It works, it really, really does work!!

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It works, it really, really does work!!

This topic contains 105 replies, has 40 voices, and was last updated by  Tallchick 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Two weeks in and I decided to get on the scales this morning. I don’t have a particularly friendly relationship with the scales; they generally reduce me to tears and shouting quite quickly. This is the reason why I didn’t step on them two weeks ago when I started the Fast Diet. That said, I had a very good idea of what I weighed then, having stepped on them a few weeks prior to starting (it was an eye watering experience!). The good news is that I’ve lost about 6lbs in my first two weeks! I thought my hips and tum were smaller but almost didn’t want to believe it as personally any dietary effort is quite often not reflected on the scales. This diet is great. I’ve been fairly careful not to exceed 2,000 calories on my non-fast days but to be frank, I haven’t wanted to eat anything above this anyway. I’m not craving the chocolate and crisps, even as I was stuffing a piΓ±ata full of mini chocolates this morning in advance of my daughter’s birthday party on Saturday, I did not feel tempted. So to any newbies out there who may be a little sceptical at first – keep it up, it really does work!

    Ali (on a mission to get my old size 12 jeans further up than my thighs!)

    Good luck Ali43, you are doing great,

    I feel it’s the best diet I have ever been on…………….and I have tried them all….

    I am down a good one jean size after 10 weeks!

    Good for you Symba7! I’ve got a long way to go but I feel I’ve got some control now. I never felt like I had this sort of control on a diet before. It was always like the food devil was just around the corner waiting to pounce!

    You don’t seem to think of food all the time like other diets.

    We are boring just have the same breakfast which is porridge with fresh fruit and dinner which is 100gr of meat and salad, on fast days. So no thinking of food!

    That’s great that there’s two of you in your household doing it. I’m sure you’re a good support for each other. The only part of this diet I struggle with is my husband offering me a glass of Cava on a fast day because he always forgets my routine. I’m very boring on a fast day. Several black coffees and one large seafood stir fry at the end of the day, which I’m very much looking forward to right now!!

    Hi, just want to wish you well on your new regime. I have been on the 5:2 since April 2013 and have lost 46 lbs. I am now on maintenance but still doing the 5:2, just with more food on my other days. I have never felt better in my life and just got a clean bill of health from my doctor last week. The best thing for me is that I have been pain free since April of this year. I have tons of energy and really great mood. This diet has allowed me to start exercising again and moving my body. At 61 years of age, this is very important. Enjoy!

    Hi PerrinJoshua, thanks for your post. All the support from this site is really very helpful. Your results are really impressive. Well done. How wonderful that you feel much more energised and are pain free.

    I haven’t actually weighed myself since 10 October. Whilst I’ve found it easy enough to stick to the calorie goal on the fast day, I’ve gone a little overboard on my non-fast days – old habits die hard! I’m now trying to stick to a lowish carb diet on my non-fast days to keep the calories down. My biggest downfall is a glass or two of wine as it results in an increased appetite so I need to make some changes here too. My husband says he can see I’ve lost a few more pounds. Maybe I’ll have the courage to weigh again next week!

    Thanks again.


    Hi all, just wanted to add to the forum. Never thought I was going to see 15 stones again on my weighing scales, but just 6 weeks into it and have lost 1 st and 1 lb, and don’t even feel I’m on a diet !
    Well done Dr Mosley for coming up to Cumbria for your presentation. I’m a converted now and there is no way back to the old eating habits !
    Looking forward to wearing all my going out clothing that have been in hybernation for over a decade!
    Just a tip for people feeling hungry during Fast days, it help me to have the odd infusion (fruity tea @2 cals per bag) or so in between meals. The fruity flavour takes your mind off the hunger pangs !
    Good luck to all !

    Well done Manual that’s amazing! I hope the same thing happens to me after 6 weeks, I’m only on week 1 and day 2 of fasting today. Thanks for the tip about the fruity teas! Vicki

    Well done to ali43, Symba7 and perrinjoshua too! All your posts have encouraged me today on my 2nd fast day. I just wish I wasn’t so impatient, I wish I could fast forward myself to 6 weeks ahead to see results. What did everyone notice after the 1st week?

    Welcome Vicki !

    I lost 4 lbs in my first week !

    Don’t be impatient during your fast days, just think about breakfast the next day!..and you’ll find that although you think you may eat the whole of the kitchen contents, you will not feel that hungry when you finally wake up !

    Keep up !

    Well done on seeing that 15stones marker on the scales Manuel. It must be lovely to break your first stone.

