Joyous January

This topic contains 280 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  MoliJ 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • I’ll just bet you’re all somewhat taken aback at such a name for the month traditionally given to starting over, to getting fit and back on track and to a restrained sort of life, etc., etc., etc., and “Joyous” sounds like we’re going to be all about celebrating, which is traditionally centered around food, right?

    Well, here’s my explanation. My own weight loss journey (which I have experienced multiple times, only to gain it back when I’ve dropped the ball) is always slow. Four pounds in a month is always a stretch for me, and a mere two pounds is fairly typical. I do lots and lots of thinking about my attitude and my approach to any given day, and something I’ve learned over and over tells me that when I’m mentally beating myself up, when I’m feeling sorry for myself and how I “have” to eat in order to lose weight, I make little to no progress because I rebel against such rude rules.

    Because food is fun, right? We enjoy it. It’s what we want.

    Or is it?

    How often are you miserable in your gut because of what you’ve eaten? Does that bring you joy that you ate what you wanted despite the quality or quantity of food? How often do you wake up and you’re still full and you wish you hadn’t eaten (or drunk) so much the day/night before?

    Nope, I don’t want to do that. When I’ve managed to adopt the attitude of “I’m not making these minimal food choices because I somehow have to but because I choose to, because it’s what I want,” I feel rather joyous that I’m not /forcing/ myself into behavior that feels unnatural but I’m /choosing/ behavior that is who I actually am, deep inside. Inside, where the thin me lives.

    So, I’m putting on joy. It’s not natural to me, because my gluttonous tendencies make me want to eat (and often drink) to excess, but when I smile and say, “No, thank you,” because I know my body doesn’t react well to all that, that’s when I’m choosing joy, both for how I’ll feel tomorrow but also for how I’ll feel today for what I’ve chosen.

    So a couple quotes to help you come to joy in your eating:

    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Discipline weights ounces–regret weighs tons.” ― Jim Rohn

    “It’s just food.”

    I find both quotes very helpful. I think we all understand the first with no further comments. The second reminds me how much importance we apply to food…but, really, it’s just food. It’s not love, it’s not comfort, it’s not entertainment, it’s just /food/. It’s fuel for your body, and when you need no more fuel, it’s time to leave the fuel station. And it’s a joyous thing to figure that out.

    So may you find joy in January!

    Everyone is welcome to join us! These monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and have been going strong ever since. Goals can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. But by breaking them down into small achievable pieces, we are able to stay focused and motivated to accomplish our goals one step at a time in bite-sized monthly challenges.

    There are no rules, but as a general guide, here are some tips for any new people:

    1. Posting – This is our only true rule: please start each post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). We’re located all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting with us on a particular day etc. Look at the various posts, and you’ll soon see the pattern, and will learn how useful it is for reading.

    2. In your first post, please introduce yourself to the group – this helps us to get to know each other, which is especially helpful for newbies. Perhaps say something about where you started, your journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from fasting. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month. But you don’t have to – share only what you are comfortable sharing online.

    3. Spreadsheet – Here is the link for the December spreadsheet – hopefully I have given access to all to input as they wish:
    It’s in alphabetical order by username. If you find it helpful, you can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing. It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. And if you need help just ask – there’s always someone happy to help. But you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. It’s just another tool you can use if you choose.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily, others check in every few days. Some are brief, others are long and chatty. If you’re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post e.g. Day 1 – 2nd Post. Past history shows that posting every day truly does help with motivation for staying on track with your goals, so please don’t feel shy about suddenly posting daily; we love new members!

    5. Content of your post– Comments or questions, complaints or celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. Remember: we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. So DON’T GIVE UP – whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum so there’s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity.

    7. Pocket lists –A ‘pocket list’ is a list of the names of people who are sharing the same goal on a particular day. It’s great psychological support in mentally keeping that list in our back pocket, knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join a pocket list or start a pocket list. Typical pocket lists are for a FD but in the past they’ve been used for people doing daily exercise or planks, or DTF (dry till Friday).

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    9. The “rule”. The F word (FAIL) is prohibited!! We all stumble in our journey – it happens. But acknowledge it, think about what you can do next time, and continue. We’re all here to help!

    We tend to use a LOT of abbreviations in these posts. Here’s a guide to some of the more frequently used ones:

    5:2 – 5 days NFD – 2 days FD

    16:8 – 16 hours fast – 8 hours non fast

    IF – Intermittent Fasting

    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc)

    AF – Alcohol-free

    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)

    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate

    CFD – Controlled Food Day (a day’s eating comfortably below your TDEE)

    DH, DD, DS – Darling Husband, Daughter, Son

    DTF – Dry ’til Fri (no wine, beer, etc.)

    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)

    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)

    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)

    FD800 – Fast Day 800 calories

    Hunger Dragon – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce had an inner warthog!)

    IF – Intermittent Fasting

    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones

    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!

