Join our Journey in January!

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Join our Journey in January!

This topic contains 389 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  AT 3 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 408 total)

  • Day 27 FD. USA

    Hi, everyone! It has been quite sometime since I have been on this site and thought it was about time I return. Covid got in the way and I let a lot of things go but I am back! :). I hope everyone is doing well. I am glad to see many names I recognize, along with a few new ones, as well! Hope everyone had a great day!

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Warmer today (32F – 0C) but predicted to go back below zero F again soon. I had a good FD after all yesterday, and “Cats” was just wonderful. I knew lots of the music from doing a medley with our Choral Society, but SO much dancing. Whew – energetic young people and great singing.

    Anyone play WORDLE? It’s my new fascination. Daily word puzzle at this link: I was especially astounded to get today’s word in TWO tries. Lucky guess!

    I am on a board for our fledgling children’s museum that we opened almost 3 years ago. With COVID closing us, etc., we have lost more money than we like, so we were cutting our director’s number of hours. Well, today, she up and quit, leaving us in quite a lurch. We volunteers will undoubtedly having to do lots more, so hope I can stay with you all. I do make this forum a priority.

    @daffodil2010 – your colitis story is fascinating. And yes, I agree, hormones certainly do change a lot about us, we women especially, I think. How many of us gained awfully with our change?

    @funshipfreddie – happy to swap weather with you! DH wants to go to the Caribbean yet this late winter or early spring, so hopefully we can enjoy some sun before Illinois gets it.

    @jaifaim – my DH had awful issues with prednisone too, couldn’t sleep, etc. Glad you were able to stop it.

    @brightonbelle – like @stitchincarol – we want to hear about your decorating!

    @stitchincarol – our wedding on January 25 was also frigid, but I do remember it got into a January thaw not long after. YEAH for your quilt work and getting it to DGD soon!

    @lilymartin – thank you for agreeing to take on February.

    @at – yes, I am not surprised your early day calories on a FD doesn’t work. I seldom eat breakfast anyway, so waiting in the day to eat has always worked for me.

    @ccco – welcome back! Please refresh us all with a bit of your journey so far!

    Onward and downward.

    2nd post

    @penz I have an egg allergy so I’d leave that off my burger, but I never thought of pineapple in a burger before and now I’m salivating at the thought! Yumm

    second post


    I’m managing not to eat and to stick to my WF, but only barely, and the only thing saving me is my second piece of gum which I’m chewing with a vigor that seems to indicate it’s the only thing between me and starvation, LOL!

    @penz You CANNOT talk about the strangest hamburger ever and then leave us all dangling! I’ve heard of pineapple on a burger, but BEETROOT? EGG?? Do tell!

    @ccco Good to hear from you; welcome back!

    @songbirdme DD just introduced me to it when I was there a week ago. I’m not really a word game person (I’m all about numbers, and play the Microsoft Solitaire Collection faithfully every day), but I’ll give it a try; thanks! (Okay, update: I failed to get the word, but did manage to get a word that rhymed but started with a C instead.)

    Okay, I’m starving but I’m finally past the strong temptations, so I think I’m good to simply head to bed. Talk to you all in the am!

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    First off, @penz, all sounds good for that burger EXCEPT for pineapple!!! Ooooh nooooooo 😨😆

    @songbirdme I will try that Wordle later…it even made the news for some reason here a few weeks ago! Seems the planet is addicted.

    Another good day yesterday but still no fasting. So, on the way home yesterday I heard a news programme, and there was somebody on about healthy ageing….one of the things she talked about was how intermittent fasting, ie eating in a certain time window, was beneficial for ageing….and I just KNOW that, and like us all I have read the books and agree with the science…..but my head lately was refusing.

    So from today, it’s 16:8 and two meals a day. Won’t splurge on calories but won’t be restricting calories too much yet…..ZBC during the week, with lunch and dinner as my two meals, the brunch and dinner at the weekend will also be easy.

    @jaifaim and @songbirdme I believe the female hormone cocktail us the background for a lot of our ups and downs, but staying here posting I believe has stopped the huge upward spiral n

    @ccco Welcome back…I Often thought of you and hoped you were well.

    @funshipfreddie…keep on keeping on…we have all been there,

    Happy Friday.

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @penz – I nailed it! But that burger sounds incredible; just as well I didn’t read your post last night!

    But I was amazed to see I’ve gained less than a kilo this month?! I guess I’ve only actually missed two FDs, but I was sure I’d put on at least 3 kgs. I’ve been sticking to TRE, mostly just out of habit; but other than that I thought I’d really lost the plot.

    @ccco – welcome back!

    @daffodil2010 – I couldn’t help thinking of you when I read this article re a new treatment for plantar fasciitis; although I think you said recently that wasn’t what was causing your pain.

    Happy Fri-yay y’all!

