Joyous January

This topic contains 280 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  MoliJ 1 month, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 281 total)

  • Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Our promised snow turned into a few clusters that were blown to either side of the street. A little sad, but mostly thankful to have nothing to scoop! Our sons, in Lincoln, 45 miles south of us, got 3 inches, but it’s so dry it’s just blowing around, so they also have little to scoop. A heavy, wet snow will come, however, as it’s winter on the plains…

    @northgeorgia Bummer; I hope the virus leaves you as quickly as it’s attacked you. Planning FDs around social obligations/choices is quite challenging!

    @iona72 Bummer for your household as well; hopefully you also will all be healthy soon. Can any of your food be frozen for a later date?

    @ccco Well, perhaps you wanted fewer calories that 890, but you do that very many days in a row, and you WILL lose weight. 👍💪

    @jaifaim A SEA SWIM???? IN JANUARY IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE????? I think, dear woman, that you are absolutely nuts! 🤣😟🤣 I can’t quite bring myself to type the C word, but I’m thinking it. You know, the 15-letter one you say when someone has accomplished something difficult, or significant, or amazing. But, no, I can’t quite bring myself to type it because I truly think you’re nuts! 😉🥰🤣 Amazing, but nuts.

    @funshipfreddie I’m sure you’re thankful for the cooler day today!

    @molij I’ve certainly had days like that; hope all goes well for you today with what’s keeping you busy.

    @missybear Well, CONGRATULATIONS! (for you, I’ll use the word…) When does escrow close? (That, at least, is how it’s phrased in the States, and means, when do you have to be out of your house?) And also congratulations for only a pound and a half over Christmas!

    @brightonbelle Well, I’m certainly impressed to find you on the pocket list on a Sunday!

    I made dramatic progress on the t-shirt quilt yesterday, getting about half the 35 t-shirts interfaced and cut to the right size. I need to sew a couple baby quilts also, but I’m determined to finish DH’s sweater first…hopefully tomorrow!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 5 🥚

    USA. Day 5. FD

    Well, my kitchen is closed. I didn’t end quite where I wanted to. I ate too much cheese! In any case, it was a healthy overload. If I can’t turn down cheese then I think for now that I had better not buy any! LOL Tomorrow will be a big exercise day, as I try to remove all that snow. Maybe, if we are lucky, we don’t get as much as has been predicted.

    See you all tomorrow!

    Day 6 NZ FD 70kg

    Hi everyone. I’m coming right😃
    I have had an influx of out of town friends here so I’m busy catering to their whims while trying to cater to mine!!
    A friend from Oz arrives in a couple of hours. I’m off to make the bed. I don’t know how long he’s staying…
    All I want to do is watch the cricket!!

    Day 6, Aus, CD

    Hello everyone and happy new year. Thank you for hosting, @stitchincarol. Your opening post resonates with me. Like others, the FDs themselves are not joyous, but the PFDS and end results are definitely worth focusing on and celebrating.

    Well, I’m back on the wagon (a-gain!) but really really need to stick with it. I’m getting older and the weight distribution these days just is not flattering. I used to have a lovely small waist (ok, admittedly in my teens and 20s) and it’s now gone AWOL!

    I’ve decided I am NOT going back to work after my paid leave finishes in March. This was a big decision for me but I now feel so much more relaxed having made it. Now to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life: get healthy, strong and fit!

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.8 kg

    A real Sunday pocket list yesterday?! We’re a tenacious bunch of fasters! 🎯💪

    @missybear – congrats on the house sale! 🥳️ And fingers 🤞🤞you find your new home soon 🏡

    @merryapple – you’ve been busy?! I’m sure you’ll be relieved to eventually get your space & routine back to normal

    @penz – welcome back! And congrats on making that huge decision to retire for good 🎉

    @ccco – cheese is dangerous! 😅 I have to weigh it – no more than 30 g at a time, & I cut it into small pieces so it looks like there’s more 🤪

    Many people return to work here today, so I’m hoping some tranquillity will return to our town. Schools don’t reopen until next week in our province though, so we won’t quite be back to normal yet.

    Sending RESOLVE to those having their first FD of 2025 💪

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍌

    Day 6 UK f800

    How fabulous @missybear now you have the fun of searching for your new 🏡

    @penz welcome back and so happy you’ve made your momentous decision

    Wow life sounds super busy @merry🍎

    Fast800 going well for me still 💪

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍌

    Day 6 – UK – FD

    A bit later than planned (my FD on Day 2 sadly didn’t happen!!) but definitely pressing my RESET button today with my first FD of 2025 – feeling positive and motivated!

