kidz 5 a day

This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Mezz 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    Has anyone out there tried this powder? if so would like help with the amounts of powder and milk used for a serving and any comments too,

    Many thanks

    Hello, funtimebobby – Checking online, the first thing that caught my eye was a judgement from the UK Advertising Standards Authority against Kidz 5 A Day UK Limited for repeatedly failing to substantiate their major claims for the product:
    Extract from the ASA ruling:
    ‘Kidz 5 A Day was unable to provide adequate substantiation to demonstrate that the powdered drink contained fresh fruit and vegetables or that the powdered drink was entirely organic.
    Although the ASA upheld the complaint against Kidz 5 A Day UK Ltd and the Compliance team has made repeated requests for an assurance of future compliance, the website continues to feature problematic claims….
    These details shall remain in place until such time as “Kidz 5 A Day” has removed or appropriately amended the claims on its website to ensure compliance with the CAP Code.’

    For full details see:

    I agree with the majority of modern health advisors: Eat real food, not processed. Best wishes.

    thank you for this info, but saw on you tube a guy saying it helped him on fast days as a sustaining drink, oh well thank you again

    funtimebobby, if there’s no fruit and no vegetables in the drink then it’s basically powdered soy milk and powdered cocoa, costing £39 for one month’s supply – or you can save £199 in their big sale: ‘normal price £479 SAVE £280 on twelve months supply’. There’s some obviously clever – and apparently dishonest – marketing going on. Perhaps a real apple or a glass of milk would get you through the brief hunger pangs better. Enjoy your preferred choices.

    thank you again for this helpful info Jeanius

    funtimebobby (great name) – sticking to protein and plants, rather than powders and shakes, on a Fast day will give you a really good basis, plenty of interest and nutrition, and not make it feel like a freaky regime.

    Thanks Mimi, so good to get all your help and advice here, loving the programme, lost 6lbs so far, and never felt hungry or deprived!!!! long may it last, need to lose another 3 stone, looking forward to more progress

    The guy who’s plugging it on you tube is called Neil Asher I think or something similar-guess what-he’s the guy who owns the company. He’s plugging it everywhere and tries to attach himself to the fasting diet for credibility.
    He’s even reviewed his own product on amazon..
    See a thread about this on money saving expert if in doubt.
    On you tube he says it contains spiralina-it doesn’t but that’s the least of it-it’s one big … Well read mse forum

    Mimi-one of kids5aday reviewers claims Michael Moseley has recommended this product-that is not correct is it?

    Hi all and any one who thinks this drink is of benefit to you in any type of diet. please read the comment again made by Mimi. If Michael had recommended this drink it would have appeared on this site. Jeanius has also commented on this product. I would accept her advice, full stop. Look at other comments. People will try to rip off people who want to do the 5:2 lifestyle and this may be one of those. The 5:2 diet costs you NOTHING. Do not pay for any supplement pushed by this person, it seems to be of no benefit other than putting money in his pocket.

    Thanks-just wanted to highlight that there are a lot of forum posting trying to promote this

    product, semi-innocently, if you understand what I am saying.This kidz5aday product started out as an alleged ” kids vitamin supplement”( see ASA however!).I
    Iit claimed that it was devised ” by a parent” who’s child wouldn’t eat it’s vegetables, even used their own child in the advert!
    Then used other business associates children to promote eg” my headmistress did a taste test of this at school”, plus a ” person ” who is doing a trial on you tube-the owner of the company-but he fails to mention that.

    The key words that crop up with this company are ” treat” ” chocoganic” ( made up word) , ” chocolate” probably his next product’ ” I’m training hard” ” organic” ” only 50 calories” ( it’s not!) , ” yummy”. ” uber yummy” , poster seem to be things like ” ex weight watchers group leaders” or ” ex army”, to try to complete the image.

    It’s now decided there a lot of money to be made by jumping on the fasting diet bandwagon, and mentions Michael Moseley etc wherever possible, hoping no doubt some of the glitter will rub off, and also to make it look as though its connected.

    It’s quite devious, eg. ” I’m doing the 5:2 diet and started using this when I heard Michael Moseley talking about it”.

    I want to warn others, lots of people can’t get their money back from this company.

    In the advertising standards ruling it was identified that the company had produced the you tube video without mentioning that it was marketing the product too, and also that part of the complaint too was upheld, and he was told to remove the video- BUT he did not- it’s still there.

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