    Day 28 – Ireland – NFD

    Happy Friday forum friends!
    Very grateful to have this space to check in to when I can.

    Such a busy day yesterday but very glad that we are nearing the weekend. I am tired today but just one final push to the end of the week 👍

    @welcome back @ccco! I hope you have been keeping well 💕
    Thinking of others we have not heard from in a while… hopefully everyone will come back to join us at some point… we started out January with good numbers..
    @snowflake56 may still be on her travels and @flourbaby had so much going on – I hope all is well. @missybear if you are out there I thought of you earlier today as we are thinking of planning a return a summer trip to Wales (Brecon Beacons) as we had such a lovely time last year. I hope all is well I know you had worrying times with your cat recently 💕

    @daffodil2010 yes! Hormones have so much to answer for but actually some men have real problems too … not as many as us of course.. ever 🤣😂🤣. Aren’t we just AMAZING 🤩

    Wishing you all the best day today.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Second post
    @lilymartin thanks for offering to host February! I haven’t hosted in a while but do find when I host it does tend to mean a pretty good month so will definitely host again this year at some point. We will all help you out anyway 👍

    Day 28 UK CD

    Another solid FD800 yesterday. I ate much later than planned but healthily – baked eggs with spinach for late lunch, supper of roast beetroot and sweet potato curry followed by apple and pineapple compote with clementine, lime and ginger topped with a dollop of soya yogurt, plus 20g nuts.

    Weekly weigh day and I’m weighing in the same as last Friday at 182lb, down 7lb on the month – a bit of relief after weighing 5lbs heavier on Monday! I’ve put an inch back on my waist but my fat suit is 2-4″/5-10cm smaller than when I started. I’ve eaten well on FD800s but not drunk enough water nor had enough sleep. But my first full on project work week back on the waggon and I’m still here! Now I need to not blow out this weekend and I might even stay here 🙂

    @ccco welcome back. I hope you’re well. Just jump on the waggon from wherever you are – this is the beginning of a new chapter

    @daffodil2010 I seem to have fallen back into 16:8, 2 meals a day without a problem. A good lunch seems to help reduce the late evening snackattack too. Now I *just* need to eat earlier…

    @lilymartin thank you for offering to host Feb – that’s great!

    Here’s strength to today’s fasters, and avoiding weekend rebound EFS!

    Day 28 UK NFD

    Decorating- don’t worry I’m not tackling the Sistine chapel – with both kids looking as though they are really gone ( for various reasons they’ve both been back with us over the last couple of years ) DH has decided to spruce up one rooms for visitors so I felt I had to show willing

    I also think about our absent friends but that the beauty of this forum you can pop in whenever 💕Nice to have you back @ccco

    @songbirdme I love wordle I’m not usually a word game person but it’s so quick and contained 🙇‍♀️

    In an effort to not undo all my mid week efforts I’ve already planned my weekend food and drink – just have to stick to it now 💪

    Day 28 UK NFD

    Yesterday a good FD, I was hungry in the evening but managed to not eat and drink lots of herbal teas 🙂

    Very excited today, we are finally meet face to face the celebrant of our wedding, looking forward to starting to write with her the humanist ceremony 🙂

    On the diet side the scale finally moved a bit and I am now -2.6Kg since the beginning of January.
    Have a nice weekend everyone

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    I truly did manage to only drink water yesterday–well, and CHOMP away on one and then a second piece of gum!–and the scale was 142.6 this morning. MUCH better than the 148.0 on Tuesday morning! If I’d taken a deep breath and thought about it, I’d have known it was simply bulk in me, and decent behavior would soon have it gone, but my motivation was in too short a supply to be calm; I’m so thankful to be back on a decent track. Don’t know if I’ll behave well enough yet to actually lose weight going forward, but at least I didn’t continue eating with abandon.

    @daffodil2010 Your plan sounds perfect, and I agree with you that staying here is a powerful tool not to gain, gain, gain, even when we’re not losing.

    @funshipfreddie I’m happy for you that you’ve so much less than you thought!

    @michelinme “…avoiding weekend rebound EFS!” Ain’t that the truth!!! If weeks consisted only of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I’d be down twenty pounds in nothing flat!

    @brightonbelle I’m right there with you. I bought what I need for a roasted root vegetable salad and the ingredients I didn’t have for caramelized carrot risotto, so as long as I don’t go nuts with the other menu items (like too many smoked almonds for an appetizer, along with beer…ahhh, beer…I do love beer, but it sure packs on the pounds!), I should be good. 🤞 (And, last fall I would never have “crossed my fingers” knowing that RESOLVE was what was needed. My RESOLVE has shriveled down to insignificance at this point. Gonna have to work on that.)

    @froby79 Nicely done on the weight loss! Isn’t that 50% of the weight you wanted to lose??