    Weight this morning surprisingly was 64kg – despite the many food and🍷🥂 indulgences partaken over the past 3 weeks in particular, but all the NY celebrations are now done and it’s nice to get back to normal

    Good to see so many familiar faces back on a positive note for this Joyous January Challenge – thank you @stitchincarol for herding us back on the straight and narrow this month

    Woke up to some snow yesterday morning and went for a 4mile snowy hike with friends – certainly felt like we were working hard – lunch was a warming bowl of pulled pork ramen and a light supper kept me at TDEE – Today the snow in our village is all gone but plenty still left on the lower slopes of the fells around us!

    @funshipfreddie – thanks for that article – Really interesting – I think that’s what happened to me i.e. Weight creep reset my body’s set point – lots of good advice in the article and I hope to work on lowering my set point, I think I can follow the 7 practical steps to prevent weight creep except for emphasising breakfast over dinner – I have 2 meals a day – brunch/lunch and evening meal and due to the evening meal being the only one that OH and I have together it tends to be our main meal but usually eaten by 7pm except on rare occasions

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍌

    “Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with a dumb bell; it starts in your head with a decision.” Toni Sorenson

    Day 6 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. We avoided the swath of snow today, but we may not be as lucky on Friday. I hope we either get rain or snow, not ICE which shuts off the power and heat / hot water (for me) and makes driving impossible.

    We’re still remembering former President Carter here in Georgia before his body is transported to the U.S. Capitol to lie in state.

    I’m feeling better today, and yesterday was a FD. Going to try for another FD today and we’ll see what the week brings. I’d like to get in three FDs this week to get me going for the month.

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍌

    Day 6 North Wales FD

    Vegetable Garden tidied, it was dirty work as everywhere is so wet and muddy. We are having a massive problem with rats around the chickens. It’s the first year we have had this problem. What’s worrying is they don’t seem to want to take the poison. I am going to buy some peanut butter to smear over the blocks today to see if that will persuade them to eat it. Having had pet rats when my children were small I feel quite sad about putting the poison down.

    We have decided to plant vegetables this year even though the house will be up for sale. We don’t know how long it will take to sell and we think that the garden will look better if people have an idea of what they can do with it. I am hoping the house doesn’t take too long to sell as my youngest daughter wants me to look after the youngest granddaughter one day a week something I am really keen to do.

    I am feeling really positive about weight loss this month. I will be going to my daughters towards the end of the month but for the rest of it I will be in control of what I eat.

    Went for a follow up scan this morning on a Thyroid Nodule I was diagnosed with three years ago. It must have changed as I have got to have a needle biopsy on it in the next month. Not looking forward to that.

    @brightonbelle you are right we can do this together 💪 I too am aiming for less alcohol this month, hopefully year too.

    @funshipfreddie not worried about the spread sheet missing its data, just noticed it was the only one which was like it.

    @ccco the Maryland Hawk sounds very scary.

    @stitchincarol looking forward to seeing your quilt. I love quilt making and have made quite a lot of them. Patchwork quilts are my favourite to make. I love watching the Missouri Star videos on YouTube with Jenny Doan.

    @northgeorgia hope you are feeling better.

    @iona72 I will be planting my tomato seeds soon. Hope you are all feeling much better.

    @missybear. Fantastic news about your house sale and your small weight gain over Christmas.

    Have a good day everyone xx

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍌

    Day 6 country west Australia NFD 83.6 kgs

    USA. Day 6. FD

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍌

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    I quit eating around 4:30 yesterday, so it’s nice not to wake up with a stuffed belly. I’m not sure what we’ll have for dinner today, but I’m going to make sure I’m no higher than 1200 calories for the day. This is the week I start shifting this Christmas weight and all the rest of it besides.

    @merryapple All your visitors sound delightful and overwhelming, simultaneously; it’s good to hear from you!

    @penz Not only is it lovely to have you back with us, but what a huge and lovely decision you’ve made not to go back to work! Now begins the huge job of retirement where you get healthy, strong and fit, just like @at did when she retired, and just like I plan when DH retires in May. We can do this, my friend!

    @funshipfreddie So have you gotten your planter home? Are you going to plant something in it, or just have some sort of branch arrangement in it, or just leave it on its lovely own?

    @brightonbelle Well done on F800 going well for you; you’re making it look easy and you’re motivating me to set some determined goals for myself!

    @at Thanks for commenting on your set point and that article, as that reminded me to go read it; @funshipfreddie was right that it’s probably nothing we don’t already know, but it was still motivating to read it. Here’s a question for you: did you find the routine of working or the freedom of retirement easier for setting fitness and eating goals and then achieving them? I know you didn’t do that until after you retired, but perhaps that was more to do with your decision than with what was possible. DH and I talk almost daily about our impatience for him to be retired, but also about the challenge of an entirely open schedule. You’ve certainly set the bar high for what can be accomplished when someone retires!