    LC – Low Carb way of eating

    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating

    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)

    LOL – Laughing Out Loud

    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)

    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new
    Fast800, it’s a FD

    MFP – MyFitnessPal – a smartphone app & website that tracks diet & exercise.

    NFD – Non Fast Day

    OH – Other Half (e.g. spouse/partner)

    OMAD – One Meal A Day

    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of moi!)
Pocket List – Names to “keep in your pocket” for a common goal for the day

    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)

    TRE – Time Restricted Eating

    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)

    WFH – Working From Home

    WOL – Way of Life

    WOCA – Woman Of a Certain Age
WW – Weekend Warrior (c/- @jaifaim)
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    USA Day 30

    I just got your message about the web page being set up! I love the name Joyous January! Thank you, again, for leading us in January! See you on January 1.

    Day 0 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Thank you @stitchincarol! Count me in for Joyous January 🎉

    #3 is the December spreadsheet though. Can someone please set one up for January? 🙏 Happy New Year to everyone, & may January bring Joy to all of us 😃

    Day 0 – USA/GA

    I’m in for January and all of 2025. I have some big challenges ahead this year that I know about; not to mention those that I cannot foresee. It’s a great year to have better resolve than in the past two years. I can get back down to my low weight in 2022 and go beyond it.

    Looking forward to Joyous January and hearing from you all, it certainly makes the journey more interesting. All the best to everyone for 2025 🎉

    Day 0 – USA/OH

    Happy New Year from the US! I’d love to be a part of to Joyous January @stitchincarol! I wish you all health, safety,and happiness in 2025.

    Day 1 🥂 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.6 kg

    About me:- David, 62, originally from Manchester, England. Retired & living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Been 5:2-ing/IF-ing since 2014 after watching Michael Mosley’s documentary, ‘Eat, Fast & Live Longer’. I joined the Challenges after I quit working in 2018. I do basic 5:2, having around 600 – 700 cals on FDs – one evening meal – and I have an eating window of around 12 noon to 8 pm on NFDs. It works!

    @teneer – welcome back!

    @ccco, @brightonbelle – thank you, but I wasn’t hosting December. @at was our host. I hope she’s okay. I hosted ‘No-Nonsense November’.

    @stitchincarol – I hope you enjoyed Omaha & the fireworks. I just watched the London fireworks display, with a special appearance from Paddington Bear at the end My back?! So annoying. I know it’ll be fine in a day or two. I just need to wait it out. It’s just getting up off the sofa now, or a low chair that it bothers me.

    I just took a look at the spreadsheet for January 2024. I started last year at 70.4 kg, just 0.2 kg lighter than today, so I think my maintenance plan went well! 🎯 Here last year’s sheet, for anyone who’s curious:-

    Wishing everyone a happy & healthy 2025! ✨

    Day 1-No. VA USA-NFD
    Happy New Year to all. I am happy to join up for a Joyous January! Thank you, @funshipfreddie, for hosting December, and to @stitchincarol for guiding us through January.
    I am a 74 yr old pediatrician, still in practice (hoping to retire, eventually!!). Have been doing intermittent fasting since starting in 2017, lost a good deal of weight over that year; gained it back when non-compliant and complacent; re-lost the weight March of 2024 and have been maintaining fairly well since then. I still would like to lose a few more pounds. Usually am a zero-breakfast-club member and eat between 11 am and 7 pm most days. I like this WOE and and also really like our group!

    Day 1 UK CD

    Thank you for hosting Joyous January @stitchincarol , and that’s exactly what I’m aiming for it to be 💪

    Me – 63F living on south coast of England with DH , I’m very happy with my life with one glaring exception- my weight and I really want to sort it out

    I’m starting 2025 pretty much where I started 2024 – around 20lbs over where I’d like to be , I had a great start last year lost around 15lbs , stalled and then put it back on again . So this year I’m going g back to basics- back on MFP, and trying to eliminate the yo-yoing and concentrate on being happy and healthy, look forward to our journey

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Welcome, @ccco, @funshipfreddie, @northgeorgia, @iona72, @excelsior12309, and @brightonbelle Also, @lilymartin mentioned in Dodgy December that she’d be joining us, so I hope to see her–and everyone else–soon.

    I’m a 66yo female, a church musician and piano teacher, and DH’s retirement–and thus, mine, to some extent–is happening in May of this year. When I was in my early 20s, my weight had me at a BMI of just under 19, and then I maintained a BMI of 22 until my mid-forties, but it’s been a roller coaster in the last twenty years, gaining and losing the same twenty pounds. I’m currently down ten of them, and plan to lose another twenty for a total loss of thirty, and am fairly confident I’ve finally gained the skills that I’ll maintain the weight loss this time.

    I’m on my tablet in a hotel room in Omaha, so I’ll postpone further chatter until I’m home on my laptop, but I look forward to us all learning to be joyous about this journey, rather than a martyr!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Happy new year to you all, I won’t be able to weigh until I get home. I cannot find a spreadsheet for January. The link appears to be for December. Thank you @at for hosting December.

