Lucy West post in Nov 13

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  katykat 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi, I have just started the 5.2, and am happy to report that after just 1 week I have lost 2.3/4lbs, a small miracle for me personally!
    I read the above post and Lucy was asking about eating her 500cals throughout the day and was given some advice which does not seem right to me. She was told to eat a meal on say Sunday evening and not eat again till Tuesday morning.
    In the book there are menus to use which indicate that you could have 2 small meals a day (in colour photo’s no less!) which I have been doing. I know that its up to the individual, but that advice would have put me off for life.
    I would urge folks to read the book if you can, someone mentioned it was in their local library.
    That said, there is some great advice and ideas on these forums indeed that is why I got the book in the first instance.
    I am very happy with my own progress, I have my teas with a dash of milk, egg or fish with a small salad with light dressing at lunch then a small meal with chicken or fish with loads of veg.
    I count the calories carefully and have come in at just under 500.
    I am only 1 week in, but will continue like this until weight losses change, its only 2 days a week, I can’t believe that it is working lol
    Good luck to all.

    On reading the posts again, it looks like Lucy wanted to eat dinners plus the 500cals.
    IGNORE ME, I’m New !!! lol

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