    @northgeorgia So glad you’re feeling better. Well done on accomplishing a FD yesterday, and well done on choosing to do one today as well!

    @molij Yeah, the Jenny Doan vidoes are good to watch, and so are the Jordan Fabric videos. I’m still trying to figure out when I can work on the t-shirt quilt again, but am delighted to be starting the ribbing today on DH’s Fair Isle, exactly two years since I started it. We’re planning to take down the decorations today, but I also want to FINISH that sweater…it’s time, LOL!

    @lilymartin Congratulations on being down 1.6kgs!

    @ccco Have you ever mentioned how much weight you’re wanting to lose? Do you have a goal date of when you’ll have lost it?

    It’s a rather brisk 4/-15.5, and the feels-like temp is -10/-23. But the skies are blue and we have no snow to scoop, so I won’t care a bit once the furnace gets the house warmed up; until then, I’ll stay covered with my lap quilt and get started on that ribbing.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍌

    Day 6 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    158.6 lbs ⬆️

    Hi everyone! great to see so many people posting and with us this month! In particular a big welcome back to @penz 💕´

    Just a quick check in from me… first day back in work and it’s a shock to the system – a greater shock than my swim 😂😂 @stitchincarol I can’t possibly think what that word might be 😂😂 In all, I swam three times over the break.. Saturday was the coldest air temperature…

    Keeping up with my exercise etc 💪and am back in the daily posting zone from today. 🗒️ 🖊️

    Congrats @missybear 🏠🤩 that is wonderful news!!!

    See you all tomorrow 💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 6 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 CD

    Today was to be a FD but I didn’t sleep well last night so I’m feeling the need for a little more food than a FD allows. Decorations down and packed away this morning, I wonder where we will be living when they go up again next Christmas.

    @stitchincarol the buyers want us to move out by April 😬 its a tight timescale!

    @penz congratulations on your decision. I have never regretted early retirement, freedom from the rat race was well worth having to budget more carefully.

    Happy Monday everyone 🤗

    Day 7, Aus FD

    In posting this on my phone so apologies for so the typos that I know will occur.

    Easy FD today as I’ve had to drive z dad to Sydney for a specialist appt before driving back home. The doctor is running late so it will be a very long day. But so easy to stay away from the fridge!

    Did my big walk with the dogs this morning. I read somewhere that doing 10 000 steps a day is the same as 70 marathons a year. That’s a great fact (I’m not analysing it too much and want to belueve it to be true!) to use for motivation!

    Still catching up on everyone’s news but seems lots of exciting things have/ are occurring.
    Chat more tmw

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @at – I’m glad you liked that article. I do the same – two meals a day, but usually a snack around 3 or 4 pm too. And all within an 8 hour window.

    @stitchincarol – yes, my planter is home! It weighs a ton now 🥴️ I only got around to doing the top perimeter after Christmas. But my ficus tree is standing in it now. I put the existing pot in the planter, because I don’t want to risk the tiles falling off if I put soil/water inside. It looks okay anyway. Here are a few hastily-taken pics. The light’s not so good this morning though, & I don’t know how to change my camera settings. But I’m very happy with the way it’s turned out..

    Gotta dash! 🏃

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒
    @at FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 7 UK f800

    I’m also doing 1 or 2 meals a day @funshipfreddie @at and it’s really working for me at present , definitely something I want to incorporate into my regular routine

    Dentist appointment later , hopefully nearing the end of treatment that’s been going on a long time 🤞

    I’m a bit late but just watching bad sisters and always think of you @jaifaim at the swimming scenes 🏊‍♀️

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒
    @at FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 7 North Wales NFD

    Good fast day yesterday.

    @jaifaim I so admire you going into the sea at this time of year. My eldest daughter and two granddaughters went in several times over Christmas whilst they were in Wales. Totally mad all of you 😂😂😂 but very brave. ❤️

    @funshipfreddie your planter is amazing. I would love that in my garden.

    @stitchincarol I was last 64kg before the pandemic. I love Fair Isle sweaters

    @missybear. Such an exciting time for you. It is a tight time scale for you. It will certainly focus the mind. I love timescales personally.

    @penz congratulations on your upcoming retirement. I absolutely love my retirement. I can’t believe I had time to work.

    Have a good day everyone

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒
    @at FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. My niece is having a birthday celebration this evening. I forgot about my meeting in Atlanta on Thursday, so depending if we celebrate January birthdays at work today or tomorrow will determine the next FD …

    Friday is looking more like frozen stuff down here. If we have to get frozen stuff, I want nice, fluffy snow, not an inch of ice to shut down roads, send trees crashing into homes and cars and downing power lines….

