feeling in the world on the open road. Particularly in warm climes… 🏍️🧡🏍️
    Ok off now to seize the day 🌅

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @ccco – 5 lb down! 🥇👏

    @merryapple – well done on hitting the 80’s! 🎯💪 The Fun Ships – yes, Carnival Cruise Line’s ships are know as the Fun Ships. When I was working on them, Fun Ship Freddy was the mascot. He walked around the ship greeting (scaring?) children & having his picture taken. I always thought he looked a bit creepy. His head was in the shape of the ship’s funnel, & he was in red, white & blue. I think he’s been ‘retired’ now, like me 😅

    @dramaqueen6 & @snowflake56 – I googled pasta/rice & joints. And found – “The Arthritis Foundation reports that joint pain has also been associated with gluten consumption. The connection is believed to be because gluten can cause an inflammatory response in the body.” So I guess pasta or anything with wheat, barley or rye could cause joint pain/inflammation. Rice should be okay, but not necessarily the sauce. And you can go your whole life without a gluten intolerance, but “according to The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Centre, severe trauma, illness, stress or pregnancy may trigger a gluten intolerance later in life in someone who carries the genes for it”.

    @stitchincarol – I bet you’re reading this in your nightgown. Am I right? 🤔 😂

    Happy Fri-yay y’all! 🍹

    Day 24 UK NFD

    Back from amazing Rome trip,plan to ease back into reality over the weekend and have a v good last week , I’d love to get back to pre trip weight – still a good 10lb over my goal weight but lowest I’ve been in a good while – looking forward to having a good catch up seeing what everyone has been up to

    Happy Fri-yay ☀️

    Day 24 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 212 lbs. Yes, I did a FD yesterday 🙂 We have contracted a roofer for next week, and hopefully the pool repair guy will finish the filter installation today. We’re slowly tackling a lot of the projects my dad wanted to do himself (but wasn’t able to). Hopefully get my mom’s Social Security set up next week, or at least on its way. We’ve already had two meetings this month. Got to get my tires rotated tomorrow morning (during some expected downpours…ugh, hate driving in the pouring rain).

    I’m thinking of moving my next FD to Monday, as I have a lot of running around and meetings to do at lunchtime that week.

    Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 2min plank ✅ – 148.4

    Delightful number this morning; that’s what the scale says when your body is empty, LOL! I look forward to when that’s the normal number. 😉

    Life is is feeling chaotic this morning: we have friends coming over for supper tonight, and I have a fair amount of tidying and vacuuming to do; I have only 30 pages left to finish my edit job…but we have friends coming over for supper tonight; DH had an attack of vertigo in the night…and we have friends coming over for supper tonight.

    GAH! He’s already better now, and I suspect the vertigo will be gone in time for him to enjoy the evening, and we won’t have to cancel, but I hate the misery he experienced in the night.

    And, yes, @funshipfreddie, I’m still in my nightgown and plan to stay that way when I head to the kitchen shortly to make the broccoli/apple salad and the lemon posset! 😂😂😂

    I’ve skimmed the posts, but overslept and am feeling pressure to get my day started; at least oversleeping means I’m well-rested, right?

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 24 – UK – TDEE
    Day 23 – CD
    Day 22 – CD

    Busy week but staying in control and still going strong with my alcohol free Lent!

    With the talk of chocolate it made me realise that I haven’t had any chocolate either since the beginning of Lent – not planned but I’ll take it and might as well carry on until Easter – really hoping to see that 58kg mark by the end of this challenge 🫰

    Weather not the best here in the Lakes, but we did get short spells of sunshine amidst all the rain and wind – @funshipfreddie If the weather is mizzly, it is raining with many very small drops: It was a grey, mizzly day

    No walk today, wet and wild start to the day so decided to have coffee with friends instead, then some food shopping followed by a busy afternoon of baking and cooking – Sultana Scones, Apricot and Pistachio Flapjack – double batch of Ottolenghi’s Spicy Mushroom Lasagna, a small one for OH tonight and a bigger one for the freezer for another night and a large Apple and Blackberry Crumble

