just getting started.

This topic contains 41 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Purplegranny 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I lost over 8 stone yrs ago but have struggled in recent months. Don’t want to put anymore weight on – 14lbs since end of August. Today’s my 1st fast day,had a small bowl of cereal at 8am. It’s now lunchtime&my tummys rumbling like crazy! Have been drinking a lot of diet drink to try take my mind off it. I’m mentally strong and want to make a change.

    I’ve been reading your blog about you and your hubby. You have both done so well in losing 2 stone since July. I hope that I can get similar results -would like to lose about another 4 stone.

    Hi and welcome:

    Here are some tips for those just starting 5:2: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/warnings-to-newbies/

    Good Luck!

    Hello Buntymac, all I can say is keep going – it really does get easier and when you start to see the weight coming off, it’s a real motivator! Just a thought re breakfast – I actually don’t have breakfast because I find once I’ve eaten something, it sort kicks off my digestive system and I get even hungrier – I find it easier to not eat all day and then have all my calories (bar the ones for milk in coffee!) in one meal – that’s what works for me. You could also try a protein breakfast – carbs, even unrefined ones, will spike your blood sugar and make you feel hungry a few hours later – you might find it fills you up for longer if you have some lightly scrambled eggs. Good luck with it and keep smiling!

    Hi Buntymac, You will soon find that there are many different ways to manage your fast days and devise one which suits you.
    Like you and unlike Purplegranny I have a small breakfast of unsweetened porridge (water only) and an orange, which is mainly to reassure my husband that I’m not going to pass out in the traffic. I can usually take or leave breakfast.
    I work 3 days/week (perfect as it gives me plenty of time for my grandchildren) and fast Mondays and Wednesdays. I find I can overcome the hunger pangs by using the 4 Ds I mentioned on another thread (delay, distract, deep breaths, drink water) and it gets easier the longer you do it because you learn that the empty feeling doesn’t continue to build and is therefore manageable.
    Apart from lots of water and cups of black tea I don’t usually have anything else until dinner time which is often a small grilled steak and salad. Last night we had stir-fried veg, and I boosted my husband’s serve with rice noodles and peanut butter sauce. I also do yoga at lunchtime on Mondays so I don’t get the 12 o’clock mental trigger to eat.
    Good luck, although I believe we make our own!

    Hi Nickyf thanks for taking time to post. I agree I need to have some breky! Even on “normal” days I don’t eat after my dinner,so it would be a loooooong day if I didn’t have something to eat when I get up! Today was actually much easier than I thought it would be. I had a large can of chunky soup for my dinner at 5 and nothing else. I exercise every day by walking 5 miles and wasn’t sure if I’d feel weak today but it was fine. Must admit I’m not a big water fan so it’s diet drinks to keep me going!

    Hi purplegran You sound like my hubby- he says the same thing after a snack. He feels hungrier after it! I do need a breakfast though,I usually have yogurt with a chopped apple mixed into it but that would be half of my calories on a fast day. The 4ds is a good idea,do use it sometimes and will do some exercise to take my mind off eating. Today was better than I imagined and managed to do my usual 5 miles walking. For me it’s more mental,if I’m in the right frame of mind then I have great willpower. Shame it’s not always possible!

    Hi again Buntymac
    Are you in NZ or Australia? Most of our northern hemisphere mates are still snoozing.
    I love the fizz on my tongue of soda water although hardly ever touch other diet drinks, mostly because I’m at work for my fast days and don’t really have a sweet tooth, except for chocolate ….
    Sometimes if I’m desperate for something salty/umami I have a chicken oxo cube ‘soup’ at lunchtime. Apart from the salt 🙁 it’s OK, being only 15 calories (not young enough for kJ).

    Hi simcoeluv thanks for the welcome. I read your blog,it had some good points but it is called the 5:2 diet! Also I guess if you asked most people why they started 5:2 they would say it was to lose some weight? I know slow weight loss is best,you’re more likely to keep it off. It took me 21 months to lose the 8 stone originally.

    Hi NickyF no i live in Scotland but tend to go to bed a bit later. Hubby works shifts so i try not to disturb him . I’m not a soda water fan,it’s usually coke zero i have. I see your chocolate fan too….totally my downfall! I’m a calories person too.

    Hi Buntymac and NickyF,
    My sister is like you – she does 5:2 but definitely needs brekky – you have to do what’s right for you own body or you just can’t stick to it. I’ve always been happy to skip brekky – if I’m busy, I can forget about eating altogether! I also work 3 days a week – I have a two week work pattern and on one week both my fast days fall on work days (I do Monday and Thursday) and those are much easier. I only get about 30 minutes for lunch so by the time I’ve caught up on emails etc, the time is gone; I teach so I can’t even nibble while I’m working!

