Just popping by to share…

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Just popping by to share…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Tobias Karlsson 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Fast Day Number…who knows…it has been quite a while now.

    Started the morning with

    Hot tea (0 calories)

    Toast (80 calories)

    1 tablespoon of Apple Butter (30 calories)

    Banana (100 calories)

    And feel great!

    But not as great as my trip to get new clothes in another size smaller yesterday! Actually only picked up a couple of outfits because I intend to drop 14 more pounds before the end of the year (and fit into those black leather trousers again!) Still…it felt wonderful!

    This has been a life-changer for me.
    I have always hated the faddish yo-yo dieting.
    This is a sustainable lifstyle 🙂

    Great stuff Carla, keep it up! It is always nice to read those real-life stories as they bring real meaning to the efforts we all make. I can only agree with what you say that it feels like a sustainable life-style, not only physiologically but also psychologically… It is the kind of thing you can keep on doing and there are no “do not do’s” really as you can eat normally the next day.

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