lost lbs. in 1st 2 weeks!

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lost lbs. in 1st 2 weeks!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  anniemac 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone, I am so pleased that I lost 3 pounds in my first 2 weeks on the 5:2 plan (plus beginning to walk for at least 1/2 hour per day most days)! I have never been into dieting, but when I practiced portion control and restricting treats to once a week I was hungry most of the time, and lost only about a pound a month, and it would all come back if I stopped paying constant attention. This is so much more comfortable, effective, and, I hope and expect, sustainable.

    Fantastic! franfit really glad its working well for you, keep us posted on your progress xx

    Well done, franfit. Keep at it for life now……..

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