    Today I mostly get to stay home and do my own thing. I have some clutter to tidy up, and supper to make, but mostly I am eager to start work on the binding for DGD#2’s quilt. It should be a lovely day, and I hope you all have a lovely one!

    Day 28 – CD

    On track here. Doing well in the food & fasting front & doing well in the cardio exercise front, but my resolution to restart strength training is still a bust. Not sure 🤔 what I need to do to find the resolve for that. I have tried enlisting every irl friend or family member I know to be a exercise partner buddy but have had no takers. Sigh. It is a hard one to tackle on my own because I do not enjoy it.

    @songbirdme I’ve actually been playing ‘wordle’ since the 1970’s. A pen and paper version called Jotto – distributed by Selchow and Righter (the company that had the Scrabble licensing in the U.S. in the mid 20th century). I’m actually my family Jotto champ. My two daily games are wordle and a sudoku game.

    Word games were huge in my family. My siblings were close to competition level Scrabble players (not me tho) but our family favourite was a game called Perquackey because it had a timer so didn’t last the epic length our Scrabble games could. But Jotto, which was so easy to take traveling was a big deal.

    No exciting news here. Cleaning out our garage to install a permanent cat door and safer sanctuary for the backyard stray cats. Made chicken stock yesterday, the house smelled wonderful. Gave myself my 12th covid-precautions haircut yesterday (this one isn’t too bad considering I am blind in one eye and have dyspraxia). But, it is a good thing I like hats, lol.

    Well, everyone, have a happy day!

    Day 28. FD. U.S.A.

    Its good to be back. I. have been a member since 2018. Although I haven’t been writing emails, I have been reading them. Since Covid started, I have put on some weight, partially because I gave up exercising at the same time. I am now back doing both. When I last posted, I had become a grandmother to an adorable little boy. I began babysitting him when the Covid shutdown started, so my daughter and son-in-law could work from home without interference from a toddler, a lot of exercise there!! LOL. Now, I am also a grandmother of a baby girl. Very exciting for me!

    Today has gone well, so far. I am currently keeping a record of my meals, which helps me.
    Maria Elena, good luck with introducing weight lifting. I do it, too, and am glad of it. Now that I am older, this helps me stay strong.

    forty79, congratulations on your weight loss. I often have trouble not eating in the evening, even though I am not hungry. I think all this having to stay home has made me bored! 🙁

    Thanks to everyone welcoming me back! 🙂
    Have a great day!

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Oops, 45 minutes left to post today… forgot! It was my parents’ 50th anniversary, and I’ve just finished cleaning up. Weigh-in was 214 lbs, and I’m sure it will be much more in the morning. I’ll check in again in a few hours 🙂

    Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I managed a good CFD yesterday, & was rewarded with another half kilo drop this morning. I’ll have to fast tomorrow instead of Monday, as I have a lunch date then. But it would be great to finish this topsy-turvy month without having gained any weight. It’s interesting that a few of us have struggled to get back on the wagon recently.

    My painting project is almost done. Well, the worst of it anyway. I don’t actually mind the painting; it’s all the fiddly stuff that goes with it, moving furniture & pictures, putting on masking tape & the worst – cleaning brushes 😱

    @lilymartin – thanks for offering to host February.

    Have a good weekend everyone ⛅️ 🌈

    Day 29 UK NFD

    Managed to stay on track yesterday, hoping for the same today

    Thanks for volunteering @lilymartin

    Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Lots of celebration rich food yesterday! However, six lbs in two days — meh, probably water-based, which keeps me hopeful on this NFD Saturday going into tomorrow’s FD.

    Fingers crossed to keep away from 220 tomorrow, and I’ll have successfully stayed in the 210s all month long…

    Happy weekend!

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Was I controlled yesterday? Pretty much, yes. I ate/drank a bit more than I would call being controlled, and some of it was on impulse, which I’m realizing I must focus on to curb NOW, and the calories were almost certainly higher than CD calories are described as being, but I didn’t go nuts. Since I’ve often gone nuts on a Friday, that pleased me as a success. I was up precisely 2lbs this morning, which seems about right since there’s certainly lots more food in my belly this morning than yesterday morning after Thursday’s WF. I’m aiming for control today again, and will really focus on not snacking starting around four o’clock and continuing on to the time when I’m cooking dinner.

    @northgeorgia Happy anniversary to your parents! Fifty years is such a special anniversary, and I’m thrilled for them and you!

    @funshipfreddie You described exactly my attitude toward painting! Glad you’re almost done!

    I have a baby shower to attend this morning; a niece has been doing fertility treatments for several years and thought they’d never work, but now she’s close to delivering twins and the entire family is thrilled for her! I would have made quilts for each baby, as I do for all the great-nieces/nephews, but if they know, they’re not telling the gender of the babies, and the fabric I have on hand that I want to use is either blue or pink, with no options that are gender-neutral, so I’m going to wait until they’re born to actually sew the quilts and present them. Makes me feel odd to go to a shower empty-handed, but I’m sure I’ll be the only one who notices.

