Maintenance program…difficulty with the 6:1…

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Maintenance program…difficulty with the 6:1…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  franfit 11 years ago.

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  • After a half year of 4:3 and reaching my target weight goal…I have had no difficulty keeping it off.

    My problem has been because of the pattern of Alternating Day Fasting for over half a year, I find I have slipped into a “habit” of sorts. I automatically (and more comfortably) find I am still eating 500-650 calories on what would have been a fast day although to compensate I have been intentionally eating heavier on my next day.

    So far it seems to be maintaining a balance and my weight is staying where I want it. So not complaining. Just wondering if anyone else who did the ADF feels this way?

    At first it felt odd…now I am just considering it a lifestyle change.

    I think that if this works well for you without causing you any problems, then why not stay with it? Maintenance seems to be the most difficult part of weight loss. What might bug me about it is having to eat more on the other days. I might worry that I might slip into some bad habits that way. But if it’s no problem for you, more power to you! Congratulations on reaching your goal!

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