Less To Me Than Meets The Eye.

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Couscous 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Two years ago I had to by a new expensive suit. One that could double or treble up for weddings, funerals, functions etc. I know, I am a bit of a tight fisted so and so but financial needs win out. I have worn it once, just after I bought it. I looked rather smart if I may say so even though it was a funeral !!!!.
    I wore it again today, my wife was having a clear out of my wardrobe…….. so this tent I tried on that I thought was a well fitted suit has to go. I could almost cry if I did not have a quiet smirk of satisfaction on my less than chubby chops.
    Good Luck to you all.


    what a nice surprise u 6/1er !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

    Throw it away couscous, give it to a charity or anyone who may need it. You’ve achieved your goal and will never need to wear it again. Congratulations to you!!

    Don’t you just love those triumphant moments? Your post made me smile, Coucous! Happy days!

    Well done!
    I have half a dozen dresses that I hope to get altered when I have stopped shrinking.You have inspired me.

    Couscous what a great story and congratulations! You more than deserve your quiet smirk of satisfaction. Pity about the fitted suit but what an enormous achievement. You are an inspiration to others

    Hi all, thank you very much for your comments, still have some way to go and have other stories to tell but I genuinely wish you all well in your endeavours in losing weight and improving your inner health.
    Good luck to you all.

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