    USA. Day 1. FD

    Excelsior12309, just noticed that we both are 74 years old. I am, however, retired. I am glad that you are still working. We need experienced doctors.

    Sorry, FUNSHIPFREDDIE, but I somehow got confused! Such as the holidays!

    AT, thank you for hosting December! And thank you to stitchincarol for hosting January! 👍🏻

    I am a 74 yo woman from New York City but now living in Baltimore, MD. I think I may have found a way to keep my weight steady and then lose a few more pounds. I hope January will prove me right. I think one of may main problems with weight is that I start gung ho and then begin to lose interest! I need to find a way not to lose interest! I am not sure I found that yet!

    Happy New Year to everyone! And to Jaifaim when she comes on: Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit!

    Day 1 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. I’m a 50 y/o male in north Georgia who lost quite a bit on 5:2, but gained a few back over the past couple of years due to stress and carelessness on NFDs. My goal is to get back to where I was two years ago if not lower this year.

    Happy new year to all! 2025 represents halfway through the decade and a quarter of the way through the century!

    Day 1 North Wales NFD

    Second post. Found the January spread sheet. I appear to have been missed off it. Can someone add me to it please.

    Day 1 NE England NFD

    62F retired, I like to get out walking with my spaniel and aim for at least 15,000 steps each day.

    Happy New Year everyone, I hope it’s better than 2024 when we lost a very young family member very suddenly. I have early stage kidney disease and was diagnosed with Pre-Diabetes in June but I have managed to shift over 17 pounds since then and am awaiting further tests to assess my current condition.
    Intermittent fasting and “balanced plate” is my way of life and it’s a constant battle with my sweet tooth.
    Looking forward to chatting with you all in this Joyous January.

    2nd post-Day 1-No. VA USA
    Oh boy, since I lost the month of November, I credited the leadership of December to the wrong faster. Thank you, @at!!!!

    Hi all! Too much was going on in the last few days of the dodgiest December I’ve had in a long time… time was eaten up and it seemed like such a very busy and long month – thanks for hosting @at!
    And @stitchincarol thank you for looking after us this joyous month to kick off 2025 ⭐️💕
    I had to take time off my phone, social media etc as things were just too busy with family and friends and I’m so very glad to be facing back into some sort of a routine.
    Will be back tomorrow with a proper post so see you all then and happy new year to one and all! 🥂🌅⭐️💕

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I had a lovely afternoon yesterday at a braai (barbecue) with a few neighbours/friends. Way too much food, including the best trifle I’ve ever tasted! 😋 And then a few hours of card playing. But back to reality today, with my first FD of 2025 🎯

    @molij – we don’t have a January spreadsheet yet. The one I posted was from last year. I just found it interesting to look back & thought others might do so too. Maybe someone can tweak it, turn it into Joyous January 2025? I wouldn’t know where to start 🥴️

    Pocket List – Day 2 ✨

    Day 2 – UK – FD

    Good morning from a very cold UK – many apologies for my absence as host for most of the last month but a big thank you to @funshipfreddie and others for stepping up and keeping the challenge going 🤗

    I have pulled together a spreadsheet for the Joyous January 2025 Challenge

    I will try to catch up and do a longer post later today…………

    Pocket List – Day 2 ✨

    2nd Post – Day 2

    @at – thanks so much for the spreadsheet 🙏

    Day 2 – USA/GA – FD?

    Weigh-in: 239 lbs. This after a somewhat sleepless night and a back to work early morning wakeup call. I think I’m getting sinus drainage which is worrisome. Last time I attempted a FD when that happened, I almost vomited in my car driving home, so I am doing a ZBC today and playing it by ear. If I begin feeling queasy at work today, I’ll grab something light for lunch. If I really feel horrible, then I’ll go home early.

    My mom’s best friend’s son-in-law, aged 48, was found dead the next morning in bed. They think he had this same respiratory illness making its rounds down here and just simply stopped breathing. We’re horrified. The visitation is today after work and tomorrow afternoon is the funeral.

    USA. Day 2. FD

    Good morning here! I fell off my FD yesterday, as I continued my festivities but that is all over now. Day 2 is my start of the new month and a FD. Adding myself to our pocket list:

    Pocket List – Day 2 ✨

    Today is the start of my indoor renovations, so I will be back tomorrow! I have 3 weeks of work being done and, I am sure, some chaos!

    Day 2 UK f800

    Oh my you are going through it @northgeorgia 💕

    I’m going for a real kick start to my weight loss journey and f800 for 2 weeks , let’s see how it goes 💪

    Pocket List – Day 2 ✨

    Day 1 and Day 2 NFD country west Australia
    Hi everyone.
    It’s been 39ºC yesterday and 41ºC today and no Albany doctor ( the wind that comes from the south about 200 km away and cools us all down in the evenings) – but not tonight !!
    Covered in flying ants and generally HOT !!
    Not fasting but eating way less as it is too hot to eat much.

