Long Term Expectations

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Mandarin 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Does anyone have any idea what to expect long term with 5:2? Is this an eating plan that I can continue for the rest of my life? If so will my body eventually adjust or do the benefits of IF continue? I assume that I will reach a stable weight someday and if I reach that stable weight will the other benefits remain or are they a by-product of losing the weight? I have only been on the plan since May and I have lost 25 pounds and 4 inches off my waist, just curious about what to expect after a year or two?

    Well done on your loss.

    From what I remember reading the book people who are happy with their weight can adopt a 6:1 fasting regime.

    Hopefully you’ll get an answer from someone who has been doing this long enough to have reached their goal.

    My long term expectation is that it may make some things better for me and won’t kill me 😉

    It’s already started to make things better (cholesterol, weight) and hasn’t killed me yet. It just needs to keep on doing the same thing.

    I do intend to keep to an intermittent fasting lifestyle from now on.


    That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! 😉

    I started this way of life two months ago and plan on using it always. My check up is in January and I can’t wait to see my numbers. I have tried so many diets and have spent so much money to loose weight only to gain it back. To be able to eat what I like five days and to learn to eat 500 calories a day for two days without counting points or spending money is awesome! My weight loss is slow and steady. I enjoy this forum because I see I’am not alone in my quest to be healthy into my old age.

    Re-starting tomorrow at breakfast and apart from weight loss, I also want to feel healthier and more energetic.

    First time round, a few months ago, I ate anything I wanted including chocolate, crisps, hot chips and my clothes were looser even though the scales showed only about 1 pound per week. What I realised was that eating “anything I want” on my nonfast days still allowed me to shrink and lose weight, BUT, I didn’t feel great.

    This time around I want all the health benefits, not just for the weight loss period but for life! So my focus will be on eating well on my nonfast days, with an occasional treat, and a little more exercise.

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