Just Joined, Linda Gruchy

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  • I thought I’d better introduce myself as I have just joined to comment.

    I am an author with a degree in Biological sciences, and in interest in health and fitness.

    I have been doing variations on intermittent fasting since 6th October when I joined Kate Harrison’s 5:2 Facebook Group. I found it via a fellow author who had been posting good successes. I watched YouTube versions of the Horizon programme (and the HIT one)and was convinced that this was the way, particularly as it addressed some sneaking suspicions I had about insulin.

    Kate’s group started to grow, and we found ourselves reiterating the advice time and again, partly because of the ephemeral nature of Facebook, so we suggested that Kate write a book of our experiences because there was nothing at the time. This came out at the beginning of December and proved to be very successful.

    When Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer’s book came out in January this year, I pre-ordered the book, read it, reviewed it, and it’s one of the books I recommend alongside Kate’s. I think they are both very good books and complement each other.

    Meanwhile, in Kate’s group, I found myself explaining how the body works re exercise, fat burning and carbohydrate burning, using easy-to-understand analogies so asked the group if they would like me to update a booklet I wrote years ago when I was working in a gym. They said yes, it would be helpful. Of course, it took longer to update that I thought because much of it was out of date, but I published that as an e-book towards the end of February. I need to update it slightly before putting it into a paper version. I never intended it as an “instead of” Kate’s book, or Mosley & Spencer’s book, but as an “as well as”.

    My weight loss has slowed down, mainly because I am fasting in a less intensive manner and being more permissive on non-fast days, but the trend is downwards.

    What is fundamentally important with this approach to weight control is that it is sustainable. I have been doing this a year and have lost three stone. If I compare that with other weight loss regimes, I found those intolerable and unsustainable because real life gets in the way. With this approach, real life can be accommodated.

    Any weight loss regime is successful short term, but the real problem is long term. This is where 5:2 scores.

    I truly believe this is the answer to a lot of our obesity problems in the developed world.

    Hi Linda, it’s always good to hear the experiences of people who have been following the plan over a prolonged period. Have you much more weight to lose?

    Thanks StephB. Another 3 stone would be useful. 4 stone would be better, perhaps, but I’d be happy with another 3 gone.

    Linda Gruchy

    42 lbs yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in 1 year yippee really nice 2 know πŸ˜€

    The important thing is not to give up. I took a “holiday” from fasting because I was getting “Prickly muscles” but I’m back on it though less intensively now.

    Hi Linda,

    It seems to me that most people are too concerned with quick weight loss when, as you pointed out, the problem isn’t short term weight loss but long term. If there are any negative side effects of fasting or weight loss, like your “Prickly muscles” problem, or uncontrollable hunger, they’ll be less if you don’t lose weight too fast. We all want to be thin, and I suppose too that we all want to be on the easier maintenance plan, but, in my opinion, 2-4 pounds a month is probably best. I lost 2 pounds a month via fasting (kind of 8:16 plan) for 18 months with no problems at all except that I plateaued for 6 months until I started 5:2. Down about 4 stone now, only 5-10 pounds to go I think. I’ll get there, but not quickly.

    β€œPrickly muscles” ???????????

    Yes, that’s the only way I could describe the sensation, like being jabbed internally by needles in the muscles. Of course, it might have nothing to do with fasting, it might be coincidence, but I had been experimenting on myself with variations on a theme of fasting and I suspect it was too intensive for me. From my Bodystats I had lost a little lean tissue too. Interestingly the sensations disappeared as soon as I stopped fasting for a couple of weeks. Because the stop was planned, it was easy to get back into it.

    2 – 4 lb a month is a good loss, but lots of people seem to want/expect more and when they don’t achieve it, become demoralised.

    At the moment I’m struggling with fasting because there is so much luscious fruit around.

    “so much luscious fruit around.”

    that’s 4 nonfastdays

    @ least in this fdl (fastdaylifestyle)

    we can have a nonfasday πŸ˜€ ♬β™₯♬β™₯♬

    That is the best thing about it and why it is so successful long term. The problem is that when I step into the garden and there’s a fig bursting at the seams, there’s only one thing to do with it. But a fig isn’t that bad, really.

    But then there’s the grapes. And the tomatoes. And blackberries.

    lol – could be worse. You could be a chocoholic not a fruitaholic!

    I read Kate’s book and liked the way it was written, with that and Michael and Mimi’s book was inspired to give it a go. I didn’t see the Horizon programme until about a month ago and wish I had seen it when it came out.
    Like you I feel it is my way of life now with lots of ‘positives’ as well as weight loss.
    Off to Amazon to d/l your book now πŸ™‚

    Chocolate is fruit, you know πŸ˜‰

    And chocolate is good for us, in the right quantities. And the right type, ie dark, full of coco solids.

    But I don’t grow it in the garden.

    Today (7th) is my “Fastiversary”.

    I am roughly three stone lighter than I was this time last year.

    I have only counted calories on fast days, have done a mixture of 5:2, 4:3, and alternate day, as well as taking the occasional break from fasting.

    To celebrate my Fastiversary my book is free to download 7th to 9th October 2013.

    I must emphasise that this book is not an “Instead of” book and assumes the reader has already read “The Fast Diet” or Kate’s book.


    9th October is the last day free for my book.

    Hi Linda, thank you for directing us to your free book but the link is not working πŸ™‚

    The link doesn’t seem to work.

    Oh. I don’t have a kindle.

    You can download to an android phone too. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the info but I don’t have one of those either. My phone is very basic. Never mind! I was expecting a ‘book’!

    Chrissie, you can get an app for your computer too, though it’s a bit of a pain reading on the computer. Then at least you have it if you upgrade your phone ever etc.

    It’s worth looking at the free books because although there is some real tosh, there are some great Kindle books out there.

    Hi Linda, just downloaded your book on my Kindle and can’t wait to read it. Thanks πŸ™‚

    Thanks Linda πŸ™‚

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