    I’m out with friends tonight for dinner and a live Jazz concert celebrating Michael Brecker’s compositions with a performance by California tenor saxophone virtuoso Tod Dickow with the trio Charged Particles, who recently sold out their appearance at the historic club Birdland in New York City with guest trumpeter Randy Brecker – (Michael Brecker was a beloved innovator on the tenor saxophone whose unique voice and approach to the instrument influenced every saxophonist playing jazz today)

    @jaifaim – you wore an outfit from 21 years ago 😮 the only thing I own from my youth is my wedding dress, which was a champagne coloured crepe the chine cocktail dress, I loved that dress but I doubt that my waist line will ever be small enough for me to wear it again – it has a fitted top and nipped in waist and a gently flowing mid calf length bottom skirt
    @lilymartin – can you share how your liquorice slice is made – I love liquorice!!
    @malee57 – nice to see you back and what a bonus with no weight gain after a holiday!!
    @ccco – 5lbs down go you!!
    @dramaqueen6 – enjoy your week away
    @merryapple – great job in breaking into the 80’s
    @brightonbelle – nice to hear that Rome was amazing! a friend of mine recently returned from a week in Florence – said it was way too busy but she still enjoyed herself!
    @northgeorgia – 212…..that 210 mark is getting closer – you have got this!

    I’m hoping today will be a OMAD TDEE despite going out tonight – I have managed to get by with only water/tea/coffee so far today and just with a dash of milk in the hot drinks – will try to make safe choices, but being alcohol free certainly will free up calories 🤣 as normally I would have had a couple of large glasses of red wine during the evening!!!!

    Right I’m off to have a shower to get rid of all that cooking smell, then a bit of a rest before heading out for the evening

    Have a good weekend one and all x

    Day 24 – UK Cam – NFD
    Well, the bricklaying was fun except now I see that the bricks I laid are not level with the ones either side! Result – wonky capping on my flower bed 🙁 DH said it adds character … Hmmm, think I’ll leave it to the expert next time and content myself with being the tea lady!

    Gone down with a bad chest – not Covid but I feel rotten, sore throat, no appetite (yay – silver lining!) headachy and feeling washed out plus coughing a lot (perhaps it is Covid altho test was negative). DH being a very bossy nurse, telling me to sit down, sit still and relax – def. not me!

    Sorry to witter on about myself – hope the migraines are better @stitchincarol & @lilymartin – they can really lay you low.

    Take care everyone, and keep on striving.

    Day 25 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    I’ll be having a routine school day so there should not be too much problem staying in control of eating. My sister is still staying in my house, and I don’t snack as much when someone else is around.

    @gardenlily poor you. It is not fun having a cold and feeling poorly. I had one while I was away and very generously shared it with my sisters. They were not overly impressed when I just told them that sharing is caring.

    @Brightbelle I can’t believe you are back from Rome already. Glad you had a good time.

    @Maiu thinking of you and household trying to set up supports for your DH.

    @northgeorgia good on sticking with this WOL during everything that is happening. Your mum is so lucky to have you there to help her with everything that needs to be done.

    Have a fun Saturday all.

    Day 25 NFD NZ

    Quick post
    Have a friend from California coming to stay tonight, leaving Tuesday. I have to tidy up and make her bed and cook something nice.
    I’m in knitting mode because the temp has dropped. I’m up to doing the sleeves top down and am attempting to work out the 2D shape, no of stitches needed while incorporating the stitch patterns. Then when I get to the armpits I go onto circular needles. Then I have remember what I’ve done so I can repeat it for the other side. It’s like doing 3D maths equations😬

    @gardenlily I did have a chuckle. Did you use a string line??Builders/bricklayers string is lovely hot pink colour. Enjoy your bossy nurse!!
    Onward and downward!

    Day 25, Germany, NFD

    Only one week to go this month!

    @funshipfreddie Thank you for the information on pasta/rice & joints. I didn’t know that.

    @brightonbelle Welcome back from another trip!