    USA Day 7. WFD

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒
    @at FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    I am having a little trouble getting back into the groove of things right now. Too much holiday fun! Anyway, I am less likely to eat, if I don’t start. I hope I can handle this. I am definitely not hungry now.

    I had a lot of exercise yesterday shoveling snow. There was a little more on my walkway and driveway, so I removed it early this morning and right now I am as good as it is going to get! I do have to go to a doctor’s appointment this morning but I have to drive very carefully. I was hoping it would be postponed but it hasn’t.

    NorthGeorgia, our next storm up here in Maryland should be on Saturday! More exercise! Oh well!

    Have a great day!

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 157.8

    I came close to perfection with yesterday’s CD, and then went a bit astray with some cookies, but it was better than the day before so I’ll take what satisfaction I can. I’m hopeful today won’t be too tough as the first WFD/FD of any sort since Dec 19. 😟

    @jaifaim After all your lovely time off, I can well imagine that being back at work is indeed a shock to the system! Well done on keeping up with your exercise goals and routines!

    @missybear I’m so sorry for you to have slept so poorly last night, and can well imagine the stress of packing up and moving out by April. Choose joy: the house has sold, there’s no longer any wondering, and all that packing will absolutely help you avoid nibbling as you’ll be too busy! 😂👍💪🥰

    @penz That’s an amazing statistic about walking 10K each day, and how perfect to have a FD when you’re away from the house!

    Aww, @funshipfreddie, that pot must bring you such joy and satisfaction and pride. It is truly stunning!

    @brightonbelle DH and I used to giggle at his parents for having a main meal at 11 in the morning and their final meal at 4 in the afternoon…and now we’re discovering how lovely that feels to our 30-years-older bodies, LOL! The eating schedules we choose now are sure not what we grew up with, are they? My mom made pancakes or waffles or fried eggs or scrambled eggs or hardboiled eggs (all with toast and often with bacon or sausage) or a huge variety of hot cereals, every single morning, even though she was a teacher and we had to be out the door by 7:30 each morning. Then she’d produce an equally impressive supper at the end of the day. Amazing woman–not least because she could eat all that and not gain weight!!! My neice once said her 95yo grandma “ate like a linebacker”!! 🤣

    @molij How’s your cleaning coming along as you prepare to put your house on the market? And your dress; is it close to making you pleased?

    @northgeorgia I entirely agree with you about snow v. ice!

    @ccco Do you happen to have a fitbit or some sort of watch that calculates how many calories you burn each day? I’ll bet you burned a boatload yesterday with all your snow scooping!

    I was so sad not to finish DH’s sweater yesterday, but I came close: I have only five rows left on the sleeve ribbing, and then the weaving in of ends. Perhaps tonight, or certainly tomorrow. We got both trees taken down, and our Christmas dishes put away and our regular dishes back out, so although there’s still a grand mess, it shouldn’t take much on Wednesday to restore it all to peace and tidiness. And piano lessons resume today, so that will be lovely to see the kids again.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒
    @at FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @ccco WFD
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 8, PFDS NFD Aus

    Yay, I feel sooo good and back in the swing of things! Thanks for adding me to yesterday’s pocket list – it did the trick.

    I know, @molij: I don’t know how I could fit work back into my new busy schedule. I am amazed at how much I achieved previously when working full time.

    Love the planter box @funshipfreddie. You have not-so hidden talents there!

    Thinking of our north American friends facing all that white suff. Hope it’s not too bad.

    @missybear: congratulations on the house sale. A big relief, but I know that just means now a whole lot of new stress. Sorry if I have missed the news but have you a new place lined up to move into?

    Has anyone seen @flourbaby?

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @stitchincarol, @molij – thank you! I’m very proud of the planter, considering it was only my 2nd project when I started it. Someone at the mosaic class said I should bequeath it in my will, so it goes to ‘a good home’. I said, ‘seriously?! They can put my ashes in there & then bury me with it!’ 😂

    @penz – it sounds like you’re on top of the world! My mum always said after she retired that she didn’t know how she’d found the time to go to work. And I now know what she meant. Not that I have a busy schedule now. But a full-time job is such a big chunk of your time most days of the week. Who has the time?! 😅 I was also thinking of @flourbaby. She’s been quiet since mid November, when she mentioned a bad toothache, big changes at work & was considering looking for a new job.