    Okay, everyone: take a deep breath with me and chant, “RESOLVE, RESOLVE, RESOLVE!!” We can DO this; just because it’s Saturday doesn’t mean we go nuts. Right? RIGHT???

    (That’s my drill-sergeant impersonation. Did it help?)


    Have a great one, everyone!

    Day 29 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Did my OMAD as supper out yesterday with only a little snack in the afternoon. In our fave Italian restaurant we ran into some friends who were impressed to see me out on skis in a Facebook post – also wished us congrats on our anniversary. It is so nice to be able to get out! We are heading to a local theater to see the Metropolitan Opera do “Rigoletto” and will have to eat lots of popcorn. And yes, I do love salt and butter.

    @northgeorgia – celebrations don’t happen ever day. I am sure you will stay in the 210’s through January.

    @mariaelena – how fun that you’ve been doing a precursor of Wordle that long! Wow. Almost like “I remember playing solitaire with real cards?” (not just on a screen…)

    @brightonbelle – we also put together a couple guest bedrooms after the kiddos left, so enjoy the changes.

    @ccco – fun for you to take care of grandchildren! Our 5 granddaughters go from 22 down to 13 but when they were young, they kept us moving too. Glad you’re back with us.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 29 FD. USA

    Yesterday went well, even though I had wine. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t drink wine during my diet but it is my only vice during this terribly cold Winter. It is relaxing in the evening, so I will have to find a way to incorporate It into my meal plan. Having wine works with WW, so I guess I can incorporate the calorie content into my program and I should be fine, as long as I don’t eat my grandchildren’s snacks…so tempting! LOL

    Thank you SongBirdMe! I am glad to be back with my online friends.

    Lillimartin,hi! Thanks for stepping up to chaperone us through the month of February! You are a long hauler like me, so I know that we are happy to have you do this! 😃

    Day 29 UK CD

    Yesterday’s CD nearly morphed into a 5th FD800 as I was caught up in project work deadlines. However, I had a late lunch of baked eggs and spinach – my current fave fast food, plus supper leftovers of vegan curry and fruit compote. I added a mindful 50g popcorn for a total 1100 calories – and stopped!!!

    This morning’s weigh in was still at 182lbs which feels epic for a Saturday. I’m now really motivated to have another CD then add a treat tomorrow. Today’s food is assembled in the fridge ready for cooking and I’ve set out some fruit to chop and take with me tomorrow for snacks. All-in-all, feeling good! It really helps that the sun is shining and i had a lovely text chat with a friend who has pumped me up for the weekend’s writing. What a difference a day makes!

    I’ve been gently pottering today and thinking of my elder sister who died of cancer 22 years ago today. I have such strong memories of the day she died and of planning her funeral but haven’t spent time reflecting for a couple of years. It’s good to spend time going over some of the notes she sent me, thinking of her life and work and writing, and reading friends’ memories in their condolence cards.

    I’m determined to get an early night tonight as I’m out for the day tomorrow. The day is slipping away already and plenty more to do. Whatever your day brings, go gently

    Day 29 – CD

    Food/ cardio exercise on track.

    @ccco – I’m looking into setting out my weekly workouts for weight training for Feb. I’m hoping that a calendar will help me motivate to get it done! How long have you been doing weight workouts?

    @stitchincarol – maybe you want to wrap up a quilt promise ticket – give the pink/blue choice on it and let the new parents ‘redeem’ it with their choice? I can think of no nicer baby gift than a homemade quilt.

    @michellinme – way to power through the week!

    @songbirdme – lol, I heard that old trope ‘ when I was a kid, I had to walk 2 miles to school in a blizzard without a coat…’ in my head when I thought about that old Jotto game. Yes, I also played solitaire with a deck of cards. Honestly, I miss table top games with the whole family gathered around the dining room so much.

    @froby79 so glad to hear your progress!! Also, I once went to a beautiful humanist wedding ceremony where the celebrant did a beautiful job, comparing the couple to two trees that are ‘root bound’ I think it was. The couple was quite the outdoorsy-hike in the wilderness type so it was a wonderful metaphor. I’d be interested in what you and the celebrant come up with. And, hearing about your wedding plans makes me smile, feel free to share more if you like!

    Odd, today my stomach is growling loudly. Not in hunger or anything, just making noise – lol. Glad I do not have anywhere to be today.

    Best wishes for a happy weekend all!

    Day 29 FD. USA

    Today’s FD has gone well, plus I did my exercises. My aerobic exercise consisted of shoveling snow! LOL

    MariaElena, when I was a young woman, women did not lift weights. When I was 30 years old, my husband convinced me to try and I have been doing them ever since, which would be about 42 years. I am a senior citizen now, so I do them three times a week. I have to be more careful of what I do now. It is well worth doing. I prefer free weights because they force you to use your whole body. I am sorry I made the mistake of pulling back my exercising program when the Covid shutdown began but I am back in business. Good luck!

