Just heard about this site on ABC Radio

This topic contains 15 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hedda 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • My journey has been very slow and I was amazed that I did everything the wrong way.
    It stated 12 months ago. I live an idyllic lifestyle but was mid fifties and overweight.
    I found attending the gym most days just increased my appetite and I put on more weight – I hit 85kg.
    After viewing the Australian sugar doco on SBS television 12 months ago, I was absolutely shocked. So I just got started; 4 months no weight lost but I persevered because my blood pressure was high and my reflux was a bother.
    A health education colleague suggested reducing protein to 150 gms per serve and following that advice I noticed a shift. I the thought I had to speed things up and cut our processed carbohydrates, I figured that legumes and vegetables had enough carbs. From that point on things began to speed up, the kilos dropped off. I maintained the gym routines to help with the excess skin and build more muscle.
    Finally I cut out my post dinner snack of cashews – just 10 or so – and the final coup was just one meal a day at dinner and water, tea or decaf if I was hungry. Result. I’m now hovering on 66 kilos and dropping!

    Hi Hedda, Welcome here!
    What were they talking about on ABC radio? (Melbournian here!)
    Congrats on all the weight you have lost and the good things you are doing for yourself!

    Sure, it was ABC NSW. Michael Mosely was addressing an Australian audience & it was replayed.

    Mosely said losing weight fast is good for you & explained the myth about slow weight loss is misguided.

    I reckon it would be on podcast somewhere on the site.

    I hope it is nice down in Melb today. We are heading down there in Feb:)

    Thanks Hedda, I’ll see if I can find it.
    Melbourne is very nice! I hope the weather is good when you come down in Feb.

    Check out the Southern Hemispherites thread in case you’d like to join https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/hello-southern-hemispherites/page/203/#post-185528

    PS Found it! http://www.abc.net.au/radio/sydney/programs/drive/michael-mosley/8026978

    Hello I’m also in Melbourne – heard Michael Mosley on 774 Melbourne ABC radio too. Was driving along at the time – parked and listened to his very interesting talk on 8 week blood sugar diet. Went straight to my local bookshop – bought all four of the books, 2 recipe, 2 explanatory books about The 5:2 and blood sugar diet. Has anyone tried a combination of both?? Unsure which one to go with –
    Not diabetic but very overweight

    Hi Susannah,
    I’d recommend going with the 5:2 diet.

    Once you have made it a sustainable part of your life you could consider doing the 8 weeks intensive diet when you are in a good place for such a strict and rigorous diet. 5:2 is the one for good sustained health.
    The 8 week BSD is an intensive that is especially designed for diabetes and pre-diabetes. It would be a powerful one for losing some weight, but not for keeping weight off. In my opinion, it would work best if you had 5:2 already happening, and already a sustainable way of life.
    In other words, 5:2 is the sustainable long term answer that will be best for continuing weight loss and health.

    Hello Cinque – thanks for your advice which I only just read. I woke up this morning and thought – OK this is the day – I’m going to do the 800 calories per day (BSD diet) of course hadn’t seen your reply then. I thought overnight I will do the BSD for two weeks and then go onto the 5:2!!!! I’m nearly at time to make dinner and it’s been fine today but I’m starting to feel hungry – been drinking copious amounts of water. Cinque can I ask what your journey has been like with 5:2?
    Tomorrow I’ll go and buy those extra ingredients to make the food interesting as suggested in the cookbooks!
    Congrats to you Hedda!!

    Hi Susannah,
    That sounds like a sensible plan. The two weeks will give you a big kick start. And if you find the two weeks too hard you can just transfer across to 5:2 at any time, and know you are still doing a great thing for your health.
    Just click on my name and you will see my profile!
    But I can add that I was over 30kg heavier about 5 years ago. I lost quite a bit of weight by cutting out sugar (even fruit!) but after a year or so I plateaued and started putting the weight on again. Luckily a friend encouraged me to try 5:2 and it has made all the difference.
    I live in Melbourne too!
    Check out the Southern Hemispherites thread :https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/hello-southern-hemispherites/page/207/#post-187316 if you want to journey along with other Aussies (and Kiwis!).
    Best wishes

    SusannahD – so good to hear from you๐ŸŒผ
    I have just started calorie counting this week; it’s much easier than I thought. That’s probably because we are already switched on to watching what we eat.
    I have just done the 5:2 for the last week & have dropped 300grams, which is massive for the first week!
    Yes as for the water keep it up. I have switched from mineral to tap water- I keep it cold & use cheap limes to give it an exotic twist.
    Maybe we can con ourselves into thinking we are celebrities, adopting fab beauty tips.๐ŸŒบ
    So happy to hear from you.

    Hi Cinque,
    I am interested to hear you plateaued.
    Does the 5:2 become a way of life? I worry about calorie counting. I travel & eat out at least 2 times a month. The restaurant meals are always an unknown…

    Thanks for responding so quickly to my post.

    We are heading out to Yarra Valley for a family day with our son & his girlfriend – I think I’ll just watch them enjoy.
    I can’t cope with two restaurant meals in one day. Really looking forward to spending the weekend in Melb๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Hi Hedda, Invitation to the SH thread to you too!

    I haven’t plateaued on 5:2 (it was before), but I have got to the weight I want to be (nicely at the lower end of my healthy weight range) and so I am doing 5:2 as maintenance. It has become a way of life! It does a nice ‘reset’ if I have overeaten, and it obviously agrees with me, I am so much healthier. I think that without it the weight would creep back on. (Being strict about no sugar is also a way of life for me, sigh). Still working out how to do maintenance!

    Have a lovely time in the Yarra Valley!

    PS I’m hoping to organise a meet up for 5:2ers living in or near Melbourne,I’ll post it when (if) I get so organised!

    Hi again Cirque and Hedda too – would love to meet up – I’m in Bentleigh near Brighton – can meet roughly in the middle somewhere! Have car will travel!

    Well done Hedda – sounds like you’re doing really well and feeling better too!

    I thought yesterday calorie counting would be really hard -! It was easier than I thought it would be and I didn’t have headaches or fall in a heap. I’m sure there will be lots of hurdles ahead but this forum is great –


    Good morning folks ๐Ÿ˜ƒ,
    Back to work today, but before I go I just wanted to share this recipe.
    I got a bag of cheap limes at IGA & they’ve been great in water. Then I found a recipe for salmon steaks.
    1. Cook salmon on one side for 1-2 mins then set aside in a warm oven.
    2. Place 2 limes cut into wedges in the pan & cook.
    3. Prior make a marinade of 1/3 cup lime juice, ๐ŸŒถ, coriander & crushed garlic.
    4. Add the marinade to the wedges & then pour onto the fish when serving.
    5. Serve a green salad with more lime juice for dressing

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