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – OMAD or even FD – 158.2

    Today begins the process of getting my eating expectations back to reasonable levels. “Reasonable” is a word I’ve been using lots, because it’s complementary to the idea of “Joyous.”

    How well are you doing with reminding yourself you’re eating in the 5:2 way because it brings you joy, not because you’re somehow forcing yourself to do so? And are you managing to find joy with that reminder?

    @funshipfreddie Why “braai”? Is that a South African word? And what cards do you play?

    @at Thanks so much for doing the spreadsheet, and good to have you with us for Joyous January.

    @northgeorgia Wow, that’s so awful about the man who died!

    @ccco Well done for simply dusting yourself off (quite literally soon, eh?) after yesterday’s swerve away from a FD and starting fresh today!

    @brightonbelle Wow, I’ll just bet the determination to do two weeks of FD800 brings you great joy! And the results will be even more joy. 💪

    @lilymartin Oh, wow, that is incredibly hot (105.8F)!!! One of the things I notice about water fasting is that, in the winter at least, I get miserably cold, so eating as little as you’re able will perhaps help you be cooler?? And flying ants? ugh. I imagine finding joy in that is a bit challenging, eh? 😂🤣😉

    Today is back to a usual routine, and I’m glad to have some structure to my days again. My plan is for OMAD, allowing DH and me to go out for drinks and appetizers after my students’ piano recital tonight, but if we decide we simply don’t care, who knows were my calories will end up falling. Having no absolute plan is a bit challenging, but I have enough RESOLVE in me to get me through the day reasonably.

    We got only a dusting of snow overnight, so we’re still waiting for the first actual snowfall of this winter…something else to bring joy, LOL! 🤣

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 2 ✨
    @stitchincarol OMAD or even FD

    Day 2 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    Day 1 – NFD

    Good to be back but I’m caught for time again today.. so a quick post. Happy enough with post 🎄 and starting 2025 weight. 😁

    I have managed a good FD, some yoga and a little workout and a walk… beautiful cold crisp weather. Love it!

    Taking each day as it comes… no real resolutions other than to do just that… take each day as a day…

    See you all tomorrow. 😄

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71 kg 👀

    @stitchincarol – I can’t claim that 5:2 brings me joy. I understand your intro, & I’m sure some people will identify with it. But I don’t wake up regretting what I ate/drank the night before (although I often did when I was still drinking!) And I don’t really have gluttonous tendencies. Not because I’ve got super willpower or anything; I just don’t like feeling like a stuffed turkey & I know I’d regret it. But the results of 5:2/TRE certainly bring me joy, especially the PFDS & not needing to go on a traditional weight-loss diet. But for me, 5:2 is a discipline. It’s just something I do, & feels as natural as brushing my teeth. I don’t enjoy FDs, as some people claim to do, & I never will. But I just get on with it because I know it’s good for me. Like eating vegetables 😅

    @lilymartin – that ls HOT! I don’t think I’ve ever experienced temperatures like that. Although it can reach +40 C in parts of the Northern Cape. It’s going to be about 27 today where I live. Not too bad if there’s a breeze too.

    @stitchincarol – ‘braai’ (rhymes with ‘dry’) is an Afrikaans word, just meaning to grill or barbecue. But everyone uses it. I guess it’s a case of – why use three syllables when one will do? We play ‘Queen of Sheba’. It’s a game my neighbour & his sister have played since childhood. I picked it up quite easily because it’s similar to a game I used to play called Rummy, except we play with 17 cards each.

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    “True discipline is really just self-remembering; no forcing or fighting is necessary.” ~ Charles Eisenstein

    Day 3 North Wales NFD

    Thank you for hosting @stitchincarol I joined this forum in December 2017 and I have considerable success. My name is Gail and I am 68, a mother of 2 daughters, a stepson and I have 6 grandchildren. I live in North Wales. My youngest daughter is getting married in 8 months and I want to lose some weight for that and to improve my general health and fitness.
    I am very disappointed in myself for allowing the weight to creep up again. I used to tell myself that the 5.2 was a way of life and I believe it is, but I fell off the wagon. I am feeling strong and determined and I know that I can do this 💪.

    December was not a good month for me. I am not making excuses, but being away from home for more than half the month and Christmas thrown in,it was never going to be month to lose weight. I weighed myself this morning and I had put on 2kg. I am hoping that the weight will come off fast this month with consistent CD’s and FD’s. My additional goals this month are to – Eat smaller portions. Walk more than 8000 steps a day. Do Jo Wicks every day.

    “Don’t try to be better than everyone else, just aim to be better than you were yesterday” – Bev James
    Have a good day everyone.

    As an aside, all the data from Dodgy December is missing from the spreadsheet.

    Day 3 UK f800

    Friday ? I’m still having to check each morning what day it is , hopefully back to normal next week ( although in honesty it doesn’t really matter )

    I’m with @funshipfreddie – FDs don’t give me joy – but the results do , that’s why I’ve chosen to go all in , hoping once I see/ feel results it will spur me on

    I can’t really even imagine that heat @lilymartin it is so cold here at the moment -2 , surely someone is having perfect weather?