    Hope everyone is having or had a great day today!

    Day 29 NFD UK

    The conversation with the celebrant yesterday went really well.. she is amazing. I am really excited!! We have started designing the ceremony and the readings.. There is a lot of work to do but I am sure it will be a unique event.

    for accountability I have to say that I had a slice of panettone while talking to the celebrant.. couldn’t resist!!

    @stitchincarol my aim for the wedding is -10kg but you are right that I am hoping to lose 5kg by March 🙂 so yes 50% done as a very first step!

    Day 30 NFD country west Australia
    Looking forward to hosting February .😁
    Had a good FD Thursday and mindful eating since.
    Clothes starting to feel looser ( thank goodness!)
    Luckily very hot weather does dull my appetite and we have a lot of very healthy salads otherwise.
    Doing more exercise and drinking more water so feeling healthier than I have for ages.

    I will just request that the wonderful AT ( I think??) get the spreadsheet up and running if that is possible.🙏🤞
    I am a bit computer challenged and my computer is very challenging – drops off the internet sometimes due to dodgy connections out here in the bush.😲
    Really fired up and thinking 2022 is going to be a great year in many ways.
    We have Omicron in WA but a lot of people vexed and boostered so hoping it doesn’t get too serious too quickly.
    AND Ash Barty won the Aussie Open last night which was wonderful. Commiserations to Danieele Collins – it was a gr4eat match to watch .
    But we have waited 44 years for an Aussie to win it so pretty happy.😃
    Another 36ºC here so better water the plants before they all curl up their toes and die.
    Have a happy healthy day.😎🥵🥦

    Day 30 Melb Aust NFD

    I feel a bit like @stitchincarol did a few days ago – wanting to run away and hide. Not sure what happened this past week or so. Well, yes, I do know, it’s been a combination of watching the Australian Open tennis (= vegetating on a couch!), overeating and hating the several-day combination of heat and humidity, which is unusual weather for Melbourne. Sadly, I’ve regained 2 kilos of the three I lost earlier in the month and feel cross, cross cross. I am NOT going to give up, so don’t you give up either, @stitchincarol.

    @michelinme, I think you have probably now bounded well past me in the weight loss race. I feel like a miserable little tortoise at the moment. Aaghh!

    @lilymartin, great that you’ve volunteered to host February – what’s it going to be? Fabulous February? Fantastic February? Fasting February? Whatever, I definitely need to be back on board again.

    @stitchincarol, re hamburgers in Australia, it’s quite common, if someone has “a hamburger with the lot” for beetroot, pineapple and an egg to be part of that. It’s not only yummy, but so fat that unless someone has a really large mouth, it almost has to be either just nibbled at or eaten with knife and fork 🙂 . Having said that, I can’t remember how long it’s been since I had a hamburger – 30 years? 40 years? Not one of my temptations, fortunately.

    Well, maybe tomorrow’s weigh-in will be better than the past couple, for me. We’ll see.

    Onward and downwards everyone.

    Day 30 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    One last push to hopefully be able to declare January a success 🎯

    @lilymartin – 36C?! 😱 I was so happy to hear Ash Barty won the women’s singles! Hoping Nadal will win the men’s later today 🤞

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 30 🍋

    Day 30. Thank goodness. I hate January. And February.

    Please count me in for February. I’m still firmly on the Eat Like A Bear programme. I’m down two sizes, which is probably about right for me, but as I don’t weigh I’ll never know just how much I’ve lost. But I check in here every day to read everybody’s posts, and still regard myself as a 5:2er as well as a 23:1er. Happy Sunday all.

    Day 29 – Ireland – NFD
    Day 30 – NFD

    Busy weekend with family…
    Hoping everyone is doing ok… I’m planning my last January FD on Monday. Gosh how fast has this month gone?

    Thank you @songbirdme for looking after us this month 👏
    No don’t give up @betsylee… we all have days/weeks like that…. 👍

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 29 – CD

    Ate on target yesterday

    @jaifaim you are so right, this month so quickly disappeared!

    @emma_taylor TWO sizes!! Congrats 😀

    @funshipfreddie Nothing better than on 🎯 month.

    @betsylee Not giving up. Yup, that is the key!

    @lilymartin – clothes feeling loser AND feeling more healthy! That is fantastic 😀

    @ccco how wonderful you have been doing the strength training for so long. I know it is never too late, but I did spend a considerable of my life as a slug, lol. I just do not enjoy exercise. For many years of my adult life, I was a commuter with a 2 one mile walks so I got in considerable movement, but no purposeful exercise. I do very much like swimming but that is very expensive and I rarely have a chance to do that. I’m so glad I found the hula hoop, I do enjoy that. I also have free weights but am concerned about form. I have a lack of proprioception exacerbated by my dyspraxia so my caution is warranted. On the plus side, that means I will be slow and deliberate and I know that is important to build up the muscles.

