Less is More of You & Delayed Gratification

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Less is More of You & Delayed Gratification

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I remember drinking 6 packs of soda, and even beer, on a given day, when in my 20’s. I had no physical problems from that, as I remember.

    I did have emotional issues.

    As a fun experiment, I thought that I would switch from drinking alcohol to just wine & beer consumption for one year. The next year, I switched to just drinking wine for a year. The next year, I switched to just drinking red wine for a year. That lasted 6 months, and havent drank wine since then. The next year, I switched to just drinking coffee for a year. The next year, I switched to just drinking iced coffee for a year. Then just tea.

    Now, I just enjoy my water with lemon. I also enjoy daily fruit juicing on feed days.

    It started as an interesting experiment and it served me well. Along, the way, I stopped eating animal foods also.

    The fasting is a continuum with so many benefits, including delayed gratification.


    This is interesting in that when we fast, no one is usually watching or even knows of our fasting.

    “Why people give into temptation when no-one’s watching”


    Today I’m fasting and I’ll be in a situation where free food will be available, and also the opportunity to mingle with others.

    I may delay free food gratification depending on the situation. Last week, I was in the same scenario and I bypassed the cookies. However, if it’s cookies that I really like, I will consider eating them. Maybe, not many, but then it will also depend on how long I’m there and who I’m talking to.

    The article poses an interesting question. Do we fast better when being watched?


    Another aspect of delayed gratification is the savings that can be gained.

    This tells of the vices: smoking, overeating and alcohol:



    I did my research on apps to track fasting that I could use on my iphone.

    Surprisingly, there is a wide selection of IF and 5:2 apps with varying degrees of information & support.

    For my needs, I wanted a simple countdown timer thar would tell me how much longer I needed to fast. This motivates me so that I can have a target to shoot for.

    I found “IF Manager” to do exactly this.

    It’s actually simplistic. There is a start/stop clock that counts down with a 36 hour graph chart to show progress. That’s it. Simple. Elegant, also.

    At 18 hours of fasting, there is a red line depicting the benefits of continuing to fast. It’s a great reminder and motivator.

    It’s a free download and ad supported.

    I’ll be using it for my fast as a reminder & will take screen shots to log progress or to send to my accountability partner.

    This shows that less is more.



    i have now created a folder 4 ur ideas/links in my email

    i have been wanting a fasting time clock so so cool


    please add ur most successfull links 2 so that everyone can benefit ur cool research


    everything a newbie might want 2 c, use & read


    rockyromero thanks again

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    Just in: Cure for baldness !


    Which is more important, being fit or having hair?

    Probably both.

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful that the path to a hunk of hair is fasting?


    There’s a battle among merchants to provide anything, including food, within an hour of ordering online.


    This feeds the frenzy of instant gratification…and it works.

    But what if most people were fasting? The system would not work as well, then.

    It worked for Fed Ex.


    The Delayed Gratification Strategy (DGS) is what we use and develop with fasting, and seems to be more effective and long lasting with the 5:2 lifestyle.

    It’s a DGS muscle that extends to other parts of our lives beyond food control & management.

    With food, many are saying to themselves that they could always eat the tempting food the next day, if they want to.

    I see it with myself in other areas, such as shopping for other goods. Often, I can delay impulse purchases.

    I wait and smile more.

    There’s a sense of calmness.


    It’s simple: eat only when hungry.

    This is the TED talk by Sandra Aamodt: Why dieting doesn’t usually work.


    It puts a spotlight on dieting and brings a different perspective.

    Fasting is not mentioned, and this reflects delaying over gratification.


    A number of recent books have lauded the connection between walking and thinking. But are people losing their love of the purposeless walk?


    The suggested rules are radical by today’s behaviors:

    ⚪️• Walk further and with no fixed route

    ⚪️• Stop texting and mapping

    ⚪️• Don’t soundtrack your walks

    ⚪️• Go alone

    ⚪️• Find walkable places

    ⚪️• Walk mindfully

    I like the message of Urban Exploration that results from this and I may do some of these components.


    Very little is said about obtaining an immediate gratification, other than food or drink, while fasting.

    It occurred to me that I do receive a sense of clarity, purpose, and focus when fasting.

    The results that I obtain in improving my communications have become an immediate reward. That has become satisfactory to me. It’s an interesting perspective: the less one eats, the more use that we have with our brain. Results follow.

    NEAT has a different meaning for me. More so with my adjusted fasting strategy during the work week that often is in a solitary and virtual setting.

    NEAT, or as I have come to refer to as Never Eat Alone Today, is simply that: only eat with someone else.

    This is a practice that I thought of a few years ago and had not quite mastered until recently.

    Often, I would forget or simply cave in to habit or hunger pangs and just eat by myself. It seemed almost purposeless.

    Until I started fasting during the work week. The work week is focused on mostly work. The days of breakfast and luncheon meetings are scarce and less socializing than it used to be. NEAT fits well with this.

    Combine FD fasting with NEAT and the perfect combination appears.

    My moments eating with another person are less focused on food and more on the relationship. After all, it’s usually a fast day and dining with someone else is part of the NEAT rule. I find myself eating less and enjoying the company more. Great for relationships. Great for a fast lifestyle.

    If you are considering becoming a NEAT person consider periods that you are fasting. For me, the social weekend is not conducive to fasting and I have found the work week much easier.

    Additionally, being a NEAT person has wonderful connotations.


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