(It’s actually Day 1)
Posting to thank the wonderful @songbird me for hosting January – a great way to kick off the year. See you in February everyone!
This topic contains 389 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by AT 3 years, 1 month ago.
(It’s actually Day 1)
Posting to thank the wonderful @songbird me for hosting January – a great way to kick off the year. See you in February everyone!
Day 31 UK FD
It’s actually after midnight here but determined to post every day this challenge! It’s been an epic day including speaking on an international panel this evening, hence my very late post.
yesterday was a bit of a blow out with popcorn – me too @songbirdme! – but coming after 2 x CDs and 4x FD800 i didn’t put on an ounce. My Monday weigh in was still 182lbs, the same as Friday – miraculous! Actually possible a smidgeon under but I’ll save that for next week’s Friday weighday.
Today i was so caught up in prep and nervousness that I didn’t eat until after the panel, but had to eat something as crashing headache. I’ve had dal and a vegan steak followed by blueberries, total under 500 calories – wooop woop. Doing 4 b2bs again until Thursday bc it seems to be working for me.
@songbirdme thank youfor your wisdom and encouragement leading this month, it’s been just what i needed to get back on the waggon. I’m 7lbs lighter, my clothes are fitting better and i’m into a good routine for the first time in 6 months. onward & downward!
Look forward to seeing you all in February x
Day 31 Pocket List
@babs_b (and the DH!)
Second ( or 4th !! ) post.
Sincere apologies.
My computer is currently having a serious hissy fit and doing very odd things.
Couldn’t see the first post so I wrote a second post and then I saw the first – and the second twice . I edited the second post but both versions are now up!!.
@ Penz good to see you on day 1 .
@lilymartin LOL….already I can see Feb is going to be FUN!! 😄
Day 31 + 1
Well January has come to an end – a big THANK YOU to @songbirdme (one of the originals from these monthly challenges 🤗) for hosting us during this challenging first challenge of the year 💐
I managed to end with a below TDEE day, not the FD I had envisaged but at least I did not go overboard!!
Weighed in this morning at 58kg/128lbs or just above 9st with a BMI of 21.3 – a bit above where I would ideally like to be……..
Looking forward to seeing you all with @lilymartin in Fab Feb Fasting!
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9:15 pm
31 Jan 22