    Off to do some yoga , see you all tomorrow

    Day 3 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. Still feel a bit bloated, but good FD yesterday. Mom still has the sickness sticking around. Either Sunday or Monday will be the next FD.

    USA. Day 3 FD

    Good morning, afternoon, etc., depending upon where you are! :). So many people seem to be sick these days but with this weather being so cold and all of us here being on the brim of a significant snow fall, I can’t really go anywhere. Maybe I will be able to dodge those germs!

    I did pretty well yesterday with my FD coming in at 970 calories. Today I hope to beat that number, which might be easy, since I will not have much water today. My workers had to turn it off in order to install sinks, toilets, etc. during my renovations. Not a lot I can do without water! In the meantime, I am amazed how dependent I am on my microwave but my new one won’t come until next week. Now my meal preparation takes much more time and requires more washing of dishes and pots and pans. I guess my microwave has made me a bit lazy.

    I am trying to figure out with the snow coming when I will be able to go to the grocery store, maybe tomorrow morning, if we don’t have too much snow today! In any case the significant amount of 8-9 inches is due on Monday, all day. I will probably clear that in the evening. I have an important doctor’s appointment on Tuesday and I have go to be able to drive out of here by that morning! I can brush off the snow removal as exercise but Winter is not my favorite season!

    I just found another means of exercise for me. AARP, a senior citizens group in the states that I belong to, has online yoga classes I can take. Once my workmen are gone for good, I think I will give it a go. My daughter and I both belong to the same club and she has been eager to show up with her there, too. I used to go every day when I was younger but now I mostly exercise at home! I like that I have all these options. Our senior centers have programs, as well, including online, but I have to pay for those.

    I don’t see a pocket list, so I will begin one, in case anyone wants to join me!:)

    Day 3 Pocket Lis


    Have a great day, everyone! 👍🏻

    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 158.4

    I managed a solid OMAD, and didn’t eat all that much at the restaurant after the piano recital, but I know food that late (around 8pm) always leaves me at a higher weight in the morning. Tonight won’t help, either, as we’ve been invited to a young friend’s home and she’s serving pizza, so the sodium will again keep the weight high. Trying to return to eating in a more restrained manner when surrounded by social stuff is an exercise of near-impossibility, LOL, and I’m looking forward to next week when I can be restrained with abandon…wait. I think that’s a contradiction in terms, LOL!

    @jaifaim I smile at how you race with your days, but still manage to get in to say hello. Well done at your first FD of 2025!

    @funshipfreddie You are impressive to me, because you’ve understood what brings you joy–not “feeling like a stuffed turkey”–and manage to remember that in such a deep, instinctive way that your behavior follows your preferences. I have gluttonous tendencies–I have a HUGE appetite, and always have–and have to really use lots of will power to remind myself to stop eating. We all aspire to have your attitude towards food, but it sure doesn’t come easily or naturally to me. Hence my focus on joy, because there’s no shame connected with the desire to feel joy as there is with the desire to restrain my eating. Does that make sense?
    I’ll look up Queen of Sheba and see if it’s at all familiar by a different name, and great quote!

    @molij Getting fit and at a weight you like is a great goal for a daughter’s wedding. How much are you wanting to lose?

    @brightonbelle Well, bummer, another for whom a focus on joy doesn’t resonate. Hmph! 😂🤣😂 I’m thinking that it’s a matter of semantics, because we all use and agree on PFDS, right? And that smugness is a form of joy. But the important part of my premise is that we’re not shaming outselves into good behavior, so perhaps the word joy is the problem, not the concept itself?

    @northgeorgia Glad you were able to have a good FD yesterday, and that you aren’t getting sicker, as you feared.

    @ccco How about ordering your food online to be delivered? Have you ever tried that? It’s wonderfully easy and then you don’t have to fight traffic and crowds, which are always huge right before a big snowfall. And, nice FD yesterday at 970 calories!

    I haven’t mentioned DH’s Fair Isle in a bit, but I’m down to fewer than ten hours of knitting, so am hopeful I’ll get that done by next week. Tomorrow, I’m headed to a local quilt shop where I plan to make huge progress on a t-shirt quilt for my daughter–one that was to be her birthday and Christmas gift in 2021. Yup. GAH, lol. She’s sure I’ve forgotten, but it’s just hard to find a chunk of time, and tomorrow will be a good start.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 3 Pocket List

    USA Day 3 FD

    I closed my kitchen for the day after doing an OMAD at about 600 calories. If it weren’t so bitterly cold outside, I would love to go for a brisk walk. I did manage to do my regular exercises, though. I do them 5 days a week and they make me feel so much better. Tomorrow will be another low calorie OMAD. Sunday, I probably will be trying to shovel that snow in the evening. I really have to be able to get out of here on Tuesday morning. That should burn up a few calories!