    @jaifaim It’s fine if my friend decides it’s not for her, we didn’t even expect she would join us. I don’t mind being clumsy, I’m just a beginner and I know it will get better and who cares? Perhaps she’ll change her mind and goes for another try, the next class is on Monday. I love to see Irish dance but it seems very difficult to me, the steps are so fast but I’m sure it’s fun to do it. I did belly dance with two friends in the 80s, that was absolutely not my thing. I felt ridiculous and uncomfortable doing it, the other two loved it and did another class.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 25 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hi @brightonbelle! So glad you had a great time 🇮🇹 and hope you feel better.

    @stitchincarol it sure sounds chaotic for you… I hope you get to relax soon.

    @at I did! 🎉 I have a lot of clothes that I had in the 90s and early 2000s.. bought in France back in the day and didn’t get to wear them a lot as medication changed things for years. So yes chuffed that I got to wear it again. And with any luck it will be looser next time… I have my wedding dress too … really should have given that to charity… I must do that – next project👍

    @snowflake56 I understand, I’m clumsy too and when I say I was good at Irish dancing I mean in school and very very young… things have changed since 😂😂 still it is so much fun to just go with the flow and not care too much anymore…

    Up and out early today. Have a great one.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @gardenlily – I hope your cold clears up soon. At least you know you’ll be right as rain before Easter 🤧

    I didn’t have the best night’s sleep. A thunderstorm, followed by my bladder waking me up, followed by a neighbour’s burglar alarm going off. Twice! And it makes the most awful racket. An electrical fault, I think; because it’s happened a lot recently. I persevered & still somehow managed an ’83’ sleep score 😇

    I was just reading about Bruce Springsteen & Chris Martin – both intermittent fasters; who knew?!

    Off for brunch & then to get stuck into the never-ending painting. That’s what I get for buying cheap paint, four coats in every room 🥴️

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. I will probably go for a FD tomorrow. My week is insane next week, filled with lunch-related meetings every day! One thing I have learned this past month is that it is possible to maintain or even lose a little even when not fasting or staying under 500/800. Lunchtime OMAD or if having supper, eat like a bird…and keep to protein and fats over carbs, especially junk carbs. Anyway, I know this upcoming week will be a challenge, but considering what a very emotionally draining month it has been and the irregularity in my 5:2, which could only be expected, I’ve done well — no better — than I have in January and February.

    The Easter season is upon us next month with its own challenges, but I think I can keep pressing towards that 210 threshold next month.

    Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – no plank today – 150.6

    The dinner went wonderfully last night, and stuck to my alcohol-free Lent, but slept horribly, suffering yet another migraine that came on about 9pm and never did quite respond to medicine. I have an appointment on Monday morning at 8am (so you know who won’t be posting that morning, LOL, since my doctor is 40 minutes away) to get a medicine that will “break the cycle” because a migraine every day, even when as mild as mine have been, is just not tolerable when there are options.

    And why am I up so far? I’m puzzled by that, because I didn’t eat all that much, and to prove the point, my rings are flopping around like crazy this morning. Who knows.

    I’m down to 20 pages to finish my edit, and am feeling like a horse headed back to the barn, and am eager to keep at it, so I’m going to skip chatter so I can finish this edit.

    Have a grand one, everyone.

    Day 26 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    Nothing exiting on today so I will push myself to get out and go to the library to do some paperwork. If I go to the library for this rather than in my study, I will not be near my kitchen. And will not be distracted by playing games or watching youtube on the computer.

    @stitchincarol good that the dinner party went well. Not good about the migraines. I hope you are able to get something that will stop them occurring.

    Day 26 NFD country west Australia
    I can feel the motivation for a good push to the end of March.
    Crazy busy month!! Will be back later this afternoon to herd the cats!
    Meanwhile, thanks for all who continue to post and encourage and empathise with the other ‘cats’
    on here.💐
    Out for the morning, then a friend’s birthday lunch then I WILL be home this afternoon.
    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. I hope it is restful and restorative.😊

    Day 26 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Up and out earlier today as am out with a hiking group today and oops I’ve lost an hour 🤭
    ⏰ change here today….springing forward ➡️
    Actually it doesn’t matter that much as I didn’t sleep very well…
    From tonight I need to get back to better sleep habits as my head is feeling the effects of a little sleep deprivation build up over the past week but… I’m doing ok and will have a lovely day with a difference today.
    Was due to possibly ski this weekend for 4 days but decided not to… think it was the right decision – just not there yet 💪

    Have a great one everyone and @stitchincarol I’m in the same boat.. actually noticed my rings the other day but not reflected on the scale. Curious. 🤔

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 25, Germany, NFD

    Just a quick post today.