    Good to see a lot of fasting going on this week. I have NOT been on my best behaviour. I’m not having big meals, exactly. But there has been some chocolate, & a lot of pick-pick-picking. My brain still thinks it’s the festive season 🙄 I WILL be having a good FD tomorrow…

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋
    @at FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 8 – Ireland – FD800 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    Day 7 – FD

    Hello all. Tricky conditions here this week and I didn’t get to post yesterday as time ran away on me. But did walk, short workout and ate very well, oh and worked.. 😂

    @funshipfreddie – thanks for the links! I’ve been wondering about weight set point as heard it bring discussed on radio a few days ago… I would have poo poo’d the idea before but since reaching maintenance and bobbing around just above that range I really do think my body wants to hold me between 156-159…

    I have to work extra hard to lower that set point. But that’s what I’m doing now… 1 FD and 1FD800 already this week – no reflection of that joyous work 😂 in the numbers but I now know my body needs time to catch up. November /December’s frustrations taught me that. So patience is key for me.

    @penz bravo on your decision!!! That means another exciting year ahead as you get used to never going back to work! I’m inspired by your walking and I well believe it is better for you than 70 marathons 😂 @flourbaby was suffering with a really bad toothache late last year along with some work place stresses so hopefully things are working out for her and we will see her back soon 💕

    @brightonbelle, @funshipfreddie, @at and all, I am pretty much a 2 meals a day girl too… except sometimes at weekends but even then I tend to brunch and dinner… ahh @brightonbelle you like Bad Sisters 👍♥️ – it’s fun isn’t it!! I am saving up series two as didn’t want to binge it over Christmas when so much was going on… all filmed near me and I know some people on the film crew.. it’s a small world here.. so yes that’s me in my dry robe in the background… Only kidding 😂

    @molij I appreciate that it is a little bonkers but I know very little else which sorts out my muggy head and foggy brain as quickly as a very short dip… it’s funny to think they were in the water across from me 😂😂 just a long long way..

    The health benefits are real but… it’s not for everyone and the risk of shock is also serious. I don’t swim every week but when I’m home or if the weather is bright here I try to. 🥶💦

    @ccco 🙏⭐️ just keep coming back here every day… even if you do not fast… your mojo will return. We have got you. 💕

    Ok… off I go in the ice.. have a good day all!

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕
    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋
    @at FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Ahhh I love your planter @funshipfreddie!!! You’ve become another one of our fabulously creative fasters..And I like your plans for it 😂💕

    Day 8-No. VA USA-FD 800
    Well, another very cold, snow and ice day! Started work yesterday at 11 am and still only a few patients straggled in. Will have a late start today, also. The parking lot was plowed but on the shady side of the building (where our entrance is, naturally!) there will now be a layer of ice. But the salt we use to melt it will not work under 27 degrees F, so we have to wait for the afternoon for results.
    @funshipfreddie, your planter looks even better with an actual plant in it! Magnificent.
    @missybear, moving from your house is said to be one of the great life stressors, so not surprising you are feeling it. Now it is all to the good though!
    @ccco, I hope you are staying warm and not slipping and sliding out there! I know we are sharing this wicked weather.
    @jaifaim, be careful in your icy weather! I salute your bravery in your cold water swims!
    @stitchincarol, we are all awaiting the finished photos of the sweater!
    @brightonbelle, good luck at the dentist!
    Have a good day, all.

    Day 8 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. The birthday celebration bloat. Eww. Let me squeeze in one more FD. Guess I’ll have a high water bill… I’m keeping the water dripping to prevent the pipes from freezing and yet I can still tell there’s ice in the line as I turn on the taps full blast in the morning. No relief from this in the foreseeable (or rather, forecastable) future.

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋
    @at FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 8 UK f800

    The planter does look good @funshipfreddie you must be so happy to have found such a rewarding hobby

    Binge watching – double edged sword ? I’m limiting Bad Sisters to 2 a week @jaifaim

    Yeah I think about @flourbaby Hope all is well

    Thankfully dentist was a breeze in and out within 30 mins ,
    crown fitting in 2 weeks time and hopefully done for a bit

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋
    @at FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    USA. Day 8. FD

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋
    @at FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Today, I hope to end my fast at 500 calories. I think I can do it today. With all the snow I have had to shovel, I am sure I must have lost something! I don’t plan to weigh myself until Sunday or Monday!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    2nd Post – Day 8

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋
    @at FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    USA Day 8 FD Second Post

    I was scrolling through our posts when I found a site I didn’t see before, FUNSHIPFREDDIE’s planter! Now I know what everyone was talking about! It’s beautiful!

    USA. Day 8. FD

    Putting myself back on the pocket list:

    2nd Post – Day 8

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋
    @at FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – 155.2 – CD

    I turned yesterday into a 250 calorie FD; I was so uncomfortable with the hunger, and the cheese and nuts I had did the trick to make me feel better. Now I’m sorting out what I’ll have today; I like today’s scale number so much better than that of the last week that I don’t want to shoot back up!