    Stitchincarol, ordering my food to be delivered to my house would normally be a good idea. I have that in mind as a regular thing for when I get older and can’t drive to the market myself. However, before my surgery this past summer, I ordered food to be delivered to my house and it never arrived. It was already paid for. The idea was that I would have everything possible done and ready for me when I returned home, so I wouldn’t have to be dependent on everyone else. I was very disappointed. Usually now, I order my food and pick it up. I really like that. Also, good luck in finishing your quilt. I am sure your daughter will be delighted.

    It’s beginning to snow, so I guess my grandchildren will be delighted!

    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    It was hot here yesterday?! Not Australia hot exactly, but around 2 pm my phone said ’29 – feels like 32′. And it was still about 25 when I went to bed at 10 pm. But it seems like many other places are having a tough winter. I see some parts of the UK will be -10 C this weekend?! 🥶️

    @stitchincarol – I’d never heard of a t-shirt quilt? A quilt made from my t-shirts would be very dull! 😅 What you said makes perfect sense. Even the part about being ‘restrained with abandon’ 🤪 But, you shouldn’t feel shame if you struggle to restrain you eating. I think most people struggle; the desire to eat is very powerful, for several reasons. I guess that’s why we finish up here..

    @ccco – isn’t there a younger neighbour who you could offer a few $ to for clearing your driveway? There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it. That’s what teenagers are for! 😂 I got a neighbour to change a tyre for me a few years ago, basically because I just couldn’t be bothered to do it myself & I didn’t want to get my hands dirty 😏 I did offer to pay him, but he refused to take the money. So I bought him a bottle of his favourite tipple. Win-win.

    It seems like a very slow start to Joyous January. I guess some of us are determined to celebrate all 12 days of Christmas. Maybe we’ll have more people onboard after tomorrow.

    A cute yet informative 5 minute video about the benefits of walking

    Have a good weekend everyone! 🌤 🌈

    Day 4-No. VA USA-FD 800

    Very cold here today; some snow blew through in a few minutes yesterday, but then sun came out. We are due for snow tomorrow night, which will cause mass panic in this state. Those of us who grew up in the northern states don’t think much of it, but an inch or two of snow in VA causes so much disruption. @funshipfreddie, it is interesting how few young people are available or motivated to make a few dollars shoveling snow. They make small, very mobile snow blowers that would be much easier than shoveling and a motivated kid could probably do quite well in certain neighborhoods! @ccco, take it easy with the shoveling, you know how it is hard on the lower back! Also, with respect to food delivery, during Covid, we used a meal making delivery service for a while, and it was actually good and easy. However, it was expensive. But on the other hand, there was probably less waste overall per meal. We don’t do it any more.

    My old Corgi had to go to the vet last week for a sore on her leg that was getting bigger and irritated; they clipped around it and gave me a spray to use several times a day and they also put her on a few days of prednisone, which made her soooo peppy it was amazing. Too bad she can’t take it every day!
    On super cold days (in the 20’s) we don’t feed the koi in the pond; their metabolism is too slow; but when it warms up to the 40’s, there is a special “cold weather” food which is digestible when they are sluggish in the winter. Who knew?
    @stitchincarol, that is funny about the quilt. Well, the time has come now! Funny how it passes so quickly. Well, make sure to show pictures of your work in progress!
    Have a good day, all!

    Day 4 North Wales NFD

    It’s very cold here at the moment. It’s unlikely that we will get snow as we are so close to the sea. It’s definitely a day to keep moving around as sitting still just makes me even colder. I spent a couple of hours in the garden yesterday and I plan to spend a couple of hours today tidying it up.

    @excelsior12309 hope your corgi’s leg has healed.

    @funshipfreddie do you know what has happened to the data in the Dodgy December spreadsheet? Loved the video you shared about walking.

    @ccco I hated my food being delivered during the pandemic. I much prefer to choose my fresh fruit and veg myself but I can see the benefits if doing it as you get older, especially if you can’t drive.

    @stitchincarol I want to get down to about 64kg for the wedding. It is doable. I just need to stay strong 💪

    I am really going to try and post most days in January to keep me on track. I do read the emails every day.

    Have a good day everyone. Stay warm if you are in the North Hemisphere.

    Day 4 UK f800

    Long time since I’ve woken up on a Saturday with PFDS and no headache- off the booze for a few weeks

    @molij – similar goals to me – we can do it !💪

    Have a good first weekend of 2025 all

    Pocket list Day 4👣


    Day 4 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 157.8

    My restraint yesterday paid off, despite the pizza. Today is my quilt retreat, so that will keep me away from food…except that I’m gueessing many of the other women there will bring snacks. Hopefully not, but I’m building up my RESOLVE so that I resist it and just work on the quilt. Tonight I’m making a bean casserole for supper, and have really been looking forward to that, so that will help get me through the day with no nibbling.

    @ccco Another good day; well done. That’s a huge shame about not getting your groceries. Did you talk to the store/company and complain? I can’t believe they didn’t make it good for you.

