Looking for US success stories for new version of The Fast Diet

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Looking for US success stories for new version of The Fast Diet

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Kinnamon 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi! I’ve been asked to get some American success stories to include in the new version of The Fast Diet. If you’d like to share yours, please email us at stories@thefastdiet.co.uk and we’ll get in contact. If you’ve posted your story on the forums, please feel free to send a link to it instead of having to type it all out again. 🙂


    I’m in the USA, where we don’t use the metric system, but we have been to the moon.

    I’ve been following the fast diet because the method appealed to me. I am 65 and very sedentary and started at about 290 lbs (close to 21 stone). I don’t keep rigorous records – this isn’t a moon shot – but I have been making steady progress.

    I started The Fast Diet because my “metabolic syndrome” had matured into type 2 diabetes – I’m not on meds for diabetes, but I have been taking gemfibrozil (Lopid) for years to address my oddly high triglycerides. I seldom drink any alcohol, but I am not a teetotaler. I have never been drunk, and I am no fun at parties. I began to see changes that I think might be secondary or tertiary effects of the diabetes. My energy level is low, my core is utterly deconditioned, and my endurance is non-existent. Other than that, I’m fine.

    I don’t want my corpse to give any medics a hernia when they cart me off to the crematorium. As Bobby Kennedy used to say, “Que Sirhan, Sirhan.”

    I am an American (now living abroad) who had tremendous success with fasting. PBS (Public Broadcast Station) aired Dr. Moseley’s documentary about 2 years ago. I was intrigued, hopeful but past weight loss failures have numbed me to the “next sure thing.” A week later I was still thinking about fasting and went online and watched the documentary again. After spending about a week wrapping my brain around not eating, I decided to try it.

    Initially I planned to fast for 5 days, which was overambitious. I lasted 4 days and broke the fast with a huge plate of Mexican food. In hindsight, that was not my best idea but it tasted awesome at the time. I was terribly uncomfortable after my meal but remained hopeful about fasting since I was able to fast for a couple of days without being completely miserable. Eighteen months after incorporating fasting into my life, I have lost over forty pounds and have never felt better.

    Fasting is ideal for me because I can do it on my own terms based on my schedule. No one has to know what I am doing, they just see the results. My “bad food” days no longer exist. Knowing I can eat what I want on my non-fasting days has been liberating. I still eat junk but I find it much easier to eat salads and fruit now because it is a choice instead of an obligation.

    I’m American too and have recently started this diet. Though I see “juicing” has been criticized, it actually works for me as an over the road truck driver. Many truck drivers start ballooning, becoming more and more obese because of the lifestyle. At 340 lbs, I realized I was following the same path. So I’ve become a vegetarian after reading “The China Study” because I believe it’s healthier as a permanent lifestyle. On fast days I take a 64 oz bottle of V-8 (low sodium) and mix it with water, sipping it throughout the day. Total 400 calories. The next day I feel an amazing burst of energy and mental alertness. I’m now down to 320 and settling into a routine I’m confident I can maintain to reach my health goals. Will keep you posted on my status.

    Hello, I am new to the 5/2 diet and even newer to forums so I will try for the 3rd time to see if this works. I am overweight have high BMI, high cholesterol/triglycerides/blood sugar.I have a physically active job and have added moderate exercise, gave up meat, fat, sugar, dietary cholesterol, and for a while all dairy (that was the hardest and in fact my cholesterol went up! who’d a thought it! )still nothing works, I can neither shift the numbers nor the weight and I do not want to go on pills.

    I saw Michael Mosley’s program on PBS (in the US) last week and thought this is something I could do! I had already had my evening meal so I thought, I’ll start tonight… well I was a little unclear on the details…I thought it was 24hrs but I found this website and now I am on my 11th day of the program, have had 3 fast days (effortlessly!) lost 5lbs, my BMI has gone from 35.4 to 35.2 lost 1″ from waist and hips. I thought would come off the fast ravenous and attack food like a starved wolf but I was surprised to find just the opposite true and I find on my eating days I am satisfied with smaller quantities. I am hopeful that this will be the answer/alternative to pills, its a program I can easily live with and I look foreword to reading the book.


    Did everyone get SPAM from “Ann200” advertising her Ukrainian diet plan?

    I’ll guess it consists of recently-delivered G.I. MREs.

    or it’s the SPAM Diet…

    I’m turning OFF message notification from this forum.

    Rock on, everyone!

    Hi! I am so looking forward to the revised edition.

    I am a work in progress. Please, let us know how long you will be accepting these stories. What is the cut-off date for emailing our story? Thanks!

    Hi! I am not sure when he’ll add them to the book, but we’ll email you soon!

    Sorry for the spam. The forum isn’t pre-moderated, so if you’re subscribed, you’ll unfortunately get the spam posts before we can delete them. If you’d like, you can click “Add to favourites” at the top and it will add it to your favourites list in your profile so you can keep track of it there.

    Hi I am new here. Other family members are doing this, and now so am I. I have learned a lot and hope you can share the following with Dr. Mosley.

    His original concept of just counting two days a week and eating normally the remaining five was awesome. That is what has drawn me to 5:2. But now I’m noticing that folks are fantatical about their TDEE on the remaining five days a week. In my mind, that just turns this into another diet and ignores the freeing concept of just eating normally on those five days.

    PLEASE ask Dr. Mosley to address this issue in his next book. In my opinion more emphasis needs to be put on methods of eating normally without intentionally overeating on the remaining five days. Methods like eating slower, chewing food longer, waiting 20 minutes before running for seconds, etc. These are strategies I am employing and are helpful to me…NOT counting calories every day. If I’m going to do that, I may as well rejoin Weight Watchers.

    PLEASE share this with Dr. Mosley. I eagerly anticipate the doctor’s new book!

    In 2010 I was 260 pounds and hypertensive, and started a medically supervised weight reduction program that in June of 2011 I weighed in at 175, but immediately started to creep ending the year at roughly 195. I first started using Fast Diet as part of my Lent ritual in 2012, and for that season lost 15 pounds. Transitioned successfully into a maintenance mode losing another 10+/- over the course of 2012. While I didn’t strictly adhere to the diet, I generally embraced the concept into my daily living until July of 2013 when I badly injured my ankle and also had to have eye surgery. Both medical issues precluded exercise, and has resulted in a 43 pound gain now weighing in at 223. I’ve chosen The Fast Diet because of the success previously achieved. Will advise of the milestones….

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