Losing pregnancy weight.

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  • Anyone trying to lose weight after have a baby (within the last year)??
    I’ve followed 5:2 before with great success. However I then gained four stone in pregnancy and though my baby is nearly a year I’ve only lost 2 stone of it!! I’m finding 5:2 so much harder this time. I just keep giving up! Could it be hormones, tiredness, stress?? Maybe. Wondering if anyone else had similar experience.

    Hi LovelyPoppy! Just writing since no one else has yet. My baby is 23 years old now, so I am a bit distant from your situation! However I haven’t forgotten the overwhelming things that having a baby does to your body! And how every day you are responding to the chaos of having a baby, and it is so hard to do anything else on top of that.
    It is great that you have lost that 2 stone!

    If you are finding 5:2 so hard at the moment, maybe it would easier to start off with 6:1 and then move up to 5:2 when you think you can?

    Or you might like to try my method. I have a nasty chronic illness (me/cfs)and I wasn’t sure that I would manage fast days, so I decided to not worry about the 500 calories, but just concentrate on having a bowl of porridge in the morning, and soup and a bit of toast in the evening. I figured it would add up to more than 500 calories, but it would still feel like a fast day, and had to be better than nothing. It might take me longer to lose the extra weight, but at least I would be going in the right direction!

    I tried it and it worked, except I just had to have my cuppas (with milk in) which added on more calories!
    But even with those extra calories, I felt really good, and can manage fasting twice a week easily. Now I am getting into the swing of it I am making my bowl of porridge a little smaller, same with my bowl of soup, and I am cutting down on my cuppas, so I think I must be pretty close to the 500 calories now. However, even if I kept doing it at say, under 800 calories, it still works.

    I hope you find things that work for you. Best wishes to you, and to your little one!

    Thanks Cinque, I always imagined things would be settled by now and I’d be back at or reaching my previous weight. But neither of those things seem to be the case! I am the wrong side of 35 so maybe I’ll take a little longer to feel ‘normal’ than some of my friends did. I will try your method. Though I think I’m an ‘all or nothing’ kind of person. I do well until tea time (that’s if I’ve made it past breakfast!) having only teas or coffee or water all day but then once I start eating I just keep going! I’m going to try again. I’m sick of looking at all my clothes which don’t come close to fitting me!

    I was 35 when I had my darling. It was good because I was older and more sensible and was clear about what I was doing, but I remember thinking how much easier it would be to give birth when you are young and sleepless nights are easier to bear, and youthful resilience abounds!

    Just read your profile and see you have two darlings! Wo! Double the chaos!

    It sounds like you need to set up lots of systems for clarity, and rewards, and making it easier for yourself, to make the fasting work. When times are hard (and they are with a bub!) you just have to figure out something that will get you going in the right direction. I am sure you will work out what suits you. A way to be clever with yourself, and kind to yourself! Go for the long haul, not the quick fix (even though it is so hard to give up the idea of losing weight quickly – but what is the point if that leads to failure?)

    Sending you lots and lots of good wishes!

    Hi LovelyPoppy, I’ve just seen your post. There are a few of us all trying to lose the pregnancy weight on another thread if you’d like to join us. Most of us have tried 5:2 before and have had similar struggles to what you describe and we all have little ones. Anyway, have a read and come along for the ride if you like 🙂


    And even more tips and suggestions about how to lose weight during Pregnancy http://www.pregnancyhealth.net/lose-weight-pregnancy/

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