Losing weight but not body fat.

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Losing weight but not body fat.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Ceedub 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I started with a fasting diet 4 weeks ago and I am happy with it, because for the first time I feel I am in total control while being able to not feel restricted, not getting anxious about food, being kinda cautious but not counting calories. I kinda combine it with eating less carbs and more protein/fat (chicken, eggs, cheese) but not to the extreme, I might eat some pasta once or two per week and I have a piece of bread with my eggs or cheese. I steadily lost 3kg in 4 weeks, which is just the beginning, but what I find is that I was able to like this process, not want to quit, also my blood sugar is kinda better (140-160. It went over 200 sometimes before), something I had a hard time to control before.

    Now, the think is that I have a device to count body fat, don’t know how accurate it is, but it’s weird, it’s always on the 38.6% then goes 38.7 or 38.8 or 38.9 which never happened. Then it goes back to 38.6 but no less. In the past, even without diet and some bad habits I went from 38.5 to 38.7, still not falling, but I wasn’t dieting and didn’t lost weight. It’s strange that now that I loose, I even see slightly higher numbers (even if they are insignificantly small). But I am worried it’s not exactly working yet, I am not losing weight from body fat, although I have to wait. The most annoying thing is to wait till you see if a diet finally works. I like this one, because I can finally follow it, it makes totaly sense with the insulin explanation (I am diabetic type 2) and I noticed some good mental states when I was fasting, less anxiety, being more focused to my work.

    How accurate are fat counters anyway? And is it possible that the process in my body doesn’t show positively there but it happens? How long does one need to see finally fat dropping. A month? More?

    Hi Bugo,
    I am new here too (7 weeks in). I have read that fat counters are notoriously inaccurate. So don’t pay it too much attention. It might be more useful if you wait a month or two, and then see what it says. It can probably notice big differences better than little ones.

    I had a big argument with my bathroom scales a few years ago and threw them out. So with the 5:2 fast I am charting how I am going by how well my clothes are fitting. It is lovely to put on a pair of trousers and go, “Oooo they are so loose, I mightn’t be able to wear them next year!”

    It is also amazing how I notice little changes in my body like, one morning getting dressed I could clearly see my arms had lost a bit of weight.

    I bet you are noticing those sorts of things already!

    Best wishes for your 5:2 journey, it is a good one!

    fasting can be good thing but.if your don’t do it right it can cause lost of issues. exercise and and fish oils is
    what you need for best weight lose don’t look how much you lost look how you feel is much better way

    Have you measured maybe your losing inches or centimeters. Best wishes on your journey.

    What kind of fasting you did? I read a lot of fasting and I figure out fasting is bad for the body.


    You do know that this forum is dedicated to intermittent fasting, and the 5:2 diet?!

    Many many people have lost, and are losing weight, by fasting, and many have also seen improvements in a range of health markers.

    I’m sure we’d all be interested to know in what way fasting is bad for the body though (and is worse for the body than oh I don’t know, let’s say obesity and metabolic syndrome)?

    Could you provide references or links to the scientific studies that presumably informed your opinion?


    Yep this is a 5 2 fasting forum. Fasting isn’t dangerous or bad for the body.

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