loosing weight a week at a time

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loosing weight a week at a time

This topic contains 1 reply, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  ghostgirl 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I have been fasting for 6 months now and I have lost about 35lbs. I still want to lose another 10lbs. Its not super easy, but its not all that hard. So many I speak with struggle to accept the idea of cutting back in their consumption. I feel great and I have never really been a fan of dieting, but this is about health. In the USA, everyone has their reasons for what they do. Vanity, health, COMFORT, and/or freedom. The idea of suffering is so scary to people they refuse to seriously consider the FASTDiet. I am certain we are on to a winner with this diet. This is the future. I tell people, I am willing to do this in order to continue enjoying beer and pizza in the future.

    Hi richowens congrats on losing 35lbs 🙂
    As you say the diet is not too hard, just cut down a couple of days a week and eat normally on the other 5.
    Other diets usually mean restricting calories most days and it feels like we are depriving ourselves of the foods we like, which is not sustainable.
    I think the fast diet can easily be a way of life, fasting on a Monday is good if you overindulge a bit at the weekends.
    Hope you manage to lose the next 10lbs.
    Elaine 🙂

    Hey Rich / Owen(s)!

    I think you’ve struck an important note there. I’ve never been to the USA, but I know that what you’ve said is also true for a lot of people in Europe and other parts of the world. We’re so stuck in comfort and our modern technology that people lose touch with themselves and their body and just go for what “feels good” in the short term. They forget to look at the long term and that’s how you lose sight of what’s important!
    I’m currently on a bit more restrictive version of the diet, but I absolutely see myself enjoying beer and pizza in the future whilst still going strong with the 5:2 (or 4:3 if I have too many pizzas and beer) 😉

    Rich, I think you are right. Discomfort is a dirty word in this world of instant satisfaction.

    My hubby was highly reluctant to give this “diet” a go. He was worried about getting faint, or all fuzzy brained, or a cranky pants from the hunger. So for the first week I sent him off with some “emergency” snacks (otherwise known as e-food in our house). A banana and some carrot sticks – on top of his 100 calorie soup lunch. Well needless to say they all got eaten. This week however I was able to cut him back to just one item of e-food and he is a lot more comfortable with the concept. Even bought his e-banana home with him on the last fast day. Now to get him exercising as well.

    I think he still thinks it is a bit weird that I am not eating between breakfast and lunch – but being female I don’t have an additional 100 calories to play with.

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