Looking for diet buddy!

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Looking for diet buddy!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Sunflowerenee 9 years ago.

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  • Hi I am currently 11 stone and I have started dieting only recently. I am looking to be supported by and support someone in a similar situation.For instance keeping a text relationship to monitor one another if temptations are near. I hope to find someone with realistic expectations and someone who is as driven and passionate as I am about losing weight in the new year and year’s to come. I currently work as a barista so I am constantly tempted by pastries and paninis. I’m sticking to the coffee and staying away from the high fat foods that dominate the high street. Not to ramble but just the other day I went into Anne summers hoping to leave feeling attractive. Instead I left with a haunting picture of what I really look like wearing lingerie these days. NOW, I am not about to just give up and stuff my face. I am going to fight and possibly make some allies along the way.

    Hi I’ve just started this diet yesterday and hoping to lose around 20lbs, I work with a team that love biscuits but I’m determined

    Hi Vic! If you are interested I can send you my details so that if you’re feeling weak at the knees for a biscuit you have some support? 🙂

    Hi both, i hope you are well. @sunflowerenee your post really struck a cord with me, I have felt the same, i have a hand full of clothes that fit now, and I am currently at my heaviest, i feel very self-conscious and wanted to achieve weight loss before my birthday end of Feb. I am happy to exchange details-and support via text/whatsapp? i have fasted before and it has worked unfortunately I did not stick to it 🙁 support is always welcomed! Good luck on your journey, you will do this 🙂

    Hi! If you would like to go ahead and exchange numbers for support my e-mail is sunflowerenee@gmail.com

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