    @penz Nope, we haven’t seen @flourbaby in a long time, and neither has @michelinme been here, and I miss both! And @daffodil2010, and @basyjames and many, many others!

    @funshipfreddie Well, perhaps not bequeath the pot in your will, but you could certainly put a piece of paper in it that says it goes to @stitchincarol of the 5-2 forum!

    @jaifaim Yup, I too read that article on set point and was horrified at the gloomy conclusions it gave. I immediately thought of how I got to 138 and promptly began gaining it all back, and also experienced the “what the hell” attitude it mentions. So perhaps my very, very slow weight loss is helpful in changing my set point, and your slow progress in losing your final five pounds? It’s certainly worth celebrating that you’re not going back over 160!

    @excelsior12309 Oh, ugh, I know that melted-snow-turned-to-ice situation, and it was not pleasant. Makes arriving home at the end of the day a true joy, doesn’t it?

    @northgeorgia Oh, ugh, you too with @excelsior12309, eh? At least here in Nebraska, our homes/pipes are built to cope with such temps. Although, last January when we were sub-zero for so long, there was a lot to cope with. I do hope you both warm up soon, and I’m sure that birthday party bloat will go away quickly!

    @brightonbelle Congrats on an easy dentist visit! Have you watched Black Doves? I’m working on that now, as well as Vera, and enjoying both!

    @ccco Perhaps you should schedule a fun phone call (with a daughter or a sister or a friend, or whoever) right at the time you’ll be tempted to eat more than you’re plannning, and thus avoid the unplanned calories? I’m planning on working at church this afternoon in order to avoid nibbling, LOL!

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋
    @at FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    These last few rows of the sweater are truly challenging because the needles are tiny and pointy and there are lots of colors connected and thus tangled until it’s finally time to use each one. Plus, the stitches are so tiny that my eyes get really tired, and then I can’t even SEE the stitches, LOL! So, I got a row and a half done yesterday morning, and then didn’t even try last night. So it will get finished this week, but I’m not there yet. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Today’s task is to get the rest of the decorations put away and the house entirely tidied; that will feel lovely!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @ccco – oops? Sorry if I bumped you off the list; we must’ve posted around the same time yesterday

    @stitchincarol – I’ll certainly give that some thought 😅 But I’ll probably bequeath the pot to whoever adopts Boo Boo after I’m gone. I’m convinced she’s going to outlive me, just to spite me. She’s mean like that 😾

    @brightonbelle – it IS a rewarding hobby. But the projects are piling up. Another neighbour wants me to make house numbers for her. The gecko’s only half-done. And I want to mosaic the round, glass-topped table I sit at in the mornings. Something like this..

    I hope the Hump Day fasters are basking in PFDS today. Sending RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters! 💪🎯

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 9 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Well, the forecast is looking terrible right now, with a lot more ice falling than snow tomorrow. Could mean long-term power outages with no heat. I’m hoping it transitions back to a mostly snow event.

    Day 9 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️
    157.4 ⬇️

    Hello all. Happy Thursday!

    Happy to be dropping a little and slowly is the best way but gosh it can be frustrating. 😂

    @excelsior12309,@ccco and @stitchincarol we have ice and snow here but nothing like you all experience..

    And then to think of California and the fires raging… it’s just crazy.

    @brightonbelle glad to hear all went well with the dentist. I have a routine check up tomorrow first thing👍

    I’m applying a limit to my streaming of series also rather than watching one episode after the other… delayed gratificatio.. it’s working out well.👍

    It is quiet here today… wishing you all a good one and see you tomorrow.

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    2nd Post – Day 9

    Pocket List update…

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – OMAD/FD500 hopefully….let me explain…

    Yup, I used the “h” word, but it’s about what the restaurant serves, not what my will power can accomplish. I won a drawing to get two half-price tickets to “Clue: The Musical” and it’s for tonight. DH isn’t interested, so a friend is going with me, and we’ve chosen a restaurant where I think I can get a meal at or under 500 calories, so that’s the “hopefully.” I’ll teach lessons as usual, then we’ll eat, then we’ll head to the Orpheum, so I should be fine in terms of not being tempted to eat, and it’ll be fun to go.

    @funshipfreddie I’m delighted you’re giving some thought to bequeating it to me!!!! 🤣👍 However, I’m thinking the idea of Boo Boo outliving you is actually a sign of her kindness, not mean-ness: that way you never have to suffer the grief of losing her! See?

    @northgeorgia Oh, I hope your weather is better than ice tomorrow. We’re supposed to get snow tonight, but I’m hoping it is as nothing an event as all our other snow forecasts, since I’ll be in Omaha needing to drive home.

    @jaifaim Yeah, slow is very frustrating, but at least you’re going the right direction, right?