    @jaifaim I also have the feeling, I’ve lost an hour, suddenly it’s 8:30! I think clumsiness has it’s charm and remembers other they also struggled in the beginning. Have fun hiking and I hope you’ll sleep like a log!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    The wheels fell off yesterday as far as sensible eating is concerned, so it’s back on the list for me.

    @stitchincarol – those migraines sound grim; I hope you find some relief soon 🤗

    Off to buy more paint & stay busy busy 🐝

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 26 🥝

    Day 26 – UK – CD
    Day 25 – TDEE

    A lovely dry and sunny day for a change so put on my walking boots and went out for a lovely meander, following some familiar paths and doing some off piste too covered 7miles and 1,355ft of elevation

    Back home for a well deserved brunch of avocado on toast with a 2 bigs cups of tea…..delicious 😋

    My jazz concert on Friday evening was fantastic, some of the best live instrumental jazz I have listened to for a while – good food and good company – I didn’t even miss having some wine whilst my companions all indulged, I sipped on sparkling mineral water with lemon and ice during the evening!!!

    @gardenlily – good on you for doing your brick laying, for the area you were doing it doesn’t matter if it isn’t perfectly level – bet you got great satisfaction from doing it yourself! Hope that bad chest is settling and hasn’t got worse – take care x
    @stitchincarol – I hope they can sort out some medication to settle those migraines of yours, so debilitating to get daily ones x
    @lilymartin – I will join you in a final push to finish “Make March Mine” on a positive note 💪
    @jaifaim – hope you enjoyed your group hike as much as I did my solo one – I messed up with the clock today – woke up at 7 according to my watch – turned over and next thing I know it was 8, until I realised that it was actually 9……quick cup of tea, changed and out the door by 10 for my walk – so glad I did too!!
    @funshipfreddie – happy painting and 🤞for that FD

    Good thing I made that extra Mushroom Lasagne on Friday as I won’t have time to cook today as an afternoon of sports awaits me – currently watching 🏏 T20 between South Africa v West Indies – Later we have the 🏉 Women’s Six Nation Rugby – France v Italy and the 🏏 Final of the Indian Women’s Premier League between Delhi Capitals and Mumbai Indians – I will be flicking channels trying to stay on top of it all 🤣 and that Lasagna can just be put in the oven to cook and we can enjoy it with a green salad.

    Hoping to stay in control today for a good CD with a FD800 tomorrow to have a good and positive start to the last week of this challenge…..

    Has anyone volunteered to take on April????? Did you know that there are several awareness months celebrated in April — though the five that often get the most attention include Earth Month, Stress Awareness Month, Alcohol Awareness Month, National Donate Life Month, and Autism Acceptance Month

    Who is joining me on a FD tomorrow – the more the merrier……

    Day 26 – Blah, blah, blah

    I’m stalling, because instead of the “up to 1 inch” we were supposed to get, it’s already up to 6″…and is still snowing. And I don’t wanna go. oh well, eh? I’ll be around to chatter after church, since this snow has put the kabosh on any other plans!

    Day 26 UK NFD

    Back from hospital appointment hopefully the root cause of my issues identified think an infection in sinus/bone so 3 more weeks of strong antibiotics

    See you on tomorrow’s list

    Day 26 – USA/GA – FD?

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. I shouldn’t have had that late night popcorn and milk. I wasn’t even hungry, and I knew better! Anyway, hoping to make today a FD and it may be my only FD of the week. Monday – nope, luncheon. Tuesday – nope, working lunch. Wednesday – at home with mom so probably not. Thursday – college spring carnival with free food. Friday – seriously? Saturday – never. So, I’m going to have to eat like a bird or not at all in the evenings most of the week to just keep me coasting into April.