    Vicki this forum has really helped me too. I remember feeling impatient also but before you know it, it has become a way of life and you won’t be thinking about it all day long. After the first week I dropped several pounds (don’t know how many exactly as for a long time I was too scared to weigh so didn’t know exact start weight). I’m now enjoying the fact that I feel in complete control on a fast day. I have a miso soup with some tofu and coriander at 1pm and then a stir fry in the evening. I know I won’t ‘cheat’ because I break the day down into manageable chunks, knowing I can have my soup in the middle of the day and that my stir fry isn’t really that long after. I’m determined to stick with it. After all, it’s only a 2 day per week commitment!

    Good luck everyone!


    1st week and 2nd fast day for me too! I’ve enjoyed thinking through how to make minimum calorie meals tasty – some great recipes/ideas on the forum. I’m starting to think I’m not eating enough on non fast days, after checking calories consumed on the ‘my fitness pal’ app, but I guess that’ll come with practice. I’ve had a sneaky peak on the scales to see if “the number” is coming down, and boy is it – 5lbs already! The only thing I know I’ll have to watch is weighing myself – I know I can get obsessive with this.

    Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on! πŸ™‚

    Thanks! I don’t want to check scales yet. I’m going to focus on my clothes and how they fit I think as in the past when dieting, I’ve always checked scales when I start to feel a bit slimmer but then the scales disappoint . My other half is sat there with a can of beer now and normally I’d have a wine! Tempted to go and get the small can of gin and slimline tonic out of the fridge but I’m stopping myself and thinking of the morning treat of a bacon butty instead . Drinking my nettle & peppermint tea instead!

    That sounds familiar! My other half is generally sat cradling a beer on one of my fast days! All I can say is I feel very virtuous going without and it’s a good feeling to wake with a clear head the following morning.

    I think if you’ve had an unhealthy relationship with the scales in the past, it’s a good idea to find a different means to measure progress. I’m a heavy person anyway and at 5ft 5ins look scrawny if I go under 9.5 stones (can’t remember when I last weighed that). So stepping on the scales to see that I’m 2 stones more than this is very disheartening. I’ve got jeans that will fit me when I’m nearer 10.5 stones so they’ll be my marker. Would be nice to be able to wear them around Christmas time.

    Hope your forthcoming fasts go well. Please let me know how you get on as it really spurs me on when I hear from others!


    Hi Ali, I felt like that too, proud that I woke this morning with a clear head and I stuck to my 500 cals. I got hungry last night but had a bovril drink (instead of wine).

    I’m the same with my jeans, I’ve always been a size 10 and I’m 5ft 8″ but I’m now a 14 in dresses and jeans but a 12 in some tops (if they’re not tight round the tum). I have tons of lovely clothes in sizes 12 and 10 so my measuring will involve trying these on rather than using the scales. I can’t wait for my size 14 skinny jeans to start feeling far too big for me. That’s when I’ll start trying on the 12’s.

    Christmas is a good mini target for me too and would love to be in my size 12 jeans for then but my main one is my holiday to Rhodes booked for the 31st May. I’d love to be back in a size 10 for them and feel comfy in a bikini.

    How are your fasts going? what things do you eat?


    Well done Caroline21 on your weight loss. I use myfitnesspal too, its great for keeping to your 500 cals a day. I enter something in it before I eat it, that way I can see if there’s too many cals. Like yesterday I was going to have olives in my salad but the cals were really high and it would have taken me over 500 so I didn’t put them in the salad. Happy Days!

    Enjoy your weekend of no fast days! I certainly will be!

    Hi Vicki

    I was a bit peckish last night too so went to bed a bit earlier to avoid temptation.

    I’ve got so many lovely clothes that I’m dying to wear in my wardrobe, some have never been worn before! Roll on Christmas and hitting that target.

    My fast days tend to follow the same pattern. Miso soup with tofu and coriander at 1pm which keeps me pretty full until about 3pm. I try to hang on until 7ish for my dinner which is generally a seafood stir fry because a big plateful is relatively light on calories.

    I’m finding that my appetite is a little smaller on my non-fast days and I really consider everything I put in my mouth but I still struggle to cut down on the wine. That said, my mum said she can see that my hips are smaller so things are heading in the right direction.

    What do you eat on your fast days? Have you noticed any other benefits such as reduced appetite on the days in between yet?


    Wow PerrinJoshua, that is awesome!!! I hope to lose that as well in 6 months. Good for you!!!

