Just started – not weighing or measuring myself …

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Just started – not weighing or measuring myself …

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi, I am new to this, and hopefully have the ability to grab it with both hands and succeed. A decision I have made though, is not to start by weighing or measuring myself. The reason being, is that when it comes to weight, even though I am not significantly overweight, I get screwed up really fast when I start stepping on scales. I can become obsessed and unhealthy almost immediately from it! So, I have decided to simply to this diet, and keep it healthy (for my head). I know what size clothes should be fitting me, and I know where too much weigh sits (my belly) – so for me, I am going to stay away from measurement, but still hope to report progress. :). I look forward to participating in these forums, getting support and having fun. Cheers. C

    Hi colourful I started yesterday and did not weigh or measure myself. I will be happy once my clothes are looser!
    Good luck, I managed fine yesterday and it felt good to get started.

    Hi colourful1 and mitches66

    Welcome to the fast diet forum!

    You might regret the not weighing/measuring strategy – have a look at ‘If the scales are the same but your clothes are looser’ thread to see why.

    It’s entirely up to you both of course – someone on the forum said
    ‘Your diet – your way’

    Good Luck whatever you decide

    Hi PreciousBooBoo thanks for the welcome:)
    I did weigh myself beg of this week, on the fancy scales in Boots, got BMI reading etc and confirmation that I need to start this diet!
    I hope to weigh myself every couple of weeks, my first goal is for the top I am wearing for a girly break away next weekend, is not so tight! I bought it at the end of the summer and it seemed fine then, and I refuse to buy another one!

    How long have you been on the diet and how you getting on?

    Hi mitches66

    It would take too long for me to tell you my long and torturous fast diet story; it’s at the beginning and end of ‘Help! – All Ladies of a Certain Age – Please Respond’.

    I’m sticking with it though; it’s just testing my tenacity.

    Good luck with your start.

    Hi PreciousBooBoo and mitches66
    I am in my midfifties and have been on this for 6 months and have lost 23 pounds. But I have only managed to do that by doing the fasting bit 3 times a week. After 6 months it started to become torture so I’m now doing it twice, well just started this week. It will be interesting to see if I have lost any weight or altered my measurements.

    I measure and weigh in once a week on a Saturday and whether I lose or stay the same I just carry on. I’ve gone down from a size 20 to size 16 and people have noticed so that keeps me going.
    keep going I say – just keep going…

    Hi midfiftiesgirl (love the name! no guessing required!)

    More than a little jealous of the 23lbs….but you have worked really hard to achieve that, so well done you.

    Don’t blame you at all for now reducing to 5:2.
    I mean, you’ve gone down 4 dress sizes; so you can afford to slow down a bit.

    Hope it continues to come off for you.

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