Kits' FD Diary

This topic contains 33 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  kitsix 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Well, first weigh in today and 2lbs down, I’m chuffed!

    I haven’t counted calories on non-fast days, but I have been aware of what I’m eating. I really don’t want to have to go down the road of logging every piece of food I put in my mouth if I can avoid it, this is one of the attractions of this diet for me. I will do that if needs be, but as a long time dieter I’m pretty aware of what’s what anyway.

    We ate out Friday night, 3 courses (quite a posh place though so teensy portions haha!), then pizza express on Saturday, where I had a very lovely bosco salad. I’m not kidding myself that salad was low cal, it had mozzarella, garlic mushrooms and bread sticks with it but it was very yummy, and a hell of a lot better than having a pizza.

    All in all I’m very happy 🙂

    Fast day today, good luck to all you fellow fasters, and I hope you all have a fabulous week 🙂

    Kits x

    So my 3rd fast day is over, I have to admit, it was tough, I wasn’t really tempted to eat anything silly (it REALLY helps knowing that the day after I won’t be fasting), but I did feel headachy and a bit lightheaded in the late afternoon and evening. I went to bed early and feel great today though 🙂

    I’ve read that the fast days become easier, can anyone tell me how long this took for them please?

    The sun is shining here today in Sussex, I hope it’s shining for you all wherever you are, have a great one 🙂


    hi Kits

    well done on your loss 🙂 that’s a great start, re the fasts, it depends on the individual I guess.. they do become easier the more you do because you sort of know what to expect… hang in there, its all good!

    sunny here too in Kent 🙂 enjoy, and take care xx

    kitsix its a great feeling isnt it?! They definitely get so much easier, some fast days I barely get hungry, its like my body is ready for the fast day. There will always be tough days now and again, sometimes admitedly I do go over by 50cals or so. Still lose weight though. Keep going! Just imagine the feeling when you 10lbs down!:)

    Thanks for the support Angie and Monkeyslim, it really helps! I got the Fast Exercise book today too and as I’m on my own in the office I got my exercise on too 😉

    Fast day again tomorrow, weirdly kind of looking forward to it, it’s sort of empowering!!


    Fast day number 6 today, had a bit of a rubbish weekend and am feeling quite down today, also for some reason woke up feeling all bloated and horrible. I didn’t weigh myself this morning, I think I will do weigh ins now after my second fast day, so on Thursday morning.
    At least as I’m feeling so bloated I’m not tempted to eat right now I guess =/

    Have a good Monday all.


    I can’t count, obviously. Yesterday was fast day number 5 not 6! Ah well, it’s over. For some reason at the end of each fast day I feel guilty, like I cheated, even though I haven’t, I’m not sure why! I’m careful with protein portions, I don’t weigh the salad but I have a good idea of portion sizes and I over estimate (probably by quite a lot) so I should come in under my calorie allowance. The scales have been moving down anyway, and I *feel* like stuff is fitting better too. One of the pairs of jeans that I bought in the States in Jan I can now get off without undoing them /does a little happy dance. Sooo, not sure what the guilt is all about but hey ho! We will see what the weigh in says on Thursday morning 🙂

    Have a great day, fasters and non fasters alike 🙂

    Kits x

    Kitsix thats great the 5:2 is working for you. I know what you mean about the guilty feeling, but if those calories are noted down nothing to worry about as its obviously working! Im 22lbs down now, and sort of dont really believe it I keep on thinking its because the scales are broken lol. Good luck for your Thursday weigh in! I may join you, fingers crossed 🙂

    Thanks monkeyslim 🙂

    22lbs is fabulous! I’m fasting again today, feeling good so far, I have on the other pair of jeans that I bought in the States in january today, they were a bit on the tight side too and now they are falling down, hurray! So I will weigh in tomorrow but I’m not going to worry too much if the scales haven’t moved, I can FEEL the changes so that’s the main thing!
    No guilt so far today but then I haven’t eaten anything yet, so far, hot water and lemon before walking the pooch at 6:30am, several coffees, 2 with skimmed milk, one black, and a berocca. I’m feeling good 🙂

    Let me know how your weigh-in goes tomorrow!

    Kits x

    Well, I made it through (a fairly stressful day!), yesterday, and surprised myself by going all the way to dinner without eating anything at all! Weighed this morning and I’m a total of 4lbs down after my 6th fast, so I’m really pleased.

    Long weekend now, heaven 🙂

    Have a fabulous weekend all.

    Kits x

    A very well done to you Hits!!

    great results, you are doing fab girl!! have a lovely weekend, you deserve it 🙂 xx

    Thanks Angie, you too! 🙂 xx

    Congratulation, well done!!
    I’m fasting today. I’m happy that it’s asparagus time at the moment. I had a lot of asparagus for lunch and so happy that this is one of the foods I love with low caloriens.
    For dessert I’m reading a little in the 5:2 forum 🙂 so no gusto for chocolate 🙂

    Thanks ushush 🙂

    Oh yes, love asparagus!

