Low Carbs and 5/2

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  phoenixlj 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi Everyone. I have been on the 5/2 diet for 6 weeks now and have had awesome results- 19lbs lost! However, the majority of this was in the first 4 weeks and now I’ve noticed a signigant slow down. Has anyone else tried pairing the 5/2 with and ultra low-carb diet (50 net carbs max per day)?
    I’ve heard that this can really boost results and help you to see even bigger gains. My one real concern though is my weight training. I typically lift 3-4 days per week at high intensity and I don’t want to lose any strengh/endurance by not having carbs to push me through. Thoughts?

    Hi Jetsman:

    There are many reasons to eat fewer carbs, but your weight loss rate will probably not increase if you do. If you read my 17 Jan 15 post in this thread, you will understand why your weight loss was initially quick, and why it is now slowing down: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Hi- thanks for that. I totally understand the weight slow-down but I might have phrased my question wrong. I was wondering if there is anyone here that has tried to meld the two plans together- 5/2 and very low carbs at the same time and what type of results they’ve had personally. I might just try it for one week and see what happens. I’ll post to share my findings with the group!

    Hi Jetsman
    Many of us on the forum do low carbs. Especially those of us on the maintenance thread.
    If you watched the original show “Eat Fast and Live Longer”, Dr M explains that humans needed to be able to move and think when they were hungry, in order to find food. We have evolved to be sluggish when we have eaten a lot. Therefore, especially if you are carrying extra fat, you will be able to do your lifting, drawing on the fat deposits you already have on board.
    By minimising starchy/sugary carbs from your diet, you discover all sorts of healthy alternatives. By the time you reach goal, you have developed healthier eating habits. Craving for carbs gradually disappears.
    It never ceases to amaze me watching overweight people, all dressed up in their lycra, coming out of a gym, sweating, carrying sugary “sports” drinks or chomping into carb filled foods because “they need to replace them”. No they don’t. They already have enough reserves on their bodies to carry them through a famine.
    All the best. PVE

    Hi Jetsman:

    The reason people lose weight on a low carb diet is that they are a lot less hungry, so they eat less. Research shows that a typical person doing the ‘induction phase’ of the old Atkins diet eats only about 1200 cal. a day, even though they can eat as much fat/protein as they want. The result is weight loss of around a pound a week after the initial, quick weight loss that comes with getting rid of glycogen.

    With 5:2, you cut your calories by eating less two days a week. High fat/protein food is recommended on diet days so you won’t be so hungry. If you go on a low carb diet, you will be less hungry on your non diet days and may eat less than your TDEE. That should add a little more weight loss, but probably not a lot.

    However, there is nothing wrong with a very low carb diet and research shows that is the diet most people should now be following. And, research also shows that athletes on extended low carb diets (even power lifters) do as well as or better than their high carb eating counterparts.

    Good Luck!

    Thank you! I’ve decided i’m going to try to revamp my plan- for 7 days to try it out and see what happens. My plan is to continue with my 5/2 plan but also eat less than 50g net carbs for the other 5 days. I know this is going to be tough- I LOVE pasta and bread but I want to see how it turns out. I’ll update my status on here next Wednesday to let you know how the week went.

    good luck Jetsman! Please keep us posted on your progress! 🙂

    Hi Jetsman21 was you’re test a success? I’m thinking about doing the same thing

    Hi a Guys,

    I’m an ex carb junkie! The more you eat, the more you want to eat and on, and on, and on.

    I do low carb most of my 5 none fast days and find I am eating so much less than ai used to. Sometimes not even my allowed daily calories.

    Good luck

    And what’s you’re weight loss in pounds each week Jayegirl? Before pregnancy I used to lose 2 pounds a week on 5 2 alone. Post pregnancy it’s slowed right down! Some weeks I’m even gaining and its not muscle mass

    Phoenix, 3lbs a week so far but I am waiting for it to slow down. I also still drink on the weekends, well most Saturday’s.

    Ive only been fasting 5 weeks but have lost a stone. Like I said it will slow down soon and I might have to reduce my intake of alcohol. But I think reducing sugar in the form of bread, crumpets, cereals and yoghurts to name a few high sugar foods Ive dumped has made a huge difference in my appitite. I also don’t crave sugar now. I had weetabix yesterday with skim milk and no sugar, first time in my life lol. It was fine.

    I eat sweet potatoe now instead of regular potatoes, have a lot less rice, had very littke pasta. My main meals are meat, veg, sweet pots and I’m left full and satiated. Something I never felt before.

    Breaking long time habits is hard, but getting sugar out your system takes about a week, for me. Then I don’t crave it and I’m happy to have a small handful of almonds or 20 grapes rather than a crumpet or a teacake that leaves me wanting another, and another lol

    Excellent thank you hun, I don’t know why it’s so different this time round for me, I’m doing everything the same as last time (I shifted 3 stone then) this time it’s frustratingly slow. I’ll try you’re tips and keep you posted xx

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