5 of my 6 kids and I have chronic Lyme disease along with other tick borne infections (we live in the Northeast U.S where the rates are the highest) We all have various long-term auto-immune symptoms as a result such as short-term memory issues, joint pain, skin problems (severe psoriasis), nerve involvement, muscle twitching, heart palpitations – the list goes on and on.
I’ve been told by various health counselors and know that diet plays a HUGE part in managing the disease (there is no cure once you’ve had it long-term.) The problem is that the diets are always so restrictive and even after following them to the letter, I don’t see any change in anything (health or weight) after weeks and weeks. (When you have an auto-immune condition, you tend to put on weight due to the inflammation.) I’m wasn’t looking for a miracle, but I did expect to see some sort of improvement.
I recently watched the BBC documentary and it was the part about cells repairing themselves during a fast that got my attention. I’ve just started the 5:2 diet this week. I’m going to give it 5 weeks. If I see a significant difference (symptoms first, weight second) then you can bet I’ll be putting the entire family on this diet.
Will keep you updated as to the progress.
3:40 pm
15 Dec 15