    Have a fabulous fast day 🙂

    Kit x

    Sooooo… long weekend is over (boo!), but, I’m weirdly happy to be on my fast day again, I usually do Monday’s so I kind of missed it yesterday! I haven’t been excessive with what I’ve eaten over the weekend, my lovely husband did all the cooking (yay!) so everything was fresh and cooked from scratch, had a bit of chocolate, and baked kladdkaka (swedish chocolate cake, first time I’ve made this and oh my goodness it’s GOOD!), and banana bread and had some of both, but I don’t feel like I really over indulged over the four days. We’ll see after weigh-in (Friday this week as I’m now a day behind with fast days).

    Hope you all had a fabulous weekend 🙂

    Kits x

    Fast number 7 over, struggled a bit yesterday with a terrible mood all day! I wasn’t even really hungry, just cross for some reason… =/ I had nothing except tea/coffee/water until my evening meal, which was a My Goodness pulled pork and sweet potato mash (very, very yummy!) at 399 kcal, with some added salad. Got a very early night and woke up in a great mood this morning and not a bit hungry. Still haven’t eaten anything even though I have crumpets ready to toast and eggs ready to scramble 🙂

    And as a bonus it’s a short week so it’s hump day already 😉

    Have a great day all!

    Kits x

    Aaaaand fast number 8 today, it’s 14:30 and no food yet, not in the slightest big hungry and also not in a horrible mood like on Tuesday!

    I started running again last night, 2 miles on the treadmill, and I’m walking the dog for around an hour every morning as well as the short walk in the evening and am feeling positive and inspired to exercise more 🙂 I entered the ballot for next year’s London Marathon yesterday (wish me luck, I won’t find out until October if I’m successful though!), for the second year in a row (wasn’t successful last year), which gives me another goal. I’m not a natural runner but I’ve always, always wanted to complete the London Marathon. Is anyone here a keen runner?

    Whether fasting or not, I hope you all have a fabulous day 🙂

    Kits x

    Sounds like a great fasting day, Kits! Wish you all the best!

    ushush (also fasting today)

    Good morning lovely fasters (and also of course, to those of you who have different fast days to me!).

    Thanks ushush, only just seen this sorry for slow reply! How did your fast day go?

    Fast day number 9 today, I can’t believe how quickly it’s going actually!

    I didn’t weigh myself last week, I’m not quite sure why not, I used to be a serial weigher, and would weigh myself every day when on Cambridge. I think I will weigh myself on Thursday morning this week, once I have my 2 fasts completed.

    I’m definitely finding not eating until the evening the easiest way to do this, I think once you’ve set your mind on that your body kind of goes ‘oh ok then’ and doesn’t really bother you all day 🙂 I drink loads, water, tea, herbal tea, coffee, sometimes a coke zero (but only one of those because of all the stuff I’ve read recently about the sweeteners they use in those and diet coke), I start the day with hot water and lemon, then when I get to work I have coffee with skimmed milk and a Berocca (tropical today, how exotic 😛 ), then various as above. Tea I always have black anyway, coffee I have sometimes black, sometimes with skimmed milk. I don’t measure the milk, as I don’t eat all day I find that whatever I have in the evening gives me plenty of spare allowance into which I know the milk will fit, skimmed milk is so low in kcal anyway. I also treat myself to an oxo drink mid afternoon 🙂 I also have stopped being exact about calorie counting for my evening meal. I usually go for something like chicken breast with salad dressed with a little olive oil and lemon and well seasoned, or some grilled veg like aubergine and courgette, again well seasoned. Omnomnom… and I know that having not eaten all day, I don’t need to count every last calorie for that evening meal. Happy days, I hate counting calories haha 😛 So far this is working well for me, obviously, if I find I am putting on weight, or plateauing for several weeks then I will go back to basics and count properly.

    I got another run in yesterday, 2.2 miles, felt good 🙂 I’ve entered a little 5k race for life coming up in June, as well as a Zombie Survival Race in November (so excited for that one!), and I’m hoping to do some in between too, maybe a 10k after the 5k, fingers crossed 🙂

    So I hope all of you that are fasting today have a fabulous fast, and to those of you that are not, have a great day also!

    Kits xx

    Fast day number 11 today. I weighed myself last week and another pound was off making it 5lbs in 5 weeks which I’m really pleased with 🙂

    Today though I am feeling grumpy and miserable again, I’m not sure why, it’s nothing to do with hunger as I’ve been feeling like this since I woke up. I feel like booing off my fasting today but I know if I do that then the likelihood is that I won’t do 2 fast days this week. I’m sure that’s not the end of the world but I don’t want to start down that road… I will go get a coke zero as a ‘treat’ and keep reminding myself that tomorrow I will not be fasting.