    After reading some of the stuff on this topic and others about scales, I have decided to limit weighing myself to no more than once a week. Even when not on a diet I would weigh myself, probably to depress myself and then have another wine?
    I have done 4 fast days and lost 2.8kgs. But I must admit I have become partially addicted to those dreaded things in the bathroom! I will now take the battery out and put it in a place that’s too inconvenient to get to just for a sneak preview.
    My goal is to lose another 10kgs. before August next year. I am going to South America to visit Machu Picchu and the GalΓ‘pagos Islands, so NEED to be fit and healthy to do that. But the first thing is to fit back into a lovely dress I bought at Easter for the races in early December. It was a little tight when I bought it though but still have 6 weeks to get that one ticked off the list.
    I go to the gym on my FDs which happens to be the 2 days a week that I also work, so I am occupied almost all day as well. Once I get a little fitter I will do more cross training, as I have arthritis in a damaged knee and have to be careful until the muscle builds up to support it more.
    Keep up the good work guys. Also reading these stories on the forum helps heaps and gives most of us ideas and motivation to continue.

    Hi Maureen55. Congratulations on your super weight loss so. Sounds like you have an fantastic target to work towards in terms of your holiday. Your post made me laugh! I’m sure I’ve turned to wine after depressing myself on the scales! Keep up the good work and let us know how you get on.

    Hi all of you very inspirational people, I am so impressed with your committment and dedication to better health.
    I was amazed to read, I think it was Ali who made the comment that Wine increases your appetite. No wonder I am struggling today as I have consumed quite alot of wine over the weekend. It is the one thing that I really look forward to. Happy to go without all week, but Saturday night, Sunday are a challenge. Despite the wine I have managed to keep the non fast day calories down to less that 2000 except for one day so am pleased with that.

    Welcome Clare !

    Just wanted to share with all that last week I put 1 lb on !
    Managed to work out what happened, and it was some party food I ate during the weekend (non fast days).
    However this made me more determined for the diet to work for me, and now I have managed to dish that 1 lb and three more !
    So, if any of you have a bad week, you can always reverse it by being extra careful during non-fast days. It worked for me!

    Hi Clare and Manuel

    I’m struggling today! A poor night’s sleep after a little too much wine has resulted in me constantly thinking about food! I haven’t caved in; I keep thinking that if I throw in the towel now, I’ll have to do a fast day tomorrow instead and it’s so very nearly 3pm. Roll on 7pm for a chicken breast and veggies!

    Hi Ali43, if it helps (like today for instance, same situation as you !) I have a cup-a-soup for emergency purposes only!
    At 76 cals (Minestrone Soup from Aldi) is lower in cals than a banana and it really fills you up, until your meal time.
    Special tip: I use a very big mug so it lasts longer !
    Hope this helps !

    Thanks Manuel. It really was touch and go whether I’d make it through the whole day today as I really couldn’t get my mind off FOOD and felt a little bit dizzy all day. I ended up having a cup of Miso which did the trick. I might just invest in your suggested cup-a-soups for emergencies. Hope it’s going well for you. Another fast is done. πŸ™‚

    Ali…that is a fantastic loss! You must be so pleased! I managed to lose 5 lbs in 3 weeks which I was particularly pleased with. Its not so much the results (and everyone on here is doing so impressively well) its the fact that its so easy to do. You really don’t feel as though you’re on a diet! At this rate, we’ll all be in a small dress size…ready for Christmas!! πŸ™‚

    Thanks Nursebean. I’m delighted with my loss. I’d be happier if those around me noticed though! My husband has but no one else yet. 5lbs is great and I agree with you, it’s fairly easy. If I could lose say another half a stone by Christmas I’d be delighted. πŸ™‚

    Thanks Nursebean for your comments,we are all determined for the diet to work and.. it’s working ! by the way, I think I will swap the small dress for trousers, waist 36″ (or less I hope) for Christmas !

    Ali, yes things are going well, except for a minor hiccup last week. All in all, according to the official figures (and today is my official weighing day, according to me!) I have lost 15 & 1/2 lbs in the 7 weeks on the diet !
    Would love to see a number 14 in my weighing scales next Tuesday morning, so that’s my motivation this week ! πŸ™‚

    Hi Everyone, I messed up my 2nd fast day last week (week 2) and today is week 3 1st fast day of the week. I’m really struggling because I don’t feel motivated today. I feel tired and groggy from consuming too much wine, Fri, Sat & Sun πŸ™

    I haven’t ate yet and have my 200 cal salad in the fridge here at work so will be ok during the day but will be tempted when I get home tonight because its Bonfire night here so will be going to a fireworks display and bonfire and the kids will be having burgers and snacks etc, plus there’s a bar there. I’m tempted to have tomorrow and Thurs as fast days and allow myself to enjoy tonight because last week my fast day fell on Halloween and that’s when I failed because of all the treats and fun.

