Just begun and plan to keep going

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Just begun and plan to keep going

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  farmersdaughter 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I have done two fasts so far and had my ups and downs bu overall I like this way of eating and all these personal stories are really inspiring. So inspiring that I decided to start my own blog so that others can follow me in my journey. I will record my weight every day as well as how things are going. Everyone is welcome to take a look

    Welcome to the forum Icefast!
    Off to look at your blog.
    I too find this forum inspiring, amusing and motivating and a good way to spend an hour on a fast day 🙂

    I too am keeping a daily log, it helps to connect weight against previous days foods, both calorie counts and types of food. I discovered that salmon was actually making me hold on to weight, other fish did not. Apparently I am intolerant to salmon and my body took a long time to digest it. Very common problem for dieters that eat salmon and also tomatoes I have now discovered. Great I virtually lived off these foods because they were healthy.
    Has anyone else suffered intense irritation levels and poor sleep. That’s why I am writing this now. I have started yoga which should help my mind relax to ensure these factors don’t become a problem.
    I quite enjoy all the herb teas now, milk is history which saves calories. Not keen on miso soup though.
    I expect to reach my goal in one year so I am in it for the long run. 5 stone to lose.

    I haven’t felt like I have been sleeping deeply either. I am just finishing my first week so hope once I am in a routine with the 5:2, sleep will come more easily. I live in Nebraska in the United States and we had sunny 30 degree weather here today so I went on a 4 mile walk. I hope it helps me sleep well tonight!

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