    Hi NickyF & Purplegranny things have been going well,sticking to 2000 calories on my non fast days& doing my 5 miles walking. Only thing was after my fast day I had the worst sleep!! Think it was probably all the caffeine&not much food,my brain was whizzing. Hubby has bought some no sugar cordial for me to have tomorrow-my next fast day.

    Hi Purplegranny good to hear from you. Don’t you feel lightheaded at all on your fast days? I guess your used to it,don’t think I could go that long without something! It’s seems quite a few people do Mondays and Thursday as fast days. I’ve picked them too,think it’s probably to have your weekend free? Saying that I’ll have to do Monday/Friday next week to fit in with hubby’s day off.

    Not sure if this will help.c
    I quit smoking cigarettes in 1991. Thayer was before nicotine gum so it was cold turkey.
    #1 I decided I was going to quit no matter what.
    I failed to go a whole week without smoking, but after week 7 I had made to the next week 8.
    I went all the way to week 20 and took a drag and it was like starting all over again.
    I tell people quitting smoking is like fasting for 4 days standing in front of a food buffet and not eating. It plays tricks with your mind. I did quit however, and what made it easier was eliminating stimulants, like tea and coffee. I was a lot less figitidy and went to bed early if I had cravings in the evening. I still had cravings for 11 years

    Zip forward 23 years, and I’m actually fasting. I do still avoid stimulants on fast days and go to bed early on fasting days. By week four April of 2013 I was completing 5:2 with no trouble at all. This year is like getting back on my favorite bike in the spring. I just can’t say how many times I ate at night even though I had fasted well that day. I learned not to have caffiene on fast days, because if I needed to go to bed early to avoid eating the caffeine kept me stimed for 6 hours. Not like a energy drink buzz, but rather a restless sleep. Which is when I dream of hunger genie. 😉

    Hi Samm I can totally agree! Im fine on “normal” days,I don’t like tea or coffee so its only soft drinks/fruit juice I have. Im going to have a no sugar cordial on my fast days from now on! I wasn’t craving anything just really restless in bed.

    Hi Buntymac and NickyF,
    I don’t seem to get lightheaded on fast days – sometimes I don’t even get hungry which I guess is a bonus! On the second day (Thursday), I tend to be more hungry and look forward to my dinner!
    Sleepwise, both hubby and I seem to get restless sleep after fasting – it’s definitely not hunger or caffeine -just really active head and wide awake. Mind you, as a LOACA, it’s been a long time since I slept well…. Hubby calls me Mrs Flump!
    Well done on the walking – I swim on Tuesday morning before breaking my fast which I think helps with the fat-burning then treat myself with a vanilla latte ☕️

    This second year of 5:2 for me. I’m moving all my fav foods to non fasting days. I drink green tea in the mornings but for dinner is just water with lemon and stevia. Trying to go all vegetable and fish on fasting days. I sometime get a headache when fasting if only had 300 calories in 20+ hours. When something happens dinner time is pushed back to 8pm. Tylenol is 95% effective for my fasting headaches.

    Not sure about dizziness.
    Wise to rule out being borderline diabetic which could trigger low sugar reaction and dizziness a symptom thereof.

    Hi Samm I didn’t mention being dizzy,when I said a whizzing brain I meant it was too active! I’m not diabetic-was tested last summer. We don’t have Tylenol in Uk-but it wasn’t a feeling that needed tablets. Closest I’ve got to green tea is my Loccitane shower gel!!

    Hi Purplegranny I was actually surprised that I didnt feel hungry on my fast day. Can I ask what a LOACA is? I remember you said you teach. The walking 5 miles is something I’ve done for yrs,it helped me to maintain my weightloss-until I started eating a bit too much! There’s only been a few occasions when I have not managed the 5,due to sickness etc but I always make up the difference the next day.

    Good evening Buntymac,
    I’m sure regular walking is the best thing – if you have a look at the ‘Primal Blueprint’ it says we should move a lot, slowly – as our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have done; they certainly wouldn’t have wasted huge amounts of energy doing long, intensive workouts – walking with bouts of HIIT would have been much more their exercise.
    I have worked out that it is 150 steps from my classroom to the staff room/loo etc. so that’s 300 steps each time! And of course, with teaching, I’m on my feet most of the time anyway. We do quite a lot of walking and will happily do hours at a time but not on a daily basis. We also cycle, as I said, but I’m a fair weather cyclist so it’s mostly a summer activity. I also do gardening which is a great workout.
    A LOACA is a ‘lady of a certain age’ – I can’t actually remember the last time I had unbroken sleep! But generally it doesn’t bother me too much – I guess I just need less sleep.
    I’m not seriously overweight – it’s just those pounds that creep up and I found myself feeling ‘blobby’. I’m nearly at my target weight so I may switch to 6:1 but I actually really enjoy the fast days and the way they make me feel so I may well continue.
    Keep smiling, Anne