    Still, as I reflect on my weight this month (which is obviously not at the top of my mind right now), it’s been my best month since November. It would be so nice to cross back into 200’s territory next month. And if I want to match my lowest month so far (one year ago, last March), then my average weight should drop three pounds from what my average is so far this month. That seems doable. I’m down two pounds on average from January and four pounds on average from February. Hopefully this will be the year my stall-out ends and I start moving beyond the 200s!

    Day 27 Melbourne, Australia FFD

    I can’t do a WFD, so I am doing a fluids only 24 hour fast. I had a big lunch yesterday and then some fruit. My fluid fast is from 4pm yesterday until 4pm today. I get a bonza headache if I don’t have my caffeine fix, so I don’t try for a water only fast.

    I slept in today so instead of going for a swim and then having a coffee with friends, I will have the coffee then go for a swim. The more exercise I can make myself do the better. After that I have to do a trip to an op shop and then go to the library to do the work I did not get done yesterday.

    Daylight savings ends next weekend. The days are definitely getting shorter and colder. No more salads to help me get through the FDs. I’m trying to keep to fruit and vegies so I don’t get hungry but now it is a stir fry rather than a salad.

    I need to get going to get things done. Have a good day all.

    Day 27, FD, Aus

    Checking in, read everything, but gotta run!

    Day 26 USA/HI NFD
    Weigh in this morning was a new low at 157lb. Also marks 20 lbs loss since getting back here Oct 1,2022. Not that much for almost 6 months but certainly better than not even trying. Another 25 lbs by Dec 31 would be amazing and maybe would be my healthy weight for my 5’3” height.
    Sorry I have not posted much in March. I seem to be in a daze or brain fog with so much to do and and unanswered questions as to what’s next. Of course, we must just take one day at a time. DH has not been able to get out of bed for 19 days now. And doctor says it is unlikely he will rebound at his age and condition. Still we keep trying as long as he is comfortable to tolerate some exercise. DS53 here with us and DS51 arrives April 5th.
    Thanks Malee57 and all who have been so supportive. Hope to better return the encouragement as time goes on.

    Day 27 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hello all on our first day of our last week…. Can you believe it.
    Great hike yesterday with a lovely group and I was nicely jaded last night. Glad you enjoyed yours @at… great climbing! it wasn’t great weather here but the company and cakes made up for that…
    I AM applying GREAT focus this week as have just taken out my swimsuits for my holiday in late April and am keen to feel as comfortable as possible on the beach with a group of friends and friends of friends .. 😆 so I’ll be planking, squatting, etc for the next three weeks 😂😂.
    Which of the group used to hula hoop???

    @brightonbelle wow that is good that the reason for the ongoing pain has been diagnosed and thinking about it you were lucky to have flown and not experienced problems… hopefully the antibiotics will do the trick now but mind yourself as they may floor you a little.
    @stitchincarol 🤣 blah blah blah indeed 🤣 hope the day got better.
    Well done @northgeorgia and @maui for just being here during your difficult times.
    Got to scoot… still not adjusted to the new time.. ⏰

    @michelinme where are you? I thought of you when I was walking yesterday… I do hope you’re ok… I am
    honestly only barely feeling back to myself now after Covid etc so can’t imagine how you got through long Covid but hopefully you are just busy.

    Be well all.
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 27 Pocket List


    Day 27, Germany, FD800

    Yesterday we had an unpleasent conversation with the friend who joined us to the line dance class and I woke up this morning out of a nightmare. This morning I’m on my own trying to follow the instructions as my DH has to work today. I’m glad I’m surrounded by ~25 friendly women and 1 man learning to do the steps as well.

    @brightonbelle I so hope the antibiotic will set a final end to this.

    @maui 20 lbs is a lot of weight, you did well. It’s not easy to keep everything together in the sad situation you’re in. How fortunate you are to have the help of your sons.

    Only a few days to go this month, I guess we’ll have a long pocket list today.

    Pocket list day 27
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

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