    Have a good day all

    Kits x

    That’s the right attitude Kits! Tomorrow you will not fasting and I’m sure tomorrow you will be happy that you had a fasting day!! So enjoy your diet coke 😀
    I love to get mine with lemon and ice 🙂

    Kitsix keep going! I too am in a bad mood today. I have no idea why, just been a right grump all day, and too would like to sack it off! No way not today, if you have managed to get to 1pm you can make it for the rest of the day. Yes a cheeky coke zero or DC (diet coke) as i like to say, will perk you up!. I always think if its a really hard day, just try and make it as far past 24hr fast as you can, and then maybe just have a glass of milk before bed. Just don’t sack the whole thing off!

    Thanks for the support lovelies, feeling better now so I should be good until dinner time 🙂

    Kits x

    Right, fast day number 13! I’m not weighing until Thursday (every 2 weeks), but I’m not feeling like I’ve lost anything if at all, in fact I have a big case of feeling bigger! Ah well, ups and downs eh?!

    Nothing to eat so far today, and tonight I am very much looking forward to 2 poached eggs with rocket and tomatoes and a slice of tiger bread 🙂

    Hope you are all having a good day.


    Kits,you really are weighting only every two weeks?? I’m sometimes weighting five times a day! looks like I’m a weight aholic? 😉

    Put the scales away for a week and then see what the scales say along with the tape measure and your clothes.Weighing is only one way of ‘seeing’ change.There is no point in weighing every day, you can gain up pounds after a meal or before going to the loo. It is pointless.

    It is a marathon and not a sprint.

    Yes Usush 🙂 I went through the weighing every day thing when I did Cambridge though, I think whatever works for you at the time is good 🙂

    Hi, Im hoping on scale once a month. When I started year ago it was such a great feeling every time I checked scale there was 5/6 pounds less;) for me checking weight every day is bringing disappointment and is discouraging.

    We are all different I think, and have different ways of dealing with things like this 🙂 I’ve been at both ends of the scale and varying degrees in between. Fortnightly is fine at the moment but I may end up monthly like Maja. Today I put on two different pairs of trousers for work, both were way too big, so things like this give me a good indication too 🙂 Guess however I was feeling yesterday (fat!), changes are still happening 🙂

    And my poached eggs and tiger bread last night were heavenly 🙂

    Have a great day all!

    Hi Kits (and others). Bit nervous writing – never ever contributed to a forum before! Have read plenty of threads on this site though, and find them really encouraging/inspiring.

    Looks like I started the Fast Diet about the same time as you, and have a similar approach. Now about 7 weeks in, lost about 3 1/2 kg, and definitely not counting calories on non-fast day’s. Enjoying my end of the day glass of wine (or two…) most days a week.

    I haven’t found fast days too tough – biggest problem had been difficulty sleeping on fast days, but fortunately that’s been okay the last two times. Fingers crossed the trend continues. I do get pretty hungry late afternoon, but then really savour the process of preparing a healthy evening meal.

    Would be nice to see a faster rate of loss- but I’m REALLY not into deprivation and pain (especially over Easter, and the recent school holidays here in Australia). Two days is fine – always knowing I can eat well the next day. I am keen to start fitting some exercise into my day. I like the Fast Exercise ideas – just haven’t implemented them yet…

    I admit to weighing myself most days – I’ve never really done this before, and it’s been interesting to see the daily fluctuations. And nice to chart the results and see a (gradual) downward trend. I imagine I’ll end up doing this less over time. Guess at the moment I’m looking for evidence this approach is working.


    Weeee fast day number 14, can’t believe I’ve been doing this for 7 weeks…!

    Well, today is my first fast day that I have started the day with exercise, just a nice job around the village with my dog, and it’s a beautiful morning too. I’m a little worried this will make me more likely to get hungry earlier, although no signs of this yet. Also, I have not had a coffee yet…. this may not sound like a big deal but usually by now I’ve had at least 2. Right now I have a berrocca and a cup of raspberry and echinacea tea. Can’t remember the last time I didn’t want a coffee first thing… oh well!

    Elan, thanks for posting! 🙂 Don’t be nervous, we’re a friendly bunch 🙂 Sounds like you’re doing really well, I’m glad the sleeping has settled down for you, I have to admit, it’s not something I’ve had a problem with, in fact I’m always soooo keen to get to bed on a fast day haha! Keep us updated with how you are doing 🙂

    Have a fabulous day all, whether you are fasting or not, whether you are weighing yourself, once, twice, not at all or every half an hour, it’s all good 🙂


    Soooo… as an update, I’m feeling MUCH hungrier than usual on a fast day by this time. I’m not sure if this is because of the exercise this morning or just because I thought it would affect me like this 😉 It probably doesn’t help that I am bored out of my brain at work right now either =/

    Ahhh the psychology of it all! Hang in there Kits – those hunger pangs are sure to pass. I’ve just made it through to the end of my fast day – luckily one of the easiest yet. Good job I avoided any and all exercise by the sounds of it!

    It’s amazing how bloody good a banana and a nectarine taste on a fast day 🙂

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