    Hi Anne nice to hear from you again,loaca made me laugh!! Guess I could probably describe myself as that soon-Im 46. Its not that often that I go a full night without going to the loo! I do drink a lot of like zero tho. Id like to firstly lose the 14lbs then ideally another 42lb eventually. Well done on nearing your target weight,how long have you done 5:2? You should get a pedometer,I’ve had 1(many times replaced) for yrs. If you get a decent 1 it measures your steps/miles/kms. Also you can put your stride length&weight in so you know how many calories you’re burning&how long you’ve walked for. Take care, Eleanor

    Yes definitely need a pedometer – but I don’t think I get near the 10,000 we’re meant to do!
    I’m sure you’ll get there with your target – I think it’s embracing this as a way of life rather than a diet which is why I think I won’t stop when I get to my target weight. We started the 5:2 when we watched the Horizon programme – hubby is a biochemist so very science focused and was convinced by the programme; we really started for health reasons – the science is very positive. We had a break around Xmas time and I put some of the weight back on so we restarted in the new year, but I gave up sugar at the same time which I think has made a massive difference – I love baking and I was a real sugar addict – last week I made lemon drizzle cupcakes and I wasn’t even tempted to try one – it was almost sad! My vanilla lattes are my one and only sweet treat. But I can honestly say that after the first couple of weeks, I haven’t wanted sugar.
    My broken sleep is mainly to do with severe hot moments – don’t let any bloke tell you it’s just ‘being hot’!!
    Keep smiling, Anne x

    Hi Anne you would be surprised how much you actually do walk. I put mine on as soon as I get up in the morning. It was my asthma nurse who told me about the diet at Xmas time but took me until now to actually start it. Her hubby has lost 2 stone on it. I have the tropical moments to look forward to! Don’t know if I’ll ever totally overcome my choc need but it does get pushed to the side when Im “in the zone”. My hubby doesn’t have a weight problem so isn’t doing the diet unfortunately. Eleanor x

    It is supporting having hubby doing the same thing – he didn’t really have much weight to lose but like me he was gradually adding a bit of padding! He’s lost about 10lbs and looks good on it; I’ve lost about the same and feel much better! We’re fasting tomorrow and looking forward to it. I have bought both the fast diet recipe books and we just work our way through so it makes us try new things as well – when we first started, we tended just to have prawn salad each time but the recipe books are a real inspiration. As we tend to have all our calories in one meal, we always have loads of scope for extra treats like half an avocado each, or a bit of olive oil dressing.
    I can only describe hot moments as feeling like I’m being slowly filled up with boiling water – the heat just rises from my waist upwards until I think I’m going to melt – it passes quite quickly but maddening in the middle of the night! Perhaps you will escape – some lucky ladies do!
    I will definitely get a pedometer to see how much I do actually walk – I would be interested to see.
    Keep smiling, Anne x

    Hubby is so supportive,he knows how I’ve struggled in the past. I was really heavy before I lost the 8 stones. I lost it for health reasons-my asthma was getting worse. I’m kinda fussy when it comes to food! So not sure a recipe book would be much good for me? I usually stick to things I know I like! Boring I know,but what stops me is, if I order something while out&dont like it then I’m stuck! Amazon have loads of pedometers or sports shops if you didn’t want to wait? I think it won’t be too long before I’m having tropical moments,there’s been a few times during the night I’ve woke up&the middle of my torso is drenched. (Could be I’m just too hot)That&my erratic cycle the last yr. Haven’t had that boiling water feeling you describe yet though. x Eleanor

    Im like you buntymac I know what I like. It was very hard for me to change to diet foods. Then I started 5:2 and very pleased with my non fasting day. Fasting days seems to be a personal choice too so I like that as well. Good luck!

    Hi Buntymac et al, I’ve just made (and eaten!) the wild mushrooms with soft poached egg and Parmesan from the fast diet recipe book – I served it with a nice pile of green salad and some cherry tomatoes – absolutely fab! And I don’t feel like it was a fasting meal at all – highly recommended.
    I haven’t ordered a pedometer yet but I definitely will – can anyone recommend one? There seems to be a huge range at all kinds of prices; I don’t want a really expensive one but I do want one which is reasonably accurate.
    I’m so impressed with your weight loss Buntymac – it puts my measly 10lbs to shame!

    Hi Anne Im glad you had a nice dinner.My idea of hell tho! Only things I would like are the salad&cherry toms! My dinner was chunky soup again but really nice. My pedometer was £15 its a Silva (brand) pretty good tho,you can put your weight&stride length into it. It has time walked&calories function too. My original 8 stone loss was 10 yrs ago,story is in my little bio at top of page(not sure if you see it tho?!)