    An update on the sweater: I ripped out most of the ribbing last night. It’s a long story, but I concluded I hadn’t gone down to such small needles on the first sleeve’s ribbing, because this ribbing was significantly smaller around than the other and was shorter as well. Since I can do each row in about 10 minutes, and I have fourteen to go, that’s only a little over two hours, so not dreadful at all…and it’s certainly much easier now that I have slightly larger needles!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800

    USA. Day 9. FD

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Funshipfreddie, that mosaic design you want for your table is beautiful!

    Day 9 UK f800

    As I was still getting rid of “holiday goodies “ New Year’s Day today marks my first week completed and I’m really pleased to see I’m down 3lbs, of course I know a fair bit is water etc. but it’s the start I needed, one more week on f800 then a re think

    I’ve not seen Vera but binge watched Black Doves @stitchincarol – a bit far fetched but enjoyable, interesting fact the writer is a Brighton resident and the name was inspired by the name of a local bar that he frequented whilst writing the series ( all done between Christmas and New Year )

    Happy 🐫 day all

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800

    DAY 9 NE England NFD

    Well here we are at day 9 and like you @ccco I’m really finding it hard to get back in the groove. Most of the festive food has gone now, some jumping out at me from the freezer! DH is working through the nibbles but I think I’m finally over that now.
    Weather is so cold but thankfully the little snow we had here did not last, my daughter had so much more just 70 miles away, she struggled to get to work one day. I’m still getting out walking most days but it’s not as enjoyable when it’s so cold. Looking forward to warmer days and back onto salads instead of soups (which always seem to be accompanied by bread!).

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.8 kg

    @brightonbelle – congrats on completing your first week of FD800’s 💪

    @stitchincarol – I hope you enjoyed the show, & that you found something on the menu that was FD-worthy? I think Boo Boo’s plan to survive me is more sinister than kind, & I doubt she’d think twice about snacking on me if she wasn’t rescued promptly. What a horrible thought! 😅 🙀

    I just saw some aerial footage of the damage caused by the fires in California. Truly horrific. I also watched Pres Jimmy Carter’s funeral. It was interesting to see Pres Obama + the Clintons, Bushes, Bidens & Trumps all seated in such close proximity.

    A tongue-in-cheek article about the importance of breakfast:-

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Pocket List – Day 10
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 10 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️

    159 ⬆️

    Hello, there once was a girl who was doing really well… ate a pack of sweet and salty popcorn at the cinema and saw nearly 2lbs up the next morning… 😮

    Yep c’est moi… and the worst is… I know that popcorn does this to me… realised it last year when I thought popcorn was a great alternative to crisps… 🙄

    @stitchincarol I hope 😂 your day went well and well done on the fix for your sweater…

    @funshipfreddie a truly awful thought 🐱 but… you have a point.. 😂

    Good to see you @iona72 👋

    @brightonbelle super well done to you!!!! That’s a wonderful result for your first week ⭐️ watching a Harlan Coben at the moment and am eking it out but Black Doves is up there on my suggested list so maybe I’ll try that next.

    Hello @ccco! Good to see you 😄

    So… having written my post I am now going to switch to FD800 as I am inspired and as have the dentist in an hour or so that will mean I won’t eat for a good long while afterwards… nice shiny teeth after cleaning 😂

    Have a great day everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    2nd Post – Day 10

    @jaifaim – may your dentist trip be brief & hassle/pain-free. I tried watching ‘Missing You’, but I threw in the towel about 10 minutes into episode 4.
    I’m off to hunt for a couple of affordable new tyres. Why do these things happen when you’re broke? I may need to dust off my credit card 🙄

    Pocket List – Day 10
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @jaifaim FD800

    Day 9 North Wales NFD

    Good fast day yesterday despite having two lots of bad news this week. Three years ago I was diagnosed with a large nodule on my thyroid. The specialist said at the time they would keep their eye on it and on Monday I had a follow up scan. It has changed and I have got to have a needle biopsy, which I am not looking forward to. 😢

    Yesterday we had an EPC done on our house. In the UK it is a legal requirement before you sell. It’s an Energy Performance Certificate. We knew it would be low as our house is made of stone but we weren’t expecting it to be the lowest. Our boiler is the main problem as it is run on LPG. We cannot get Natural Gas the other problem was the Crog loft which has no insulation. I am going to go to the estate agents today to ask for their advice. We could get the Crog loft done but we can’t do anything about the LPG without spending thousands.

    @jaifaim I have thought a few times at waving to you from our beach 👋 we are hot that far from Holyhead. Glad you are losing weight. I have lost a bit too. I can feel it. Will not be weighing until the end of the month.

