It’s FALL and time for a new me!

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It’s FALL and time for a new me!

This topic contains 27 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  blacksharp1 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Well…I’ve been here for a while and essentially just playing around as I haven’t lost any weight yet nor likely achieved any health benefits from this way of life.

    My fast days have been great…around 500 calories but my feast days have been far too feasty! It’s time to get them under control so I can start seeing some benefits from this way of life! I also want to lose around 20 lbs before my 50th birthday in early 2015. I’ll then have a healthy BMI!!

    My goal here is to journal my progress and my thoughts as I get things under control! So my story…I had lost weight previously on Weight Watchers (daily deprivation) and had maintained it for about a year. I then had a back injury which resulted in weeks of being flat on my back about 1 and a half years ago. Since then my weight has steadily been increasing little by little. I’m limited on what I can do now and of course feeling bad for myself, I increased my food intake. Hmmm what was I thinking but chocolate sure does soothe the soul at least for the moment!

    Some of my goals I need to achieve:

    1. Exercise more consistently. Weight lifting 2 – 3 times a week instead of once every other week!

    2. Track all food on My Fitness Pal including weekends and stay within my TDEE (1,620 calories per day) on feast days.

    3. Eat back part of my exercise calories with high quality food on feast days (protein instead of simple carbs). I feel that My Fitness Pal and Fit Bit over estimate calories burnt. I don’t totally trust what I’m seeing!

    4. Get off simple sugar. My goodness I am eating far too much sugar these days. I’m going to have one treat per day and I’ll pick something healthy like Yasso Frozen Yoguart Bars (80 calories) or equivalent. No treats until I successfully complete a good day!

    5. Reduce my diet pop consumption. At one time I didn’t drink any at all and it’s been finding its way back in. Time to kick it back out again. I really want to limit artificial sweeteners as I feel anything artificial is not good for you!

    6. Journal my days/weeks (as need be). Instead of just thinking about what is happening, I need to write it down even if it’s a simple…”good day” “bad day” remark. How can I learn new behaviours if I don’t see a pattern happening?

    So today I’m fasting! Fasting days are good…I am finding them easier and easier as time goes by. I feel SO in control on these days! Tomorrow will be harder as I’ve noticed once I break my fast in the morning I feel out of control. I’m trying to figure out what I can do to combat that feeling and maybe it’s simply food choices. I am picking healthy foods but maybe I need to pack them up more with low calorie vegetables to fill me up? I am however getting sick of tomatoes and carrots! So goal for this week is to discover some new vegetables to enjoy! I do love roasted Brussel Sprouts with a little olive oil and sea salt!

    OK so here goes…starting weight as of this morning ugh…165.8 lbs. Very scary to see btw…I should be 145. I am not planning to weigh in too often as it can throw me for a loop. I’ll limit my WI’s to either once a week or once every other week.

    2nd fast day of the week for me today. Yesterday I really started to feel under the weather. Stomach very sore, headachy and tired. Still not feeling well today but will attempt a fast. I’m thinking it honestly won’t hurt my stomach to keep the calories low! Just the thought of vegetables and protein yesterday made me feel nauseous and usually I love both a little too much! 🙂 So today will be a good experiment!!

    I hope that the fast helps your sickness feelings resolve, newme@50.

    Good luck with following your resolutions and implementing your changes.

    3rd fast day of the week for me! I decided to try 4:3 this week. I’ve definitely been better this week with my normal eating days, but still a tad over what it should be. To make up for that, I decided I really need to do another fast day! So far so good, but it’s still early yet 🙂

    It’s Monday and a fast day for me today. I got on the scale this morning (naughty me) and wasn’t impressed, but I also ate out last night and it was terribly salty. But the “sticker shock” on the scale hasn’t derailed me, I’m still determined to get 5:2 to work for me. I just can’t go back to daily deprivation! I know where I’m messing up…too much carbs and simple sugars on non-fast days so I just need to find a way to get it under control. An idea last week was to delay breakfast until later in the morning as once I start eating then I feel like I’m starving! So…here’s to a new week and a chance to learn from past mistakes! 🙂

    2nd fast day of the week for me. Yesterday went well for a non-fast day, I only went over by 29 calories. I also walked 5 miles and did some weight lifting. Todays goals are to stay around 500 calories, walk 5 miles and do some yoga tonight. It’s raining today so no bike ride for me! Thursday and Friday will be my challenging days. I need to stay away from anything super carby and I’ll be ok! Trying to break that bad habit!

