Losing weight

This topic contains 4 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  gflexpro 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • After the first, difficult month April 2013, it has been great and better each day. I have losed – 6,1 kg in 6 weeks.

    But the 5:2 works best for me like many 500 – 800 kcal days / week.  After some sweet it get harder ..

    I have a very low estrogen level, fibromyalgia and some other health problems, but this is like a new start for me.


    Hi Anne,

    I have just started the diet & also have Fibromyalgia.

    Have your symptoms improved since you’ve been doing the diet?

    Best wishes


    Hi, Anne A – I really appreciate your comments, especially because of the extra effort involved as English is not your native language and many topics discussed do not use just ordinary, everyday vocabulary.
    I would like to hear more about what pattern of fasting and non-fasting days you use. When you write ‘5:2 works best for me like many 500-800 kcal days / week’ are you saying that you eat between 500 to 800 kcal each day of the week – that is, seven days each week?
    I hope you are experiencing many health benefits using this system and I wish you well.

    Hmnn..this plug for “plexus”seems like a thinly disguised advert sneaked into the forum?

    Maybe this forum needs a moderator to remove entries like this. Ive had a look

    at the website and there doesn’t seem to be any science on offer, and very dubious claims…

    Thanks for the heads up! We’ve removed the post.

    Its nice thinks that you lose your weight in 6 week people are doing excersice and and diet the also the can`t lose their weight

    Losing weight means you are keeping your body always in good condition. Losing weight requires lot of time to devote with. It is not an easy task. But one good thing is, as you are making your way to losing weight, you are also making and putting your whole body in good condition resulting to an immune system boost.

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