    My DH purchased a book for me for my birthday (2 mos away -lol) but had it delivered without warning me not to open, so I am enjoying it now. If anyone watched and enjoyed the TV show ‘The Good Place’ I highly recommend Michael Schur’s book – it is about moral philosophy and filled with the wonderful humor that show had. It is called ‘How to be Perfec t’. I keep laughing out loud while learning – the best type of education!

    Happy 🌞day all!

    Day 30 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Well, I came within 2 lbs of my goal this month. Here’s hoping February will be the lucky month. At 216 lbs today, I won’t be able to drop 7 lbs by tomorrow LOL! With the celebrations this past week, I’ll have to refocus on healthy foods for cold weather next month. Although no new record lows were hit in January, I did match my all-time low of 211 lbs in November twice last week! It’s all rather exciting, because at around 203 lbs (give or take a cm or two of height), I cross the dividing line from obese into overweight by the major health organizations.

    Pocket list – day 30

    Day 30 UK NFD

    Yesterday was another successful CD coming in around 1100 calories. I think this might work for me for the next chapter – 4b2b FD800, 2 CDs and a NFD. Hopefully that will stop me undoing a whole week’s good work over the weekend.

    I went to bed early last night as couldn’t face either washing my hair or writing. Managed to drag myself out of bed early this morning to do both; I was pretty slow moving but somehow the words just came in the time available.

    Good to be in town for church and catch up with friends. My energetic journey home around railworks brought me to a supermarket where i treated myself to field mushrooms, baby cauliflower and a bar of chocolate – it’s my treat day! If I can get into the habit of once a week treats I’ll find it much easier to build a new habit and keep weight off…

    I’ve had a lovely indulgent lunch of vegan kiev, cauliflower and green beans followed by chocolate. If I stop now that will still be 400 calories under TDEE but I’ve got some fruit compote to hand in case i’m peckish in the next couple of hours. I’ve promised myself I’ll be asleep by 9.30pm and can’t wait… tempted to go to bed now but social zoom in a mo and it would be good to do some reading ahead of tomorrow’s writing for the evening online panel discussion

    @betsylee Nil desperandum. I put on 2kg last weekend and have spent the whole week getting back down to where I was the previous Friday! This journey isn’t linear but fits around our real lives, we can do this.

    Ooops late for social zoom. Hope you’ve all had a lovely Sunday!

    Day 30 – TDEE
    Day 29 – NFD
    Day28 – NFD

    Well Day 27 ended up at 700cals so not bad but the last 2 days were NFDs with some 🍷🥂 definitely involved!!!!!

    Had a lovely day dog walking with DD on Friday at the coast, not much sunshine but at least it was dry and not too cold!

    Glad to report that OH seems to have fully recovered from his fall/head injury but still no recollection of the fall – think that memory is forever erased – he is back to running but being extra careful I hope??

    Did a 3hr Pilates/Yoga workshop this morning – really enjoyed the mix

    @michelinme – well done on your commitment to 4 x B2B FDs
    @penz – a few of my planned FDs did not happen this month either…….now that was an Aussie burger – in the UK beetroot and pineapple are not an addition that you see
    @ccco – great to see you back with us 🤗
    @stitchincarol – now that WFD took real RESOLVE on your part 💪
    @northgeorgia – congratulations to your parents on their 50th wedding anniversary – a good milestone and hope that your Dad’s recovery is going well
    @mariaelena – I love your suggestion to @stitchincarol to wrap up a quilt promise ticket for her niece ❤️
    @lilymartin – very happy to set up the spreadsheet for February 🤗 will add it to the Challenge once you set it up – I was so happy for Ash Barty – she’s such a lovely competitor and so well deserved – coming back from 1-5 down in that 2nd set to win in straight sets was amazing – and what about the indefatigable Nadal today – he never gives up…..21 grand slams 💪
    @betsylee – no running away please – we would miss you so much – we all have ups and downs in this WOL but it’s great to know that we can just get back to it when our headspace is in a good place to resume – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    @emma-taylor – so pleased that you have found a WOE that really works for you – Eat Like A Bear = eating one low-carb meal for an hour a day and fast the remaining 23 hours

    Tomorrow will definitely be FD500 – aiming to finish this January Challenge on a positive note – I have a busy day so should help me stay on target 🤞then I will step on the scales on Tuesday to see how much work February will require of me……..

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 31, FD, Aus

    The last day of the month already? How did that happen!

    I love word games but unfortunately the Wordle link didn’t work on my work computer, @songbirdme; must remember to check at home tonight.

    Beetroot and egg is a very Aussie thing to put on a burger!

