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This topic contains 65 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Third time lucky 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello all and Coda. We had a lovely Christmas spent with friends old and new. 14 of us sat down although the 4 rug rats didn’t sit still for long! New Year was a quiet one although we have made up for it with lots of lunches out with friends from Africa. They are back home now, so we will be living quietly for a while.
    I went into Christmas at 8st 12lbs. After new year was a massive 9st 6lb! Half a stone in 10 days!!! How did that happen? I was eating chocs, potatoes and some pasta, but lots of desserts too, and of course the vino!. It’s actually quite scary how fast it went on. However on 3rd Jan I started 5:2 again and am now back down to 9st 3/4lb. I will carry on 5:2 till I’m back to 8st 12lbs then continue maintaining as before. The thing I noticed more than ever was how uncomfortable I was. Bloated, not sleeping well, and generally continually hungry. So glad to be back on the wagon. Why do I eat unhealthily and think I can get way with it?
    Hope you all had a great Christmas/New Year and are back on the wagon too.
    This is such a great way of eating/living and such a morale booster for the new year. Best wishes to you all. TTL

    Hello from Gloucestershire, UK:
    Christmas was the start of my downfall as well. Thank goodness I’m still on the challenges (February now) as they mean I don’t (quite) give up hope of getting back on the 5:2 wagon.
    January was poor, with only 3 successful fast days. February? I’ve completed my first fast day yesterday, 9th!
    However, taking stock, and attributing my failings to stress (of watching weight-gain)setting up a vicious circle of self-sabotage, I’ve dug out my meditation CD and have begun faithfully listening to it before bed in order to r-e-l-a-x. I’m hoping it will work for me. I have about 9 pounds to lose to get back to my goal weight!

    Hi Ciren and everyone else. Well we are well into February now and I still can’t get my head around how quick and easy it was over Christmas to gain all those extra pounds, and I am still struggling to get below the 9 stone mark, 6 weeks on! I seem to get down to 9 st, then the sugar cravings kick in and I blow it again gaining another pound or two. I am now back on 5:2 seriously determined to get back down to 8st 12lbs. Although our winter has not been too bad up in Dundee, still I feel the need for Hot chocolates and comforting food. I have found a couple of very good books about Healthy (Clean) eating and have decided the best thing to do is work my through various recipes and try very heard to cut the carbs and sugar. it’s working so far. My downfall is the staff room at work, where there is always a mountain of chocolates, biscuits and cakes to contend with. A battle of wills for sure.
    Anyway, I know what to do, I just have to do it!!!
    Hope all is well with you all. What is the title of the February challenge? I will just pop in now and again to chat with some old names. Here’s to the new year everyone. We can do this together!!! TTL

    Hi TTL – just popping into say hello. Had an all time low this morning on the scales after my second fast of the week which is nice to see on my tracker. You will get on the right side of 9 stone so don’t worry – just in time for Easter lol.
    Do pop in to say hello on the February challenge, I am sure if you look active posts you will find us. Take care love Liz x

    28 day February 2017 Challenge….come and join us. xx

    From the Pacific NW USA: today is a FD for me and I’m checking in with IF maintainers to establish a new normal for me. I’ve lost 89 lbs over the last 10 months (today is my anniversary date) with 5:2, occasional b2b 4:3 and LC/HF but I’ve been see-sawing away at the last 10 lbs of my goal for 2 months now. Maybe it’s time to call in some advise from long-timers???