    Thank you for that Eleanor, yes I did read it – it might be a while ago but still an amazing achievement – it must help you feel you can do it again.
    I will look for that pedometer – it sounds the sort I want.
    Soup is always a good option – apparently veggies etc made into soup fill you up more than eaten whole for some reason.
    Is your job active? I hate sitting at a desk all day.
    Keep smiling, Anne x

    I know, Im still 7 stone lighter. Which is what I should focus on. Today went well,hope I get a better sleep than my 1st fast day! Haven’t had any caffeine since 3pm so fingers crossed that’ll make a difference. I don’t work,my hubby is a train driver. x

    That’s so impressive.
    I think I just seem to have a load of energy after a fast day – I’m certainly happy to be busy this evening instead of vegging in from of Masterchef! We’ll see how the sleep goes (or not). I do find I’m quite sensitive to caffeine. I have sometimes gone cold turkey but I end up with a mega headache – I do try to avoid it later in the day like you though. Anne x

    I felt so full of life on Tuesday,was practically bouncing around the shops! Will see how tomorrow is. We love Masterchef! Have tivo’d it seeing as hubby is in bed already(up since 3.30 am). I made sure my 5 miles was done earlier today&had an early shower so I could relax& hopefully sleep better. x

    Sounds good! Sleep well

    Weigh in this morning and now just 4lbs off my target weight! I’m so excited! I even went out and bought 2 pairs of summer trousers in a size smaller because my others keep falling off. I love the feeling fasting gives me though so I will continue – I’m guessing my weight will settle at an acceptable level and then I can just enjoy the health benefits.
    Good luck to everyone else who is doing this – it IS worth it and the success is fab!
    Anne xxx

    Hi Anne funny Id just came onto site&your post came through! Well done on your weight loss,I weighed myself this morning&have lost 6lbs this week. I love buying New things.
    Must admit yesterday was a struggle,but I stuck to the 500 calories. x

    Fantastic news! Well done! Yes, buying new (smaller) things is such a guiltless treat!
    Anne xxx

    Hi had another weigh in on Tuesday&lost another 2lbs! Have had a bit of a mixed week. Fast day on Mon was fine but was feeling hormonal on Wed&bought some cookies-big mistake I felt so Ill after having them! :-[ Felt awful for hrs,ended up going to bed earlier. Won’t be doing that again! Fast today is fine-after yesterday I don’t want to eat…..

    Well done on the loss – slow but sure seems to be the way. I fasted Monday, swimming Tuesday morning, gardening yesterday – my pedometer shows I did over 10,000 steps Tuesday and Wednesday. We should be fasting today but we decided to cycle instead as the weather is so lovely. We don’t fast on cycling days because we’re big real ale fans and our ride inevitably takes in 1 or more real ale pubs…

    Hi Anne good to see you got a pedometer,the walking really does build up without realising. I put mine on as soon as I get up. Ended up doing 7 miles the last 2 days. Your cycling must surely burn up any ale you might have?! Enjoy your day x

    Hi Buntymac, I wore my pedometer while riding today – it registers when I’m pedalling but obviously not when I’m coasting or downhill but it’s still registered nearly 9000 steps!
    The cookie thing…? We’ve all been there and done that – put it down to experience and enjoy the weightloss!
    Anne x

    Hi had a good week. Ended up doing 4:3 because I felt so blah after the cookie debacle! Have lost another 2lbs-10 in total now. Decided to do the gloss paint in our bathroom to keep myself occupied yesterday. Need to do the 2nd coat today.
    Anne-hope you had a good week? Have you been out cycling in the nice weather? x

    Hi Buntymac, well done on the weightloss. I’ve plateaued this week because I’m on Easter holiday and the fasting has been a bit hit and miss – but back to it seriously next week. Still, we’ve done loads of exercise – digging, gardening, walking, cycling and I’m already getting brown! Feeling great actually

    Hi Anne they say its harder to lose weight when you get near your target weight. Sounds like you have been really active this week? It’s looked nice here but been kinda chilly at times. We go away to Liverpool in 2 weeks time. We’re going for a weeks holiday. Have never been before but looking forward to it. Hope I don’t put too much weight on?! x Eleanor

    Hi Eleanor, yes it’s looked warmer than it is a few times but actually good gardening weather – we even had a BBQ on Monday! I did 16,000 steps gardening! It must be doing some good.
    I hope you have a great break – but don’t worry about the weight – remember 1lb of fat is 3000 calories so even if you don’t actually fast, you won’t necessarily put on weight. Anyway, a change is as good as a rest eh? Anne x

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