    Good to see you back @ccco

    A great weekend of tennis. I couldn’t stay up to watch the Nadal game and I have to say after the second set, I thought he was done. Delighted to hear this morning that he won – but a 5 hour game?!? How the players can maintain focus for that long is amazing.

    Been locked out for posting – spam filter, ugh.

    Oh good! Now it worked. Will post what I tried to before!

    Day 30 USA (Illinois) NFD

    January is rolling past, and in northern Illinois, many people think the cold of the month will never end. But it always does. February isn’t as long, so it will be shorter and warmer. Thank you all for your constant support of everyone here. That attention makes being a hostess so wonderful, warm, and friendly.

    I’m sure all the popcorn I had yesterday wasn’t good for me but impossible to resist. Oh well … the pounds gained will have to come off in the next few days.

    @ccco – yes, wine is a temptation for me too. Although I prefer red, I will drink white or even white zinfandel. Very true advice about weight training for women.

    @michelinme – morphing a CD to FD800 is always nice, isn’t it? Hugs to you and your reminiscing about your late sister. I get that way about my parents and brother sometimes – very good for the soul.

    @mariaelena – yes, old-fashioned stuff can make us nostalgic, but I see that as all good. I know grandparents who take away all electronics from GKids when they get to their house and force family time, even with games or reading. Your idea for @stitchincarol of the “quilt promise” is brilliant.

    @froby79 – great to have a goal for your wedding, and enjoy the plans for the ceremony. Readings, music, candles, etc. make it all your own.

    @lilymartin – looser clothing is always nice to have! I do agree that Ash Barty showed such grace and even power in her win.

    @betsylee – okay, if you want to hide a bit, we understand. Hopefully you will find us again with “olly, olly, oxen free”,is%20on%20the%20field%20or

    @funshipfreddie – yeah for your on target success in January. We also were very happy for Nadal (my DH says “always root for the old guy”).

    Onward and downward.

    Day 31 AUS FD

    How is it the last day of the month????

    We have been mostly offline this month; I have been working by the seaside before the madness of the academic year begins.

    However. We are home now and I have just stepped on the scales. Oh my.

    I need to fit comfortably back in to my work clothes in three weeks. I have a lot of motivation to make Feb count!

    Day 31 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    What a roller coaster month?! Start weight 72.5 kgs , & this morning 72.4. More than happy with that. Still want to get back to under 72, & I will be by the end of the week 💪

    @penz – what a final?! I think everyone thought it was all over for Nadal after he lost those first two sets. And after everything he’s been through recently with Covid & his foot injury; amazing.

    @songbirdme – thank you for hosting this month 🙏

    Sending RESOLVE to today’s fasters 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍏

    Day 31 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Beautiful Spring morning so far, had a lovely weekend of pruning the garden and was delighted to see the snowdrops and crocuses nestling in the lawn, and a pair of robins have decided to use our garden as their nesting lots of birdsong and good fresh air this weekend.

    Ready for my 16:8 with ZBC and mackerel salad for lunch, lentil and turmeric soup for dinner.

    @funshipfreddie..interesting article re the plantar fasciitis …though I did giggle as I certainly would have enough stem cells in that belly fat of mine 😄

    Leaping around with Leslie Sansone is already helping my flexibility, and DH reports feeling better too. Finishing this month a couple of pounds lower…happy with that and on into February.

    Thank you @songbirdme for your gracious hosting. Xxx

    Day 31 – Ireland – FD

    Hello everyone… well I’m down 2lbs since post Christmas weight but have seen lower numbers in past few days so hoping that the work I’ve put in will reward me over next few days… I have been feeling great and definitely benefitting from the new focus so that is great and a delayed result would top off the good feeling. We’ll see 👍
    I can hope 😁
    My clothes are definitely looser but I haven’t measured… I might do so tomorrow as a starting reference for February 🤔

    Again many many thanks @songbirdme for looking after us this month 👏
    Thanks everyone else for your company and support 🤩

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 31 Pocket List

    Day 31 – UK – NFD

    Good day everyone,
    had a very good weekend organising the wedding website and invitation. Next step is the menu tasting on Wednesday, gnum!!

    thank so much @songbirdme for hosting the January journey and for all the others sharing their experience. I am ready for Feb!! Lots of motivation and energy 🙂

    I am starting teaching this week and I am very curious to see how I will feel during the FDs.

    Day 31 Pocket List

    Day 31 – UK – FD

    Well, better (very) late than never for a January check in. Sorry to have been MIA, if truth be told I had a manic first 2 weeks back to work after the Christmas break (which I was anticipating but it was even more full on than I imagined with a 12 day working ‘week’ and some 15 hour days thrown into that for good measure). After that I lost my mojo for fasting. I have no idea why, but it happened.

