Journalist writing on 5:2 side effects

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Journalist writing on 5:2 side effects

This topic contains 20 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  SAMM 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi there – I’m looking into recent reports that women experience more side effects from the 5:2 diet than men, for a national newspaper article.
    I’d like to include some case studies of women who’ve experienced side effects from the diet such as changes to the menstrual cycle, headaches, diarrhoea, insomnia, low blood sugar etc. This would involve a short telephone interview with me, talking about your experience of the side effect and what you decided to do about it – did it subside with time or did you have to alter how you did the diet, or come off the diet?
    Please get in touch if you’re interested in telling your story by emailing me at
    Many thanks

    I am a 45 year old women who has been on 5:2 for 8 weeks. I have no side effect whatsoever. I sleep like a rock, I function very well on my fast days, my cycles are as regular as before, I have no headaches, tummy troubles etc.

    I believe that a lot of the “side effects” are not side effects cause by the diet. Maybe people drink 10 cups of coffee to ward off hunger and that is why they cannot sleep? Maybe the headaches are caused by caffeine/sugar withdrawal/dehydration?

    I have noticed people in the U.S. are not embracing the 5:2 as readily as the Europeans. We have a billion dollar snack/diet/weight loss industry that is opposed to people losing weight without any extra costs/gadgets/supplements involved.

    chloehlambert – I’d love to help you but I haven’t really had any bad side effects either. I had one MAJOR headache (probably a migrain – dunno, never had one before) about 6 weeks in but that was probably just a combination of dehydration from not drinking enough water that day and my hopelessly non-human-friendly work environment. I went home, collapsed fully clothed into bed, had a little sleep and continued with the fastday when I woke up.

    I also had a reaction to doing a big swim on a fastday early on. I’d had my 500 calorie meal but was so starving when I got back from the pool that I just HAD to have a small slice of cheese or my stomach felt like it would implode. I think that was just getting used to functioning normally on restricted calorie days though. I now swim the same distance on absolutely no calorie intake whatsoever every Monday and have my 500 calories after the swim. No problems.

    All of the other side-effects I’ve had have been completely positive ones.

    “Inshape – I have noticed people in the U.S. are not embracing the 5:2 as readily as the Europeans”

    This seems to be true as I have not noticed much activity on IF, and only stumbled upon the 5:2 by watching the Mosley video.

    Good practices like fasting eventually catch on and I agree that there is powerful resistance to it by the snacks industry. The biggest resistance are people themselves & the exposure to the barrage of marketing messages on the TV.

    Why do you think that Europe is further along than the US on this lifestyle?

    I noticed that i used to wake up at 4am after every fast day – this lasted for about 4 months. But now i’m 9 months in and that’s stopped! other than that no side effects (e.g. my periods have stayed completely regular throughout) and i feel great!

    i should clarify that i woke at 4am and then went back to sleep!

    I think one of the thing most 5:2ers like is that the whole thing is solidly evidence based.

    Rather than picking out a few stories that support your theory, how about doing some research?

    It appears from chloehlamberts enquiry that she is looking for “negative” side effects that women on this diet have experienced. Is that not a “negative” approach to take when investigating any effects this has had on women?.
    It may be that there are many “positive” effects as a result of this diet and I believe I have read some of them on this site, but would such “positives” make for a “negative” outcome of her enquiries?
    What do I know?, I am only a man.
    Good luck to you all out there.

    Yes ive got some side effects. I keep walking along the street and men walking past me keep crashing into lamp posts as they eye up my new slim finger.
    The other main side effect is on my purse. I’m having to spend money on a brand new wardrobe.
    Other than that nothing really.

    “It appears from chloehlamberts enquiry that she is looking for “negative” side effects that women on this diet have experienced.”

    Anyone with issues would have left these forums.

    The only issue is: stopping the fasting.

    Haha meant to say figure. Not finger! That would be a very strange side effect.

    I’m a 66 year old woman and have only had positive effects.I sleep well ,have heaps more energy than before and generally feel really well.I love the feeling of lightness on fast days and goes without saying how great it is to have lost 15 kg over almost 6 months.

    Chloe – if you are reading these responses, I really don’t know if there is such a story – I am 63, was 90.8kg, 7.2 cholesterol and 3.2 tryglicerides in late January, 12 weeks later (still 63) 81.5kg, 5.9 cholesterol and 0.8 tryglicerides.
    Now 74.7kg (LOSS OF 16.1kg). I have had NO SIDE EFFECTS, I fast on water only twice a week from after dinner day 1 to lunch day 3 (40 hours) and either swim 3km or crosstrain 1 hour 5 days a week. I feel fantastic, more energy than I have had for years and less aches and pains. No problems with sleep, headaches, anything. I think you need to understand that this is not a “diet” it really is a way of life which we can adopt for life! On my fast days I cook dinner for my husband – he sits and eats and has his wine and I drink water – no problem. I wiwll talk to you if you want but I can’t see the basis for your story. Best wishes, Vicki

    Chole- I have to agree with the above responses. The only side effects I have noticed from this diet are: No more bloated feeling. Clearer skin and my hair and nails seem to be growing quicker. A shift in adipose tissue and a re-emerging waistline (better figure), more energy, a decreased overall appetite (in a GOOD way), lower weight and lower blood pressure. Oh and spending less at the market. Maybe you could focus on the positives…and then you would have quite a story!

    Hi there,

    I agree with all of the above its funny how the media is trying to find negatives on this, I did a lot of research before starting this way of life and I could not find any negative sites to do with fasting, since fasting I feel great, its amazing, less bloated, I feel lighter even though not much weight has been lost and have decreased appetite.

    I think a story of the positives would be great

    I woke up hungry in the middle of the night my first couple of fast days, but my body quickly adjusted and now I sleep as well as usual on fast days. Other than that no side effects, just successful weight loss!

    I’ve just completed my very first fast day… By the 20hour mark I developed a terrible head ache (probably from lack of water) and I felt extremely dizzy. Otherwise I’m rather surprised how easy it was to make 25 hours… Ill try for longer on my next fast day : )

    I’m on the first day of my fasting, I am not Hungary but I feel incredibly dizzy and have a headache. I’m putting this down to the fact I have never gone this long without food and I am probably detoxing from all the caffeine and White flour I have cut out. Did anyone else feel like this?

    A coffee detox will definitely give you a headache, but more likely you are not getting enough salt. Drink some broth (I use stock cubes or bouillon powder if I haven’t made broth) or hot bovril.

    Contrary to popular myth, you do need salt, and it will do you no harm and much good.

    I notice that Chloe Lambert didn’t mention the newspaper she writes for. It’s the Daily Mail.

    Lmao @laure throwing shade 😉

    I’m loving this thread.

    I’ m having trouble not buying the whole of H&M now that I’ve gone from a UK size 18 to a 10/12 and fit into S-sized skirts.

    Not sure why women in particular are asked about negative side effects.
    But 5:2 is about as safe as you get without waiting for absolute freaking forever to reach goal. About a year , but more for the extremely obese. The 500 calories would most likely negate any long term cumulative effects.

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