let's be kids again

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  issu 11 years ago.

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  • just a little tail about how my children help me with my approach to a new diet 🙂

    1. do you know that feeling after you shouted at your kids unnecessary and you feel guilty, and think about it for ages. You go to their bedroom at bedtime and apologize? My son normally looks at me like I’m from different planet and tells me he long forgotten about it and that he still loves me

    lesson: if you feeling crap about that chocolate, big mac or ….. (fill the gap) just move on, don’t beat yourself about it.

    2. when you have a newborn in the house, you know you will have sleepless nights for months or even years thou you would like them to sleep all night within weeks

    lesson: will take months or year to reach the goal, but you can’t quit now

    3. when your toddler throws temper tantrum in the supermarket over chocolate bar you don’t give in

    lesson: if you feel like you can’t resist one just don’t give in yourself 🙂

    4. when you potty train a child you don’t expect them to ‘get it’ straight away, you allow them to take time to learn a new skill

    lesson: learning how to eat ‘properly’ is a new skill for many of us. It will take time and there will be many days when you fail.

    5: when child ask for treat you make a conscious decision. You wouldn’t usually give him/her a cake before dinner, or just before bedtime.

    lesson: if you want a treat, think what your mum would have told you at that moment.

    6: we make sure our kids diet is healthy

    lesson: eat only what you would be happy to give to your children

    7: and finally… if you give a child variety of food everyday, they’ll eat till they are full and leave the rest on the plate

    lesson; stop eating when you had enough

    so let’s take a new approach to life. be active, happy, and don’t worry to much about yesterdays dinner.

    Fall seven times, stand up eight!:)

    Cute tale Issu.
    And here I was thinking you were going to say get outside and ride your bike, play with a pogo stick, jump on a trampoline, enjoy the food you eat and remember to enjoy life. 🙂

    But you are so right. Our mums gave us a lot of love and good advice when we were kids growing up, as well as lots of support and encouragement. We do need to be much kinder to ourselves as we shift the excess kilos.

    Great advice @issu. And absolutely spot on!!


    Thank you ladies 🙂 I do have to remind myself those lessons very often I get so impatient and quit usually before I start 🙂 @ghostgirl if you look at kids playing you will notice that they are doing fast exercise too 🙂 so it maybe the way. One thing I can’t bring myself to do is fast exercise. I’m not good at pushing myself too hard. I feel bad of doing nothing active at all at the moment 🙁

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