Lupus – Thyroid problems and fasting

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Lupus – Thyroid problems and fasting

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Beavergong 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Back in 2002 I was diagnosed with SLE lupus now in late 2012 the doctor added an inflammed thyroid to the mix. I am a female and at 220lbs – trying whatever I can to lose weight. How does this diet help an inflammed thyroid. Just moved in late 2012 so waiting for insurance to kick in so I can find a local doctor to get meds. Thoughts. Help?

    Hi CanDoJack, Sounds like you’ve got a lot to deal with having SLE and thyroid problems. As both conditions are autoimmune diseases, they may respond to intermittent fasting. So all things being equal it sounds worth giving it a try and the weight loss will probably help anyway. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

    I had thyroid cancer 20 years ago and talked to my doctor about going on 5:2 and he encouraged me but decided to check my thyroxine levels after 3 months. I have lost 20 lbs over 3 months and my cholesterol and liver function test have improved dramatically. The doctor has just advised I need to adjust my oroxine down as my body is now processing it better. Talk to your doctor but my experience would be I feel terrific and have lost weight.

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