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12 foods to fight cancerEat Your Cancer-fighting Vitamins.
12 foods to fight cancer:
One of the easiest things for a person touched by cancer to address is their diet. Here are 12 foods that can each play a role in fighting one or more steps in the multi-step cancer process.
Remember that ´good nourishment´ is a crucial weapon in the fight against cancer and any illness. Good cancer nutrition can be vital in increasing your personal odds of survival.
Remember too that natural compounds are likely to do you a lot more good than synthetic pills! So here are a few additions to your cancer diet, as a part of your own Integrated Cancer Treatment Programme.
1: Oily Fish
Fish oil will provide long chain omega-3, a powerful anti-inflammatory in the body that minimizes COX-2 and its abilities to drive localized negative hormones called eicosanoids which inflame and irritate. Omega-3 has been shown to re-lengthen telomeres, which shorten when you have cancer putting the DNA structure at risk, and reducing longevity. Oily fish also contain vitamin A, an important vitamin in the fight against cancer (herring, mackerel and salmon are top of the list). Fish oils have been linked to reduced levels of prostate, breast and colon cancer. Research shows they help prevent cachexia when having chemotherapy. You´ll also get a little vitamin D from them, another proven cancer-fighter.
2: Carrots
Along with apricots, peppers and pumpkins, they provide cancer carotenoids like beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, when required by the body. 1 cup of carrot juice, 2 sweet potatoes, 16 dried apricots and 4 cups of red cherries will each provide 25mgs. Don´t eat them all at once – people have been known to turn a little orange! A great juice to make yourself involves carrots and apples (for quercitin) and beetroot (for anthocyanins). A real cancer fighting drink! Carotenoids are also found in natural food sources such as chlorella.
3: Red and Yellow Peppers
The top source of vitamin C in the UK – even better than oranges. Vitamin C strengthens your immune cells and neutralises toxins. Linus Pauling thought cancer patients should consume 2 to 10 gms per day. A large red pepper is 250 mgs. 200 gms raw broccoli 175 mgs. 150 gms papaya 90 mgs. An orange 65 mgs. Berries and cherries are great sources. Red and yellow peppers are also good sources of carotenoids.
4: Sunflower Seeds
High in zinc and vitamin E. Zinc helps vitamin C do its work and accelerates healing time. It is important to a healthy prostate. You need 15 to 25 mgs per day. Five tablespoons of sunflower seeds give you 10 mgs. Best are oysters, 3 are enough. Milk can block zinc absorption. Sunflower seeds will also provide a little selenium.
Pumpkin Seeds
Can be mixed with the sunflower seeds in your morning muesli. 5 tablespoons will each provide 20 mgs of vitamin E, the ultimate cancer buster, which inhibits cancer cell growth and protects immune cells from free radicals. Vitamin E boosts your immune system´s fighting abilities. The target is 300-600 mgs and is difficult to achieve without supplements. Green vegetables, soya and almonds are also good sources.
5: Brazil Nuts
Six cracked nuts will give you your daily selenium; 100 to 200 mcgs is the goal. Selenium is a very potent anti-cancer agent. Eight slices of wholemeal bread, an organic egg, or a large chicken breast will also be enough.
Tuna, onions, broccoli and tomatoes contain selenium too.
6: Mushrooms
There´s an enormous body of research evidence now that shows how ´medicinal´ mushrooms (Shiitake, Maiitake, cordyceps etc) boost the immune system and fight cancer. Even the button mushroom has cancer fighting ingredients. We have a great review on medicinal mushrooms (Click Here)
7: Tomatoes
Seven to ten helpings per week, especially cooked.
According to Harvard research 7-10 helpings a week cuts prostate symptoms by 40% and has an influence on many cancers e.g.: lung; colon; cervix; breast. Lycopene is the prime active ingredient, and 25 – 40 mgs the desired daily dose.
It is also found in strawberries, peppers, carrots and peaches, but one tin of tomato soup has 65 mgs alone. Lycopene helps reduce ´bad´ fat levels in the blood stream and is a strong antioxidant.