    @funshipfreddie Yup, you have hot weather, too. Ours is currently 14F/-10C and the low tomorrow night and Tuesday night both is forecast to be 4/-15…it’s well and truly winter finally, and we’re even forecast for snow tonight…we’ll see if we get much to get excited about. As to shame for eating what I shouldn’t, I was so restrained for so many years, that I grew accustomed to being in control and being able to keep my weight where I wanted it, so it’s very, very tough to accept that I’m no longer that woman. I prefer to think I can control myself…and I’m finally getting much better at it, and more like the woman I used to be.

    @excelsior12309 That’s interesting about feeding koi in winter months–as you say, who knew?! Is your corgi getting better with the prednisone?

    @molij Your goal is right at where my goal used to be, but I’ve lowered it a bit further to 132lbs/60kg, the weight I was for fifteen years, and loved. I haven’t weighed that little since 2003, so we’ll see how challenging it is to get there. How long has it been since you were at 64kg?

    @brightonbelle Well done! I also get headaches from even a small glass of red wine, so well understand the joy of not waking up with one.

    I too have noticed how quiet it is here–unusually, for January–and love @funshipfreddie‘s question if it’s because they’re celebrating the full 12 days of Christmas. @merryapple, @at, @lilymartin, @flourbaby and far more of you, we miss you and hope to see/hear/read you soon! 😉🥰

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket list Day 4👣

    Day 4 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Well, just as I think I’m getting better, I feel it creeping into my bronchials today. I’ll take some Mucinex, which I’ve avoided to this point alongside lots of water when I get off the computer, and dose myself with citrus.

    Blah! Maybe I’ll recover enough to get back on the 5:2 by tomorrow.

    Day 4 NE England NFD

    We are fighting coughs and colds here, DH has been quite ill and ended up on antibiotics. as a result we have quite a bit of festive food still in the house. I’ve tried to give daughter some but she is not keen!
    Cold here today too and some snow the next couple of days. I hate the winter especially snow and ice after a nasty fall which shattered my elbow a few years ago. I am also itching to get in the garden to tidy up @molij can’t wait to start planting some seeds for Spring.
    I will step on the scale tomorrow and ponder the plan for the week ahead!

    USA Day 4. FD

    Hmmm! Day 4 already! Time does fly!

    I decided to go to the grocery store at 8 am this morning with the hope I would get there before the pre-snow crowd. Well, it turns out that crowd was there on Friday instead. Nevertheless, I was able to get all the food I wanted but I had to go to two stores to find something to melt ice after Monday’s snowfall. We are expecting about 9″ of snow that day. We haven’t had significant snowfall in a number years. New York City had its first significant snowfall recently for the first time in 15 years! It’s amazing! There definitely is something going on with the environment. The past few winters have even been warm enough for me to play golf here in the winter months. That is clearly not going to happen this year.

    @stitchincarol, I did eventually get my food back then because I had paid for it but it didn’t come in time to serve my purpose. Sometimes I will let my local grocery store do my grocery shopping for me and then I will pick it up at a designated time. That have done a good job with fresh produce, so I haven’t had a problem with that. Sometimes I am just too busy or it’s too cold for me to want to spend the time going out shopping for a few hours. When driving becomes an issue with age, I will order delivery.

    MollJ, I didn’t like ordering food during Covid either but I also didn’t like standing inline outside six feet apart out in the cold, either! It took getting some use to but it doesn’t bother me now…and we don’t have to stand outside!

    Excelsior12309, I had two fish ponds myself in the past, one of which had koi. I also had a few ducks my daughter brought home from an outdoor market. Here in Maryland, we have a large bird called the Maryland Hawk. It is capable of flying away with a cat or a small dog. Well, it ate all my koi and killed all the ducks one night. The next day, it looked like a massacre had taken place. I knew those birds were not going to leave us alone, so we didn’t restock our pond anymore.

    You are right FUNSHIPFREDDIE! I should be able to find a teenager to clear my walkway and driveway but there are none in my neighborhood. There are small children and any grandchildren but no one who could help. Fortunately, my walkway and driveway are not very big, so it is a quick job. I chalk it up to being exercise, even though I hate the cold! 🤨

    I closed out my kitchen at 890 calories. I wanted to eat fewer calories but I seem to have gotten low potassium levels and I am trying to eat my way out of that. Unfortunately, those potassium rich foods are a little higher in calories, making it a little harder to keep the caloric content down but I will find a way.

    Sorry, NorthGeorgia, that you are under the weather. There seems to be a lot of illness going around right now. So far, it has missed me!