    @funshipfreddie it’s strange to watch the awful damage in California whilst we are freezing our butts off here.

    @stitchincarol cleaning is done and I was getting excited about putting the house in the market next week but the EPC has put a dampener on all of that. The dress is finished. I am going to make a jacket to go with it. I will try to share a photo of it soon. I am delighted with the dress. Is your jumper finished?

    @brightonbelle I love binge watching a TV series. Glad the dentist was ok. I enjoyed Black Doves. We have just finished season 1 of Departure.

    @iona72 my husband is also working his way through the nibbles thank goodness.

    Have a good day everyone

    Second Post

    All good with the dentist thankfully @funshipfreddie 👍 and yes I was close to throwing in the towel on Missing You but have battled on through… and have to finish it now.. but have committed to eke out series so will finish it over the weekend. Isn’t it great with streaming that a lot of us can watch the same stuff. 📺♥️

    @molj awww I’m so sorry to hear your bad news.. thinking of you and hope you can find a solution for the house problems and that your thyroid biopsy goes ok and that you receive positive news on that …♥️ I’ll wave the next time I’m on the beach… 🤩👋

    USA. Day10. FD

    I went a little overboard yesterday, so today I am trying to do better. I find that if I eat breakfast, I eat more throughout the day. I also seem to do that when I write everything down. Writing calories down is a problem for me because it’s like money. I see the numbers and automatically I want to add some because I seem to have the space for it. Otherwise I just measure what I eat and down decide I have more calories I can add and still come in where I thought I wanted to be. I don’t know if that makes any sense! LOL. Today I will only measure.

    Pocket List – Day 10
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    USA. Day 10. FD

    MollJ, good luck with your house. Having to fix things to complete your sale is always tough! I also hope your thyroid biopsy goes well!

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Actually down half a pound after being bad, eating grits and sausage, cookies, doughnuts, cake, pizza, and drinking a bottle of soft drink yesterday. Anyway, the snow has come and it is beautiful! Unfortunately, the freezing rain starts in about an hour and continues until midnight. If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, please remember me because we will have lost power! I’m hopeful not many limbs will crash to the ground and we keep the power on. Not worried about the roads — we’ll be in all weekend as it’s pretty certain a glaze is settling in this afternoon.

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 155.8

    Supper last night clocked in at 550 calories, and was very satisfying, AND we got to sit smack in front of a gas fireplace. Then, the play (not a musical, don’t know why I thought so) was delightful with some truly funny moments.

    @brightonbelle How fun to have the local connection to Black Doves. Do you ever go to that bar? And congratulations on being down 3lbs; that’s a great result of your first week!

    @iona72 Yeah, those frozen Christmas goodies have jumped out at me a time or two also. I still have half a “log” of Date Nut Swirls waiting to be baked…I’m thinking they’ll be a perfect Valentine’s Day treat, don’t you think?

    @funshipfreddie Yup, I had half a chicken salad sandwich with pecans and cranberries and a small cup of tomato basil soup. Enough carbs to be satisfying and enough flavor to be delightful in the sandwich, and enough warmth (and flavor!) in the soup to combat how cold I get by that time of day on a WF. So…what I’m picking up from your comments about Boo Boo is that yours is a love-hate relationship???? 😂😂😂😂 And bummer on needing two new tires!

    @jaifaim Ahh, but at least your two pounds are simply water weight; I’ll just bet you’ll be back down tomorrow, especially after deciding to make today a F800!

    @molij Oh, that has to be distressing! When is the needle biopsy? And old homes are so lovely–until you’re faced with the problems that accompany them. I hope you find a reasonable solution that works for your finances!

    @ccco Instead of writing down your food on paper, have you tried logging it on My Fitness Pal? There’s a version of MFP that you pay for, but I think all of us in this group find the free version entirely adequte. Perhaps that will help you log your food and calories without making you feel you might as well add more?

    @northgeorgia I burst out laughing at your list of what you ate yesterday. Had I eaten all that, I’d be up five pounds!!! So at least you can be thankful for your male metabolism. I hope you keep your electricity! Do either you, your mom, or your brother have a fireplace to help maintain warmth in a power-outage?

    I got a little knitting done yesterday, but was too busy with obligations to make much progress; today will have time to knit and I’m looking forward to it. Also on track for today or tomorrow is–you ready?–Kangaroo Chili! For Christmas, DS33 gave us ground kangaroo, ground ostrich (we’re having burgers from it with the boys on Sunday) and elk meat for stew, which is still unscheduled. Oh, and a gorgeous Porterhouse steak, which is currently hanging out in the freezer with the elk and the ostrich. The fun never ends here, huh? 🥰

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 10
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @jaifaim FD800

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