Long term (20 years) experience with 5:2 diet

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Long term (20 years) experience with 5:2 diet

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I thought I’d provide some insight into what this brings to a person who maintains this kind of ‘diet’ long term.

    I’m 34, male, and as far back as I remember, mainly because I come from Catholic background, my family has always fasted (abstained from meat) on Friday. When I turned 15, I wanted to do this the way my grandmother did and decided to only have plain bread and water on Friday AND Wednesday.

    I vividly remember how in the first year, I sometimes waited for midnight to pass so that I could stuff my mouth with ham and drink something sweet.

    After almost 20 years, I still only eat bread (no butter) and water every Wednesday and Friday. I do NOT restrict the amount of bread I eat on a fasting day (it’s hard to eat a lot of plain unbuttered bread). I have successfully avoided almost all the ‘lifestyle/genetic diseases’ that haunt my family – diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, hypertension and other cardiovascular problems, while always maintaining a perfect BMI of 24.

    10 years ago, when I settled down and got a sitting job staring at computer screens, hypertension, high cholesterol and beer belly crept up but quickly disappeared as soon as I started swimming 2-3 times a week.

    I must say I’m so used to this I never feel starved on a fasting day. I simply eat a slice of bread when I feel hungry and get on with my day. I don’t ever feel I have low energy, I don’t have any weird stomach feelings, I don’t miss food on those days and I’m waaaaaay more disciplined around food than any of my friends/family. It’s more of an eating lifestyle than a diet. If there is a downside to this, I’ve yet to see it.

    a few tips:
    – good fresh bread will give you bad breath, I therefore prefer bread a few days old
    – cheap “cotton wool” supermarket bread will not stop hunger unless you eat a lot of it
    – buy something dense and dark that you can nibble on for longer; eating it for longer is more effective against hunger
    – this does in no way help against male pattern baldness

    Wow… that bread thing rings some bells with me..

    I love my sour dough rye… it is quite “substantia” plus I add seeds (pumkin, sunflower) .. it lasts well too so often a loaf will last me (single) a week.

    Really interesting post .. thank-you

    The last comment was the best.

    Thanks for your perspective on fasting twice a week.

    “- this does in no way help against male pattern baldness”

    Haha – brilliant! It’s interesting that so many religions incorporate some fasting element isn’t it. There have been a few posters of various faiths & denominations wander through to let us know about their experiences of fasting. I find it fascinating that this has all been thought of before, sometimes thousands of years ago, for totally different reasons and then dropped gradually in the modern secular world in favour of constant 24/7 access to rubbish food. The result has been a massive upsurge in all sorts of health problems that our ‘God bothering’ ancestors would not have recognised as being normal in younger people.

    I’m not religious myself and would never consider ‘joining up’ but these ‘philosophies’ have been around the block for a while and do still have something to teach us, even if we do tend to think that us and our microscopes usually know it all 😉

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