8: Egg Yolk
Along with green leafy vegetables, avocado, beans, carrots, apricots and pumpkins, egg yolk will give you folic acid.
This will help your DNA to replicate properly and protect it during radiotherapy.
400 micrograms is a recommended amount. Folate, biotin, niacin and vitamin B6 are all B vitamins that help in the cancer fight. Egg yolk, greens and whole grains are the best sources.
9: Broccoli
And other green cruciferous vegetables e.g. cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, contain fibre which helps eliminate toxins
Moreover, the fibre is rich in galactose, which binds to damaging agents in the intestine.
Cruciferous vegetables also contain indoles, and especially indole3carbinol which, along with its metabolite DIM, modifies and diminishes aggressive oestrogen action, can modify cellular oestrogen receptor sites, and aids in fighting oestrogen-driven cancers like some breast, prostate, brain and colorectal cancers.
I3C and DIM were also found to have action in non-oestrogen driven cancers as they can also affect the p27cancer pathway.
Finally, sulphorophane in broccoli and especially sprouting broccoli seeds helps the liver detoxify, and reduces stomach cancer tumours.
10: Garlic
It is a truly wonderful food. It seems to act to stop the spread of cancer in a number of ways, for example by stopping blood supply forming for tumours.
Garlic has a number of active ingredients. It contains selenium, tryptophan and sulpher based active agents that attack cancer cells.
Two or three raw cloves of garlic per day will ward off more than vampires.
11: Beetroot
And cherries, aubergines, red grapes – indeed any purple coloured fruits and vegeatables. They contain anthocyanins (and sometimes also resveratrol). Anthocyanins have been shown to kill cancer cells; resveratrrol has research supporting its role in fighting certain cancers like blood and brain cancers too.
12: Pulses
Lentils, chickpeas, beans and even soya etc. are a great source of fibre and protein without the animal fat.
Pulses also contain isoflavones, phytoestrogens. People get confused about plant oestrogen. The cells of your body have oestrogen receptor sites. When one form of human oestrogen (oestradiol) binds to them, the result is havoc inside your cells. About 40 times less potent is human oestrogen oestrone and about 40 to 50 times less potent still are plant oestrogens. Now which would you rather have sitting on your receptors? Pulses also provide fibres like lignans that can help neutralise free-radicals in the gut and blood stream.
Eat pulses every two days.
On Top?
Use good oils like extra virgin olive oil (and anyway increase your good oil intake – fish oils, flaxseed, nut and seed oils and coconut oil).
The National Cancer Institute in America produced research in July/August 2012 (see Cancer Watch). Dr Young and her team of researchers concluded that a poor diet (too much glucose, bad fats, cows´ dairy, too much salt, too many refined and junk foods) could cause a cancer to regrow from any cancer stem cells left behind after orthodox treatment. Dr Young also concluded that certain natural compounds in foods could stop this regrowth. Those compounds they said ´could be taken as supplements´. This list included: Sulphorapanes, resveratrol, curcumin, piperine (black pepper), vitamin E (naturally sourced and including all 8 tocopherols and tocotrienols) and vitamin A, theanine and choline, EGCG from green tea, and genistein (from pulses and the herb red clover).
And For A Drink?
Choose green tea. Three cups per day help to neutralise free radicals. The Mayo clinic even claims from research that 3-5 cups a day can stop the growth of certain cancers.
One last thing or two!
Finally, don´t forget – EAT WHOLE FOODS; and take a daily multi-strain probiotic to help release all this nourishment! And avoid common salt and sugar (glucose). Glucose feeds cancer cells, whereas healthy cells can use fats instead. And few people understand that, without the right bacteria in your gut, you cannot cut up your foods and release all the goodness!!!
nstead of a menu this week I’m only picking from this list of cancer fighting foods.
I try to include at least one of these everyday and aim to put a little of the proven foods in every meal.
(NaturalNews) In order to defeat cancer and ensure there is no recurrence, the body must be brought into balance and the immune system rebuilt and fine tuned. So how is this feat accomplished? Detox, detox, detox and achieve a slightly alkaline pH, while filling the body with the best, organic, nutritionally dense food available. Your goal is to rebuild a killer immune system as you bathe every non-cancerous cell in your body with nutrition.
