juicing best value veg in the UK?

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juicing best value veg in the UK?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mantishugo 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Just got a new juicer, which are the best value things to juice and where to get them from?

    What are the best value per gram things to juice please, and where do you buy them from?

    Lidl and Aldi are both the best places for juicing enthusiasts. They may not have as large a selection of different fruits and vegs, but they are better value than tesco, asda and sainsburys.

    Are there any juicing experts on here?

    I would love to ask some questions about juicing cabbages and carrots? Also what about ags of frozen veg left to thaw out over night?

    I hate to say this but the recommendation on the 5:2 diet is not to juice. The roughage you get from eating fruit and veg cooked normally or raw helps to keep you feeling full and is very healthy. You should also leave the skin on veg and most fruit (not oranges!), as the vitamins are often very close to the skin.

    Some things cant be eaten but can be juiced. A word of warning though, dilute it with pure water. One time I juiced a bunch of weeds with lots of grass and quickly drank it all down neat. It almost made me sick, and I started to sweat. Thoughts went through my mind oh no, not again. I wonder if there was something poisonous in the that I did not notice. But I drank lots of pure water and my upset stomach soon subsided. Now I always dilute it, even add some apples or other fruit in the juicer for taste. A glass full is way to much, you will get sick from it all you need is 1 ounce at a time, several times per day, your body can’t absorb any more nutrients than that at a time. Try again a few hours later and add a little lemon to improve the taste if needed as you build up your tolerance to it add anther ounce later that day. Grass is abundant and you can never run out of it.

    It is very good to have a juicer in your home if you are really a health conscious person. My mother used to prepare me a glass of pomegranate and orange juice every morning using a juicer. Always remember to clean the juicer thoroughly for the next time.

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