    See you all again tomorrow!👍🏻

    Day 4 Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Day 3 – NFD

    158.2 lbs

    Hello all… still busy busy but all is great… so many ill around me but I haven’t caught it so happy out… thanks for the new year treating as gaeilge @ccco and I spotted the Welsh greeting too @molij and @missybear now that’s a prononciation challenge 😊

    @stitchincarol yes trying to make sure to hang on in here through these busy days and very much of the mindset that I need to change up a few things this year… who was it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Was it Einstein? Well whoever it was it’s singing to me now as I really do need to make some lifestyle changes.. not just for fasting but for my own wellbeing through this tricky stage of life.. it won’t be easy but needs must… too many balls in the air right now and I must mind me to mind others.. 💕💕

    Having said this… it’s been a great weekend.. fun times with friends and a sea swim today! Yes! I am feeling proud of myself and strong 👍 that will be the shock 😂

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD 💪

    Noticeably cooler today, only going up to 25 C. Some cloud about & a possibility of rain this afternoon – so exciting! 😅 And my cat actually let me sleep beyond 6 am, so it’s all good 😺

    @stitchincarol – yes, I suppose there are some things that we just can’t do the same as we did when we were younger, eating with abandon being one of them. I don’t think I ever even weighed myself until I was in my mid-twenties. And that was only because my mum told me in a letter that I was looking too skinny after I’d sent her some photos from SA.

    @molij – no, I’ve no idea what happened to the Dodgy December spreadsheet. Our techno-whizzes are usually @at & @merryapple. I don’t think people usually bother with the old spreadsheets once the month has passed though. Maybe you could take a screenshot of the current one at the end of the month if you need to keep the data?

    @brightonbelle – congrats on the Saturday morning PFDS & for swearing off the booze! This disturbing article from yesterday’s UK Mail on new research might help with your Dry January resolve:-

    @excelsior12309 – I hope your old corgi is still feeling perkier? I have the opposite problem with Boo Boo; she’s permanently perky when she’s not sleeping. Yesterday she brought me a huge grasshopper AND a gecko. Both alive & intact though. I caught the grasshopper & took it outside, but the gecko is still loose somewhere in the house 😳

    @northgeorgia – feel better soon! 🤧

    @iona72 – wishing your DH a speedy recovery. I hate the cold/winter too; I think that’s the main reason I’ve stayed in Africa.

    @jaifaim – a swim in the sea in the middle of winter?! 🥶️

    @ccco – I hope you don’t have too much snow to shift?!

    An article on how to avoid ‘weight creep’. Although I don’t think there’s anything in it we didn’t already know..

    Happy S🌞nday y’all!

    Pocket List – Day 5 🥚

    Day 5 North Wales NFD

    Haven’t got time today to write much. Hopefully I will have more time tomorrow. Have a good day everyone.

    Day 5 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Happy New Year everyone!
    We unexpectedly found ourselves negotiating the sale of our house over Christmas. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet. Here’s hoping something comes up on the market for us to buy soon 🤞

    Dragging myself back onto the 5:2 wagon today after a couple of weeks of abandon. I weighed myself this morning and I was pleasantly surprised to see I only gained one and a half pounds during December, so I’m planning to shift that and a little more this month. Today is going to be a gentle day of adjustment before tomorrow’s FD.

    @stitchincarol thank you for hosting, I love the joyous theme for the start of the year.

    Day 5 UK f800

    Never thought I’d be on the list on a Sunday , but going strong – the thought that I’m only doing this stage for 2 weeks makes anything seem tolerable

    It is quiet @stitchincarol , maybe more tomorrow?

    Pocket List – Day 5 🥚

    USA. Day 5 FD

    I can’t believe that we are already 5 days in for January! The days go quickly, don’t they! In any case, one of my focuses this month is to begin to try to swap out old habits for better good habits. I have been doing a lot of reading about that. I do know that one of the best ways to avoid eating when I shouldn’t is to keep busy. This makes summer my best time because at the very least I can go outside to take a walk (I can’t run anymore! Got too old! LOL). Or I could go out to play golf or take my grandchildren to the pool or to the park. Well, I can add shoveling snow but we haven’t had much snow in a number of years. Last year, we did have a dusting but not much before that year. This year Winter has returned full force. By the end of Monday, we will have up to 9 inches of snow, with more coming next Saturday. I will just look at it as exercise when I remove it but the frigid temperatures are another thing altogether!

    Funshipfreddie, as soon as I finish writing, I will check out that article. I love that you send us tbose.

    MissyBear, Happy New Year to you, too. I am glad that you have sold your house, even if the event occurred over Christmas. I look forward to hearing about the homes you look at for a future purchase. My daughter and her husband just sold their house and have purchased a beautiful home not far from me. Needless to say, I am pleased to have her close by. Also, congratulations that you only gained 1 1/2 lbs. over the holidays. They are always a challenge.

    Hope everyone is having a great day! Now on to reading Funshipfreddie’s article.

    Pocket List – Day 5 🥚

    USA. Day 5 FD

    Looks like BrightonBelle and I overlapped our posts.

    Pocket List – Day 5 🥚

    Day 5 – USA/GA – FD?

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Really need a FD today, but I don’t know when my niece’s birthday will be celebrated. I’ll go ahead and plan on a FD today, but I’ll do a definite one tomorrow (her birthday is Tuesday).

    Pocket List – Day 5 🥚

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