Loving it!!

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Roddlez 10 years ago.

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  • I’m a 57 year old male from Sydney, Australia with Type II diabetes, controlled by diet/exercise. I’m now on Day 79 of the intermittent fasting diet. I can have very strong willpower when I put my mind to it and so I’m having no trouble on fast days. A typical fast day for me is a small bowl of porridge with skim milk followed by a coffee in the morning and a small carton of cottage cheese (which fortunately I love) at dinner. That’s about 500 Calories. I only have water during the day. On non-fasting days, its about 1500-1700 Calories in food. Everyday I go for a very brisk walk for about 9km, finding as many hills as I can, doing pushups every now and then on the way. My Magellan Switch watch, with heart monitor, registers an expenditure of about 650 Calories. And the results of all this?

    a. Gone from 83.0kg to 73.5kg with not much loss of lean tissue.
    b. I’m much fitter. My resting heart rate has gone from about 70 to 48bpm.
    c. My fasting blood sugars have gone from 7-8mmol/L to 5-6mmol/L and random BGL results are lower as well. Haven’t seen any double figures for quite a few weeks.

    Why do I love this diet?

    As a yo-yo dieter from way back, I would always lose weight from dieting and exercise using immense willpower, but always fell back eventually to my original weight. That was because a long period of dieting, eating only 1200 Calories per day, was so restrictive. Now, fasting two days per week is no great sacrifice. I don’t feel tired (in fact, I feel more energetic and still walk my 9km or so on fast days – the other fast day I walked non-stop for 19.6km in three hours.) And on the non-fasting days, those extra 400-500 Calories above the previous 1200 limit I have allows me to not feel hungry. It also allows for the occasional treat. And when my scheduled fast day coincides with another event (eg going out) I just fast another day instead. AND it takes the guilt out of eating too much on Christmas Day or a party because you just fast the day after.

    Thanks to Michael Mosley. I saw the documentary on TV here in Australia, researched it online, bought the book from England, and haven’t looked back since.

    Inspiring post Roddlez and well done!!:-)

    Day 98 of my 5:2 diet and I have lost a total of 11.6kg. Waist down from 100cm to 87cm. Blood sugars down. BMI now 25.4. Clothes fitting so much better. I’m still having no trouble with fasting days and I am eating much healthier. Only about 1kg to go as my goal. Strangely enough, my weight loss never plateaued, in fact, the rate of weight loss seems to have accelerated a little over the last few weeks. There were a few strange times when weight would drop at a nice constant rate for a week and then suddenly shoot up (despite NO change in exercise or eating) and begin decreasing again. It has happened about three times. Still, the best and easiest diet plan I’ve ever known. The hard part comes in now on maintaining weight at a certain level. Maybe just one fasting day per week and keep up the exercise will do it.

    well done–a great story and so encouraging for others to read. I too have reached my goal and thinking its time to try out 6:1–let’s see how we go. I’m hoping that, that flow on effect of not eating so much on non-fast days will be a big influence and will continue. Today couldn’t eat my second piece of toast–in the old days would have had it AND another one for good measure with peanut butter on–just to keep up the protein mind you!!! The other marvelous effect has been to realise that death will not inevitably follow if I miss a meal on a non-fast day (even breakfast da.) In fact feeling empty is a great feeling so have been doing a few 16:8’s.
    anyways we will go well

    Good luck to both of you goal reaching fasters, looking forward to seeing how you do on maintenance. Congrats


    Here I am at Day 105 of my diet and I’ve reached (and in fact exceeded) my goal weight. I’m just under 70kg with a waist of 84cm (down from 83kg and 100cm.) This is the only diet I have ever been one where I’ve never had the desire to binge at all. I feel as though many things have changed, especially feeling sated with less food now. Maybe my hunger and satiation hormones have stabilised in some way as well as a decrease in stomach capacity. I hope so. I’ve got to work out now how to STOP further weight loss as I am so used to less food.
    My next worrying step is going on an 8 day cruise in a few months with their mouth-watering 24:7 food offerings tempting me, with scant opportunities for my normal walking exercise. I’ll just have to be strong. Maybe I’ll get mal-de-mer and won’t be able to eat!! Should be an interesting experiment.
    I’ll report on my blood test results in a few weeks to see what’s happened to my lipid and sugar levels.
    PS I now LOVE salads. I couldn’t bear them before.

    Excellent stuff, Roddiez. What a triumph for you !

    I am sure you will breeze through the cruise. Anyway, if weight does goes in the wrong direction for 8 days, so what ? At least you now know what to do !

    It will be interesting to see your blood results when you have them. Yes, do please report back.

    Well done ! Inspiration to us all en route !


    I am at my goal weight – in fact just under – and I’m fiddling with food amounts at the moment to get the balance right. I am almost feeling GUILTY that I have managed to lose this weight that once seemed so hard to shift with really little effort. Once it started, it just snowballed. Not ONCE have I had a binge during the four months I’ve been on it. I haven’t had a plateau to dampen my enthusiasm. I don’t feel particularly hungry anymore and am satisfied more easily. Brilliant!!


    I have reached my goal weight and exceeded it slightly. Now at 68.6kg and remaining there as I monitor my weight daily. I’m really chuffed though after seeing my latest blood tests. My previous test was the day before I started 5:2. The latest test was four months later.


    Fasting blood glucose : from 6.3mmol/L to 4.9mmol/L (22% reduction)
    HbA1c : from 6.4% to 5.2% (19% reduction)
    Total cholesterol : from 4.6mmol/L to 3.6 (21% reduction)
    LDL : from 2.7 to 2.0mmol/L (26% reduction)
    HDL : from 1.2mmol/L to 1.3mmol/L (8% increase)
    Triglycerides : from 1.6FEELING QUITE CHUFFED

    I have reached my goal weight and exceeded it slightly. Now at 68.6kg and remaining there as I monitor my weight daily. I’m really chuffed though after seeing my latest blood tests. My previous test was the day before I started 5:2. The latest test was four months later.


    Fasting blood glucose : from 6.3mmol/L to 4.9mmol/L (22% reduction)
    HbA1c : from 6.4% to 5.2% (19% reduction)
    Total cholesterol : from 4.6mmol/L to 3.6 (21% reduction)
    LDL : from 2.7 to 2.0mmol/L (26% reduction)
    HDL : from 1.2mmol/L to 1.3mmol/L (8% increase)
    Triglycerides : from 1.6mmol/L to 0.7mmol/L (56% reduction)

    These figures put me in the non-diabetic range. I’m also impressed that my peak BGL figures, 40 minutes after a meal, are coming down as well. Very happy!!


    It seems my body has made a total metabolic change. I have lost 19kg in total, down from 83kg to 64kg, and now remaining constant. I don’t feel hungry all the time and I have never binged, even on an 8 day cruise! I did put weight on during the cruise, but it came off again by itself after I got home and resumed normal eating. I’m not even doing the 6:1 maintenance anymore – I just know when to stop eating because I feel full. SO HAPPY!! What a change the 5:2 made to my life.

    It’s now 16 months since I began my 5:2 diet. I am now at 63kg, my DEXA scan showed good values, my metabolic indicators are great, and my weight has been stable now for 7 months. I am fitter than ever. I am not on the diet anymore, but the great thing is knowing that I can simply fast a day after one of those unscheduled (or scheduled) eating days like Christmas, birthdays or weddings etc and its quickly back to normal. What a great ride this has been and so well worth it.

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