    Fast day done today is non-fast day! I’m also challenging myself to no treats today at all…just for today 🙂 It’s a way of gaining some control over my eating on non-fast days!

    Yesterday’s fast went very well, after dinner I still had 120 calories left so I had a little low fast ice cream. It was yummy!

    I may do another fast tomorrow, or a partial fast. We are hosting a birthday party on Saturday. I’ll try to make it healthy, we are having beef stew with dumplings but there will be forest cupcakes! 🙂

    Hi newme@50, I’ve just been reading what you have posted over the last couple of weeks. It’s really interesting what you are saying about overdoing it on non fast days. I first did 5.2 back in June this year, I did 3 weeks which equalled 6 fasts and lost around 5/6 lbs in weight, success! BUT……..after years of thinking about diets and my weight constantly, day in day out point counting and syn counting I could not get my head around the non fast days, always fealt out of control because although I was eating less and losing weight I still didn’t feel it was a PROPER way to lose weight…..not like going to WW etc. which for me meant daily deprivation which always led to pigging out and being back to square 1!

    So here I am again, ready to do my first fast on Monday with new faith in myself that this WILL work. I want to find a way to stop the constant thinking about how to lose weight, to eat normal on 5 days and just let it happen…. Enjoy your stew and cupcakes, it all sounds delicious.

    Blacksharp – I understand everything you are saying!! I did WW for years on and off. It was successful for me a few years ago but when they changed the plan it just didn’t work for me. Or maybe it became more of an obsession – tracking and counting everyday and then I started doing a lot of cheating!

    So this WOL is totally different and very freeing! It’s taken a few weeks to get the hang of things and not necessarily losing any weight but like other people have mentioned something changes inside you. I’ve noticed this is starting to happen. I’m not so obsessed with foods I shouldn’t eat anymore because I can have them. I haven’t binged on bad foods in a couple of weeks and I’m attributing it this this WOL. I’ve had some treats but it’s been within my daily calorie goal.

    I’m really hoping it’s just not something temporary but permanent! Next week I’ll be off on vacation so it will be interesting to see what food means to me when I’m gone and have lots of tempting things in front of me!

    Good luck on your journey!!

    Thanks newme@50, it’s nice to here a similar history of dieting and reassuring to hear your mindset is shifting…my first fast has gone fine it’s 10pm so nearly bedtime.

    Goodnight from sunny Scotland.

    Hi blacksharp! Sounds like your first fast went well! YAY!! And really they are not nearly as bad as you’d think!!

    Today I’m fasting – last fast day of the week – then on Saturday I’m off on vacation for the week so I won’t be fasting at all for the week…but I’ll be back right at it on October 20th!

    As I continue on this journey fast days are becoming easier and easier and I don’t dread them near as much as I did at the beginning. My mind gets way ahead of rational thinking! Hmmm I do that with a lot of things in life! 🙂

    Hi newme@50, I thought about fasting again today, but think I need a couple of days normal eating between the fasts, so doing second fast of the week tomorrow, I’m looking forward to it cause I still feel like eating “normal” is weird and will b glad to take some control again tomorrow!!

    Enjoy your vacation, hopefully I’ll have some good weight loss to report when you get back…..

    Oh I hope you do!! That would be amazing!

