Just to Clarify

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Lottie381 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I started 5:2 on Monday. I ate my evening meal on Sunday, then had breakfast at 9am and a small stir fry for my evening meal. I then didn’t eat until Tuesday at around 11am, purely because I wasn’t hungry. Total calories consumed on Monday, around 480.

    Today, my 2nd fast day, I have decided to fast until my evening meal. So, I ate at 6.30pm on Wednesday evening and, so far, have only had coffee and water. I intend to eat my evening meal at around 6.30 again this evening effectively giving me a 24 hour fast.

    I will have my breakfast on Friday morning and will have non-fast days over the weekend.

    Is this correct as I’m reading a few conflicting comments on the forum and want to check that I am doing it right.

    Eagerly awaiting my weigh in on Monday morning to see if the scales have moved!


    @lottie381 as you will see from many of the posts on here there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way. You do what works for you. I do much the same as you have done today. I eat dinner on my non fast day then nothing except water and black coffee until dinner on my fast day then nothing until lunch the next day.

    The comments are not really ‘conflicting’ it’s just that everyone has their own way and it can be confusing to when you are just starting. Just as some people do 5:2 and others 4:3 or 6:1 – Some people do 3 small meals on fast days; some do breakfast and dinner; some do lunch and dinner; others, like me, do a 24 hour fast and yet others fast from dinner on their non fast day to breakfast on the next non fast day. All of these are ‘right’ for the individuals. The best thing is to try out different ways and find the way that’s suits you and your lifestyle best.

    Good luck


    Hi lottie,

    it sounds like you are doing what I am doing at the moment 1 36 hr fast and 1 24 hr fast. I think the tedancy for people on here is to do 2 36 hr fasts a week. Say you eat dinner 6.30pm on a tuesday, your fast day is on wednesay so you would have 500 kals on that day, then not eat again until thursday morning. I have found it too hard to do two of these a week. So am now trying 1 36hr then 1 24hr. I think the weightloss will be slower, but so be it. As long as you get there in the end right?!

    also Id really like to find out how you get on with it, so would be great if you did an update next week!

    Thank you for the comments. I found that on Monday, I did suffer from hunger pains in the afternoon and had read that when you eat breakfast, it can make you hungry during the day until your evening meal. I must admit, even though I didn’t eat breakfast today, I feel less hungry so will try to hold out until my meal tonight, not sure I could manage without any calories until the following morning though. Well not yet anyway.

    Planning to have baked fish and vegetables tonight, would a few small potatoes hurt if I stuck to my 500? Did I read somewhere about avoiding starch/carbs?

    Thanks again x

    @lottie381 you can eat what you like on fast days too as long as you stay within your 500. As with every day – you eat WHAT you like just NOT HOW MUCH you like.

    Eating carbs like potatoes/bread/white rice/white pasta will fill you up but they tend to give you a ‘sugar rush’ which subsides quickly leaving you hungry again. I try to avoid these things on fast days – I tell myself it’s only for one day!!


    Maybe try sweet potatoe as an alternative or mashed calliflower is a good substitute to potatoe? From what I have read many people on here seem to low carb it on fast days, this way you will eat foods that are much more filling and keep you fuller for longer 🙂

    Thanks, Sylvestra, I’ll try to find something else to have with my fish and maybe indulge in a yoghurt for dessert!


    Thanks, Monkeyslim, may try that too x

    @monkeyslim there are far more calories and carbs weight for weight in sweet potatoes than in ordinary potatoes – 100g sweet potatoes = 128 calories(28g carbs); 100g potatoes = 80 calories (17g carbs)

    On fast days I sometimes have cauliflower ‘rice’ – put a few florets in a food processor and pulse until it looks like rice then microwave for a minute just to heat it up – or ‘courgetti’ – courgette cut into long strips and microwaved. I’ve also just bought ‘Slim Rice’, 7 cals/100gms – available online from http://www.eatwater.co.uk

    Whoops! Giving out bad advice sorry @lottie381! @sylvestra Ill definately try the slim rice at some point sounds like a good alternative

    Yes, the slim rice looks good, also passed it on to my sister who’s son is a coeliac as it’s gluten free too x

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