For specific foods known to eliminate cancer, check out the following list:
Omega 3
Oily fish, fish oil, flax seed oil, hemp oil, and healthy oil blend supplements provide omega 3 fatty acids (and other beneficial fatty acids), which fight inflammation and make the body less hospitable to cancer cells. Vitamin D is also known to kill cancer, and you can find many fish oils and some vegan oil blends with vitamin D in them.
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, watercress, kale, collard greens, cauliflower, bok choy, turnips, rutabagas, radishes, arugula, and more. These vegetables contain sulforaphane and other helpful compounds, which help fight tumors, breast, prostate, brain, and colorectal cancers, as well as leukemia. Broccoli sprouts and mature broccoli in combination really pack nutritional, cancer fighting punch.
Black raspberries appear to reign supreme, though all berries contain cancer fighting phytonutrients and high amounts of ellagic acid, which inhibit tumor growth.
Maitake and Shiitake Mushrooms
Google maitake mushrooms and cancer and the American Cancer Society pops up at the top of the search list. For one brief moment it seemed they might actually be doing their job, but no. They claim there have been no studies to show that maitake or any other mushroom help fight cancer. Continue your search and study after study reveals they do indeed.
Mushrooms boost immune function and are a great source of antioxidants. They are also rich in vitamins C and B vitamins as well as calcium and other minerals.
Curcumin, found in turmeric, inhibits the spread of cancer (metastases) along with its anti-inflammatory and oxidative effects. Tumeric can be found at farmer’s markets in root form. It can be used liberally to spice your food (great on salads or in salad dressing as well as in cooked dishes) with no side effects.
The active compounds found in tomatoes, carotenoids and lycopene (especially lycopene), are very helpful, especially in the fight of prostate and pancreatic cancer in men. Seven to ten helpings are week are suggested, both cooked and raw juice. To gain the health benefits of juice, make your own. Store bought tomato juice will be pasteurized. Lycopene is a strong antioxidant.
Egg yolks, avocadoes, apricots, green leafy vegetables, and pumpkin are among the foods rich in folate. For meat eaters, chicken livers are very high in folate. Studies involving folate or its synthetic form, folic acid, show a significant reduced risk of colorectal cancer. Folate or folic acid ?is essential for the body to correctly replicate DNA.
Even the National Cancer Institute admits garlic “…may reduce the risk of developing several types of?cancer, especially cancers of the?gastrointestinal tract”.
Garlic reduces inflammation, fights free radicals, and fights cancer. Eat it raw or chop it up and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before cooking with it or its beneficial compound, allicin, will not be released.
The compound found in red grapes, resveratrol, is a powerful antioxidant that also saves cells from oxidant-caused death. Grape seeds have huge benefits. We recommend you don’t eat grapes without seeds.
An alkaline, balanced diet with plenty of nutrition, and as few toxins as possible, makes the body inhospitable to cancer. Sugar feeds cancer. Processed and refined foods feed cancer. Raw, organic vegetables, especially when grown for maximum nutrient content (as opposed to large scale farming) should be the foundation of any healthy diet. We also recommend that anyone with cancer undergo a full body detox with a supplement regimen specifically designed for your current state of health
I try to simplify this by putting into two groups.
High calorie and low calorie.
Low calorie cancer fighting foods on fast days
And high calorie cancer fighter as snacks, tomato, grapes , and berries on feed days.
As opposed to choco crunch bars.
Extremely interesting !
Dark chocolate also has resveritol . I put in my oatmeal. Not processed dark chocolate bars, but the dark chocolate baking powder, sweeten with Stevia to improve it’s ph score. It’s my first goto carb for work days feed days. Plus the oatmeal trickles sugars so i know i dont need more carbs unless A test Strip Indicates i need moresugars.
BTW The bakers dark chocolate is very low calorie high in flavor.
It’s like not missing the flavors of life, but then dieting the next day on beans and fish
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