    Yesterday’s fast was a fail…did ok until about 3:00 pm and was just far too hungry. It’s either the stress of going off on vacation, catching something going around (co-worker is so sick it’s crazy!!) or just not enough sleep. I’m not going to beat myself up over it as I’ll likely try again tomorrow! 🙂

    That sounds a bit like my failed fast today, our office kitchen was full of treats today which I ignored probably until, like you around 3pm and then I had a mini flapjack which I don’t think I really wanted anyway but then I had another and another and another, and then came home and had a normal tea and chocolate, arghhhhh!
    I can’t put it down to stress or sickness, just greed!!

    Hopefully it is just stress working on you, you don’t want to be sick on your vacation. Good luck for fast tomorrow, I can’t going to a friends after work for dinner and wine…….so next week my aim is to fast twice successfully.

    Hi blacksharp – I ended up not fasting today!

    Oh well…I am almost on vacation right? I’ll do my best to be good next week but since I’m going home I’m going to be tempted with a lot of foods that I just can’t get here!

    I likely won’t be able to check in since I’ll be so busy visiting with family but I hope you have a good upcoming week!

    Stay away from the flapjacks!! 🙂

    Have a great vacation Newme@50.

    I’m baaack…from vacation 🙂 I had fun, ate more naughty foods then I normally do, but no regrets! I did try to fast today but found I was so hungry by 10:00 am I gave in to almonds (it’s the only thing I keep in my desk!) So, I decided to give myself a break for a couple more days before I try to fast again. I’m still super tired from early mornings, late nights and lots of miles on the road!’s nice to be home!

    Fast day today and feeling good! I did take last week off from fasting, which was a good idea as I feel like I’m back on track today. It really is difficult to go away on vacation come back and to regular life, work, etc., which results in a bad attitude 🙂 But all feels fine now!

    It’s a new month and time to evaluate how I’m doing (it hasn’t been pretty lately!!)

    Some of my goals I need to achieve:

    1. Exercise more consistently. Weight lifting 2 – 3 times a week instead of once every other week!

    Still struggling here – I have got to the gym a little more often but not near enough!

    2. Track all food on My Fitness Pal including weekends and stay within my TDEE (1,620 calories per day) on feast days.

    I haven’t been tracking very well nor have I been measuring my food which I’ve been doing for year!

    3. Eat back part of my exercise calories with high quality food on feast days (protein instead of simple carbs). I feel that My Fitness Pal and Fit Bit over estimate calories burnt. I don’t totally trust what I’m seeing!

    Since I haven’t necessarily been tracking I haven’t been able to do this. I still plan to do this once I get back on track!

    4. Get off simple sugar. My goodness I am eating far too much sugar these days. I’m going to have one treat per day and I’ll pick something healthy like Yasso Frozen Yoguart Bars (80 calories) or equivalent. No treats until I successfully complete a good day!

    OH gosh – still stuggling with this. I honestly think I just need to give it up completely for awhile! One thing I did which is going in the right direction is I didn’t buy any flavored creamer this week. I’m just using 1 tbsp of half and half in my coffee instead of pumpkin spice 🙂

    5. Reduce my diet pop consumption. At one time I didn’t drink any at all and it’s been finding its way back in. Time to kick it back out again. I really want to limit artificial sweeteners as I feel anything artificial is not good for you!

    I am working on this. I’m reducing my consumption of diet coke! I did buy some Zevia which is a cola made with stevia instead but since it’s expensive I can’t drink too many!

    6. Journal my days/weeks (as need be). Instead of just thinking about what is happening, I need to write it down even if it’s a simple…”good day” “bad day” remark. How can I learn new behaviours if I don’t see a pattern happening?

    Haven’t done this too much – here and there but definitely not daily!

    So I still have lots of work to do! The scale has been going in the wrong direction lately so I really need to find a way to keep myself motivated..I can’t start fall/winter out with a gain because we all know what happens during Christmas…we gain even more!