    Hi back2thefuture. Very well done on losing 89lbs in 10 months. That is some achievement.
    Don’t know about advice from me just now. Feel like I’m the one needing advice! I am still doing my LC/HF and love this way of eating. However, just some days I feel like a blowout and really go overboard! Such as today – out for lunch. OH chooses Caesar Salad. I choose Mac and Cheese with chips on the side! Duh…. Then after doing some shopping in St Andrews, the best Italian ice cream shop in the world – a flippin wild cherry ice-cream jumps into my hand. I haven’t even thought about dinner yet and already have used up all my daily calories! Oh well, back to it again tomorrow.
    I think that is the only advice I can give, just keep doing 5:2. Stick with the LC/HF way of eating and add in some exercise. I feel that we all plateau at some time, and look at it as if our bodies are just making the necessary adjustments for the next phase. Whatever happens don’t get disheartened, that’s when we start doing silly things. Just look at 5:2 as being how we are going to eat for the rest of our lives, and the body will accept this eventually. Remember it took years to put the weight on- it won’t come off overnight. Good luck all, and just keep on doing it! TTL

    Hi all, I’m still here! Hanging in and still going up and down like a yo-yo. Today, at the start of my 2nd fast day of the week, I weigh in at 9st 1lb. So tomorrow hoping to see the magic 9stone! at the beginning of the week I was up to 9st 3lbs, but have been working a lot more this week, so am putting the loss today down to the fact I am on my feet all day.
    I’m visiting my son down south next week, luckily for me he eats healthily as he’s an avid cyclist and runner, so we won’t be eating junk food all week. Wine will flow of course, but will try to exercise to allow for this.
    How is everyone doing? Past New Year now and into spring – hope you have all been sticking to your resolutions ready for wearing all those lovely spring outfits. I have pulled out some clothes I couldn’t bear to part with last year, and am about to have a trying on session – if they don’t fit, they’re out! These are size 14 things from years ago, and I am now definitely buying size 12. Had to smile – I was fitted properly for a new bra last week. After wearing my old ones (size 38C) I find I am now size 34D!!! I feel so much more comfortable, and my clothes definitely hang much better. How often do we get measured for a bra??? I actually feel about 6ft tall now I’m not sagging the way I did! Happy days!
    Lovely day here in Dundee – blue skies and sunshine. Am off to Pilates now so hope this finds you all fit and well and still doing it! TTL

    Third time Lucky 🙂 Just wanted to drop by and say hi 🙂 Hope you see that 9 stone tomorrow! That’s where I’m headed, but still have about 4lb to go! Its coming off slowly.

    Ditch the size 14’s!! Its not like you’ll need them again 😉 Its lovely to actually feel comfortable in how your clothes fit, makes you feel so much more relaxed and confident generally!

    Keep up the good work .. I’ll do the same, this is a brilliant way of life 🙂

    Take care xx hugs xx

    Hi Third Time Lucky!

    I thought I would say hello as I think I am in a really similar boat to you!

    My goal is to be just under 9 stone. I never get above 9 st 8, but I too can gain 5 lbs over Christmas and other hols!

    I have been doing 5:2 (TBH mostly 6:1!!) for a while now, maybe since 2013.

    I totally rate 5:2 as a WOL. Plus I really believe in the health benefits of IF.

    I only found this forum in late 2016 and I find it so useful to check in on FDs and see how others are doing, especially when I am feeling really hungry!

    I am currently 3 lbs away from my goal, so will try to stick to 2 x FDs per week until I hit 9 stone.

    I am on a FD today :0)

    Anyway – good luck to all!

    Hi TTL – what is they say about pride before a fall? When I last told you about my new all time low – whoosh I was 6lbs heavier! just like that and I took a real downer! But I am slowly getting back on track, remembering to be kind to myself. Good that you are still hanging in there – keep on keeping on x

    Hi Dragonfly. nice to hear you’re still doing it too! 4lbs is not that far away now, I know you can do it! I pulled out some of my really nice outfits and tried them on – all to go!!! I could take in trousers etc. but it’s hard to alter jackets and them still look good. so off they go!
    Hi FivetwoFivetwo – I tried doing 6:1 after achieving goal, but I just couldn’t maintain the weight, so I do 5:2, but if I’m working I’ll have a bowl of soup at lunch, or like yesterday felt I needed something so had a hot chocolate about 3pm. Yeah…..I’m back down to goal at 9 stone. We’re off to St Andrews today to our fav eating place at the famous gold course, so will try to be careful and not go overboard. Saying that, I won’t eat tonight, so lunch will be my meal of the day.
    Hi Coda – lovely to hear from you. Glad you are still hanging in, you have worked so hard and nearly there. You can do it. It’s great that the monthly challenges are still going on. Support is invaluable when you are on this journey.
    Good luck everyone and just keep doing 5:2 religiously. The weight will come off. It is a way of life now for me and I feel much healthier for it. BTW – my OH is down to 10st 7lbs!!! He is eating pretty much what he wants but on fast days he misses breakfast. I am prodding him now to gain a bit more as he’s light for his height. We’re never satisfied are we? TTL

