kick in the pants

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Jeanius 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello all, I am new to the site, love all the great information. I have been on the fasting diet for about 3 months and have lost 20lbs. Love it but now I have lost my motivation. Just don’t wanna, ya know? Can someone give me advice how they got back into it please.

    Have you lost your motivation? Sure about that? Maybe “Just do,t wanna” is actually just don’t wanna keep on doing the same boring meals of fast days?

    Think of it this way. You lost 20 lbs – that is ~70,000 calories of fat you have successfully burnt off. Do you have more to do? I don’t know, but take a look at the first Q/A in ‘Michael answers frequently asked questions’.

    Those benefits are there for you if you carry on, even if you don’t NEED to lose any more weight. But if you DO need to lose more weight to get healthy then why would you throw that first effort away after 150,000 calories? That is the equivalent of 35 DAYS OF FOOD.

    You love it, you are feeling good – go love it some more and feel even better. For me the target is the stage suit I wore when I was 20 (45 years ago). When I can get back into that i have arrived. Vary your fasting ‘diets’ or even better get this to be so second nature that you don’t have to even think about it because then you are home and dry and it has become the normal.

    I’ll bet its your boring breakfast which is making this hard for you, isn’t it? Plain porridge is dull, dull, dull.

    Well, there are lots of alternatives, some of which need some thinking about in advance……so I suggest that you attack your breakfast regimes with a little research, and a little experimentation. I always found the evening meal really easy, and indeed, thought that some of them were too large even though they were well within the calorie limits. Breakfast is the harder one to get right, but get it wrong and it sours your day.

    The other thing you must do is draw a graph recording your weight loss every week, and showing your target. It was a huge motivator for me, and can be a reminder of what you’ve achieved if you’re maybe feeling a bit down about the whole process.


    hi you could start changing things by having 2 x 200 Kcal meals on the fast do or 2 x 300 Kcal ones. Or change the days of the week. I have resolved to fast at least 1 day a week for the rest of my life and therefore make sure its as long as possible.

    I also love that:-
    my knees feel so much better,
    I can bend down to tie my shoelaces without getting breathless,
    cheerfully go back upstairs for something I forgot,
    work in the garden without feeling tired,
    go for walks and not have to stop to catch my breath,
    wear cloths that were previously tight,
    feel energetic,
    reacquaint myself with my feet,
    and very slowly not be embarrassed about what I look like naked.
    Its got to be worth it!!!

    Hey, Puterman, you’ve got to say more about this, surely: “For me the target is the stage suit I wore when I was 20 (45 years ago). When I can get back into that i have arrived.” I’d like to hear about the stage you were on, in that suit, before you became a computer programmer – but only if you’re willing to talk about, of course. Take no notice of me, if not. All best wishes to you for good health and getting off your medication.

    Hi, happyfeet – Great name – I love it. Twenty pounds in three months! That’s good going. How would it be if you went out and had a total blow-out feeding-frenzy for a while? You might not need to go to such an extreme, of course – I hope that by now you’ve already regained some enthusiasm – but perhaps you need to just ease off for a week or two and explore what the barriers to continuing might be? As others are saying, boring food, perhaps? Not enough tangible benefits yet? Still too far to go? A repeat pattern of self-sabotage? Outside pressures? A hundred-and-one things could spring from my imagination but only you know your own psyche and situation.
    If you have no idea why your feelings have changed, one technique you might try, to clarify things, is the 4-Quadrants List on a large sheet of paper: Divide the sheet into 4 equal sectors, by drawing one horizontal line and one vertical line across its midpoint.
    Ask yourself some kind of relevant question – such as ‘What will I get if I give up the 5:2 fasting diet?” – and, without censoring your thoughts, physically write down all the answers you can think of on the sheet as follows:
    Top-left quadrant: Things I will get that I will be glad about (+ + )
    Top-right quadrant: Things I will get that I will be unhappy about (+ – )
    Bottom-left quadrant: Things I will lose that I will be glad about ( – + )
    Bottom-right quadrant: Things I will lose that I will be unhappy about ( – – )
    Once every thing is made more concrete in front of you, you can then weigh-up which points hold most sway with you and, hopefully, more easily decide whether or not you want to give up. Perhaps you might just see what adjustments you want to make to improve the situation and then continue, reinvigorated. Whatever the outcome, I wish you energy, good health and confidence in your own process.

    Thanks for the 4-Quadrants idea Jeanius

    I believe this will work with anything where you have second thoughts.

    I really appreciate you for sharing.

    @jeanius << I’d like to hear about the stage you were on>>

    It is nothing much to speak about really. I was in a Folk Group in 1968-1972 and we were on Opportunity Knocks, Anglia TV, Country Meets Folk and various other bits and bob – playing at Ronnie Scott’s in London, et al. Nothing exciting and when the record company Major Minor went bust so did we. I tried to carry on singing in clubs, theatres and pubs for a while but eventually gave up. Folk died.

    I still do the odd song in a pub every now and again, and I would love to sing on a stage again…..

    Hey, PuterMan, that sounds great. The late 1960s was an exciting time socially as well as musically, I recall. Reading online about Major Minor Records, the thrill of David McWilliams’ ‘Days Of Pearly Spencer’ instantly came flooding back to the teenaged me. It sounds as though performing live is a particular thrill for you, over and above singing for its own sake. I have signed-up to a Beginners’ Adult Ed. class, starting in September, called ‘Find Your Voice’ – singing (or, in my case, making sound) just for fun. I hope you do find more outlets for your talent – and you get to fit The Suit again, well within your target timeframe. Thanks for providing a little sparkle here.

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