    However, I have now roped in my DH who also really needs to lose weight too. There’s a milestone on the very near horizon and I’m adamant to be de-puffed a bit by then. So as of today we’re both on a FD! I have weighed in at my high set point and I NEVER want to see that weight again. It’s not the worse weight in the world but it’s bad for me and I’m done with it.
    So here we are. I’m definitely in for Feb! A huge thank you to @songbirdme for hosting this month – I’m sorry to have not been an active member for most of it but consider me back in the fold for Feb. My goodness, I’m going to need all the support I can get!

    I’ll leave with a little wisdom from the world of Behaviour Change (my background is in psychology so I really should do better at shifting my eating habits…!):

    We often think that we need motivation to change our behaviour. But more often than not, behaviour precedes motivation. It’s only after we start doing something that our brain ‘catches up’ and becomes motivated to do it some more. So, there’s no time like the present to make better choices, keep your RESOLVE, grit the teeth and the motivation won’t be far behind.

    Have a good day all!

    Day 31 Pocket List
    @babs_b (and the DH!)

    Day 31, VA USA, FD
    Well, no time like the present to check in. I think I can say I lost 2 # this month, although the ups and downs of the scales from one day to the next are amazing…and aggravating. For me, it is incredible how some simple carbs (like bread, or perhaps a slice of chocolate babka…) can add a pound overnight. Well good luck to all and looking forward to next month. Thanks @songbirdme for your hosting!

    Day 31 – USA/GA – FD

    Well, I told myself I wouldn’t do this, but weigh-in is 212 lbs today, and I’d like to try another B2B FD. So here we are, FD#2!

    Day 31 Pocket List
    @babs_b (and the DH!)

    Day31 UK FD

    I’m not getting weighed today as hopefully tomorrow my weekend gain will have settled back

    Thanks for hosting @songbirdme 💐

    See you all in Feb

    Day 31 Pocket list

    @babs_b(and the DH!)

    Day 31 – FD 500

    Will weigh-in tomorrow to see what’s up. Ate generously but still controlled the past 4 days since my last fast day (Wed) so I’ll just keep my fingers crossed.

    Thanks to @songbirdme for hosting Jan. See all in Feb.

    So glad to see you @babs_b! Happy to hear you and DH are working together!

    Day 31 Pocket List
    @babs_b (and the DH!)

    Day 31 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    I’m hanging on to a decent weight—barely. So much for January being the month I got into the 135-140 range, LOL.

    And I’ve now sat here for five minutes, trying to figure out what else to say. My mind is racing with things I need to do, plans I need to make, and ideas I need to nail down, but none of them are things any of you would want to read about–truly! 😂🤣😂

    @betsylee I’m still here, and so glad you are as well!! Okay, can we please explore this strange Aussie burger? So, you fry the burger, and put it in a bun with a slice of beetroot, a ring of pineapple, and a fried egg? An American hamburger frequently has catsup and mustard, perhaps mayonnaise, and pickles, onions, tomatoes, and lettuce. So would any of those be used along with the beetroot, pineapple and egg? Oh, and I’ll just bet those kgs will fall off as soon as you do another FD–you just watch.

    @litprof LOL, those vacation pounds are never fun to face, are they? But YOU’VE GOT THIS!

    @babs_b Welcome back!
    @northgeorgia Great weigh-in for today and another FD? Well done!
    @daffodil2010 Ahhh, lucky you to have spring already. When I lived in Northern California (like, actually northern—370 miles north of San Francisco, right on the coast in a town called Crescent City) spring usually came this early, but sure not in Nebraska, LOL!

    Okay, I need to go back and read my “essays” from August. That’s when my serious weight loss progress began with my determination to practice RESOLVE, and I need to remember it’s not “luck” that will achieve success in my eating plan but good old-fashioned RESOLVE. The same resolve that ensures I follow through on every other commitment I make. I never hope for luck that I actually show up to choir on Wednesday nights to lead rehearsal, right? I never hope for luck that I show up to piano lessons to teach them, right? I never hope for luck that I pay my bills and on time, right? RESOLVE. That’s what I need, and I already have it and simply need to exercise it. RESOLVE, RESOLVE, RESOLVE.

    Okay, whew. Much better.

    Day 31 Pocket List
    @babs_b (and the DH!)

    And @songbirdme thank you ever so much for hosting January; you did a terrific job. And, thanks @lilymartin for hosting February; see you there shortly!

    second post

    @lilymartin I just found that you haven’t actually started the Feb group yet; do you need any help?

    Day 31 USA (Illinois) FD

    Jumping in here at the last day at an evening time for most of you. Normally I don’t do FD’s on MOndays, but it’s happening today.

    Again, thank you all for your kind remarks. Posting is just a bit of additional support IMHO. We ALL need support!

    On to February, and thank you @lilymartin for taking the reins!

    Day 31 Pocket List
    @babs_b (and the DH!)

    Onward and downward.

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