    Hi All – hope you are all doing well and hanging in there with 5:2. It’s a brilliant WOL and so easy to get back on track with a little will power.
    I was visiting my son over Easter and managed to gain 4.5 lbs in a week! How did that happen? Wine, Pasta, Cakes, Desserts!!! you name it I ate it!!! Daft thing is I didn’t feel good after but just kept on doing it! How crazy is that?
    Anyway, have now ditched 2.5 lbs since returning home, just another 2lbs to go to get back to target. Hoping to do that in the next few days. I just got back on to 5:2 and have cut out a lot of sugar since returning home, it feels so good to get back on track.
    Had a ‘trying on’ session again and am working on another pile of clothes that just have to go. Size 14 is now just hanging on me, so size 12 is definitely my size now. Even my feet have shrunk again, and I have some lovely shoes that are just too big now. Oh well, time to look forward, not hang on to things from the past!
    Hope everyone is doing OK out there. Just keep re-reading Dr M’s book and remind yourselves why you are doing this. Then just keep doing it! If I can get down to size 12 from size 18 – so can you!!! TTL

    Hello, it’s been awhile….because I haven’t exactly been a “maintainer”….more of a “gainer”. Now I’ve completely lost heart and come away from the challenges. Unfortunately confronting repeated failure to fast has been stressing me out. Time to step back for awhile. I’ve regained half of what I lost on 5:2 and wonder now if it’s just another case of “all diets fail, eventually” as it says in the books.

    Thirdtimelucky: How I envy you being able to get back on track…..maybe I will too, one day, soon.
    Good luck everyone.

    Hi Ciren. So sorry to hear you have been struggling so much. It would s easy to lose heart and just throw the towel. I have done that myself a couple of times, but each time I looked at old photos and remembered how miserable I felt being over weight. This gave me the willpower to carry on. I still go up a couple of pounds when away or at a special event, but I weigh every morning, and it’s so easy to see if the pounds are going on again, so then I just eat lightly till I’m back down again.
    Could be you could try the 16:8 method of fasting. It might not be so difficult for you. See how you get on with that. You could always come back to 5:2 when you are feeling stronger. Good luck whatever you decide to do. TTL


    Just popping in to say hello and hope all is well with you.

    Hi Coda and nice to hear from you.
    I’m doing just fine. I have been away down south visiting my son twice in the last month, and needless to say that I have put on the pounds again. I just have to look at wine, potatoes, bread, cakes etc. and I pile it back on. However, when back home I religiously do my 5:2, so the pounds come off again reasonably quickly. Fasting today and no breakfast, no lunch, lots of water/tea and just had poached salmon, salad and two Jersey Royals (a treat whilst they are in season)for dinner. Weigh in tomorrow I’m hoping will be back down to 9st 2lbs. I would like to get back to my pre Christmas weight of 8st 12 lbs, but am happy that my size 12’s still fit comfortably, and as long as I keep doing it, I know I will get back there.
    How are things with you? Are you still part of the monthly challenge. I can’t believe that it is still going after Upagumtree started it, and I gave Little Voices its name. Just shows how many people need support along the way. I’m still in touch with Upagumtree here in Scotland and like me, is in the process of getting some excess off after great holidays.
    Hope everyone on this regime is succeeding, and even if you’re not, just keep doing it. Things will begin to happen, and your well being will be the better for it. TTL

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