    Plan is to continue working on the things above and fasting 4:3 to get things under control! Today is a fast day 🙂

    Hi Newme@50, I haven’t posted for a while because to be honest I just wanted to see how things went with me and this WOL. Firstly I think it is great in the first couple of weeks I lost around 6 pounds and felt everything loosening up, however, this week my fast days have been a perfect 500 cals as normal but I suddenly feel a little bit out of control on non fast days, I seem to have been eating a lot of stodgy this week. This is the danger time for me because I start thinking of weight watchers and slimmimg world again…..arghhhhh, I just couldn’t go back to that, so have been reading posts on the forum today to reset and re-motivate and I think it has done the trick! So just wanted to say I totally understand why you are setting yourself targets, it does help. I think that is why I have felt out of control this week, the first couple of fasting weeks I set myself small targets, but ones I knew I could stick too like, go to the gym once on a Monday night (planning any more would have meant failure), walk to work each day (again this is something I do anyway but it is the occasional days I take the car that I was trying to cut out), and not to eat inbetween meals. My goals were doable because it was just tweeking and being a bit stricter with my usual day to day routine, and because I felt so good I was walking the dog further too. I think this is where I went wrong this week, I didn’t actively set my weekly goals, I think I need a little bit of structure!! So good luck for this week and happy goal setting…….we can do this!

    Gosh you sound so much like me blacksharp. I was pondering giving this up and rejoining weight watchers again 🙂 I haven’t fasted yet this week…tried on Monday but gave up at noon hour. But I will try tomorrow although we are going out for dinner but I’ll do my best throughout the day. I need to get my motivation back as well! I’ll start reading more posts 🙂 Thanks for the words…very helpful!

    How did you get on fasting today newme, did you last out until your dinner?

    Fasting today! Last week was a bust..I ended up getting a bit sick by the end of the week with a cold. It had been lingering on for a couple of weeks and finally decided to do something. But I got lots of sleep over the weekend and feel pretty good today! Still a bit congested..but on the road to recover! So today I’m fasting and so far doing just fine. I do have some hearty beef lentil soup for lunch at 160 calories. A little higher in calories then I normally eat for a lunch..but I’ll make it work! But it’s time to move on with this way of life and get some weight off before thanksgiving and christmas! 🙂

    Fast day done and it went well! Such a relief since I’ve been struggling for a few weeks now! Today I’m going to try to eat just under my TDEE. I need to get moving on some weight loss, I really do not like how my clothes are fitting these days!! 🙂

    Today is my 2nd fast day of the week. It’s all planned out and I have a super busy day at work so hopefully the day will fly by without too many hunger pangs 🙂

    It actually feels wonderful to feel a little more in control like the old days. Honestly vacations really can throw a person – especially someone like me who is a bit weak when it comes to sweet things.

    Vacations, yes!!! I’ve just spent 3 nights in Aviemore in the Scottish Highlands where I did lots of hiking but also lots of eating. I managed to do 1 fast day last week before we went, I’m looking forward to Monday to take control again and fast for the usual 2 days next week, and I’m trying to ignore the 3 months for,the price of 2 offer Weightwatchers have emailed to me…….can’t go back to that, I’m sometimes tempted when I feel out of control!!!!!!!

    Wow the Scottish Highlands! Would love to go there sometime! I just want to go there and buy wool and knit something fun with it!

    I am fasting today and doing well so far. Just finished some low calorie soup and tummy made all sorts of weird noises that I only hear on fasting days 🙂 At least it’s alive and doing something! I’m also fasting on Wednesday then it’s Thanksgiving for us, but planning a healthy meal for Thursday and leaving some room for pie (I love pie!).

    Yes I know the feeling with WW’s, I’ve been half tempted to go back still but I am resisting. Honestly if I can’t commit to this way of life, why would WW’s be any different…besides handing them hard earned money! That’s how I always talk myself back out of it.

    Hope your fast went well today!!

    Ha ha, not so sure about the knitting!! My fast went really well today and I feel back in control (and deleted the WW e-mail offer – I don’t know why I even looked at it, I just wouldn’t do it again!). My tummy has been making weird noises too, which seemed louder in the quiet dentist waiting room at 5pm. Hope the rest of your fast day went well, good luck for Wednesday fast, just think of pie (I love pie too)!!

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