    I’m not sure what to do really, will 2 consecutive days of fasting be really difficult?

    Hi Vicki,
    similar thing happened to me last week (shcool half term hols) and I thought I’d messed up !, but what I did was to have low cals every day (rather than fast days). The results were incredible, however don’t know how it happened. It’s best to keep the low cals day than nothing at all. Hope this helped.

    Thanks Manuel, I’ll try that on the normal days. I didn’t do too bad because I weighed myself on Friday and seem to have lost 3 lbs in 12 days which is a start. I worry about putting it back on though on normal eating days. Still getting used to being able to eat 2000 cals a day on those days.

    Hi Vicki

    I was in a similar situation yesterday – tired, groggy, miserable and so tempted by food. I managed to reason with myself though. It’s now 2.15pm, you’ve got this far through the day, you can wait and have your evening meal before you go to the fireworks display. It would be a shame to blow it now. I know how you feel re alcohol, that was part of my problem yesterday. I had had too much on Sunday which played havoc with me yesterday. Think how you’ll feel tomorrow if you manage your fast today. Proud of yourself! I have never fasted two days in a row, I imagine it would be tough. Manuel is absolutely right, sticking to low cals is better than nothing at all but I suspect you’ll feel happier with yourself tomorrow if you manage to fast today. You’ve done it before so you can do it today. Think of being in a smaller dress on Christmas Day!


    Manuel – 15 pounds that’s awesome!!! Wish I was there as well, only 6 for me after two months

    “I managed to reason with myself though. It’s now 2.15pm, you’ve got this far through the day, you can wait and have your evening meal before you go to the fireworks display. ”

    Great self talk.

    Success follows.


    I have been on the diet since June and have lost 20 lbs. I always do my two fast days consecutively. I work three days a week and am off four days. It’s easier if I do my fast days when I’m working, so I always fast on Mon. and Tues. and then I’m free for the rest of the week. It has worked out really well for me and I find I don’t get that hungry and on Wed. I’m still in fasting mode and don’t usually want to eat that much on that day either. I love this diet, I don’t feel like I’m being deprived of anything and if there is anything that I really want on my off days I will eat it, but I find I really don’t want to overeat anymore. I love this way of eating and can’t wait until I lose this extra 15 lbs. and I can go on 6/1 for maintenance. Good Luck!

    Hi Dimples0523 !
    thanks for your comment. Don’t know how it is happening so fast for me !; I guess it’s working !
    I have tried (I would guess most of us also) many diets before, and due to the regime imposed, they have never worked for me !. Fasting for two days in a week is doable, especially if you are busy during the fast days (I’m at work for the fast days), however last week I had a few days off with the school holidays, and it was hard to keep the fast, so I decided to go on low cals for the rest of the week.
    I do like my weekends (I don’t pig out, just enjoy a glass of vino (or two !)), but I have Mondays to recover, as my ‘official’ weighing day is Tuesday. I do see a massive loss after the fast day (as expected) but it does go up a bit on non-fast days, I guess like the Dr. said, “you are shocking your body ! “.
    I’m looking forward to next Tuesday, when I will hopefully see a number ’14’ on my weighing scales !
    Good luck πŸ™‚

    Fasting today and doing very well – I just need to focus more on what I’m eating on the feed days. Thanks Manuel

    Help !
    struggling to fast with a cold… feel like I should “..feed a cold..” !
    Any advise ?

    Hi Manuel

    Struggling a little myself today! When I struggle I break the fasting day down into manageable chunks. It’s 12.15 here in the UK (not sure where you are), I got up at 6am, therefore I’m already halfway through the day and determined to keep going until 6pm. If I eat something now, I’ll only have start again tomorrow (I prefer to have my 500 cals in one sitting) and I want to be fast-free on a Friday! I felt hungry around 9am so had a cup of tea. That kept me going for another couple of hours. I had a black coffee at 11am. I find if I keep breaking the day up with hot drinks or water this helps. If you feel poorly then maybe fast another day but if you’re simply craving something and looking for an excuse to have it, try a hot drink.

    Hope you’re 100% soon! πŸ™‚

    HI Ali, thanks for your prompt advise !
    I can’t do the text-book fast day (need to have my three meals !), but I do keep to my 600 allowance. My last meal is at 4:30pm’ish and I don’t eat until 6:00 am the next day. So far so good with this personalised version of the 5:2 diet.
    Today (and yesterday !) I have a stubborn cold and feel the need to have something to eat between meals, however the Calvary has arrived (it’s lunch time !) and just finished a nice tomato salad with a butternut squash soup. Hopefully this will keep me going until dinner.
    Since starting the diet, I drink my coffee black, but this afternoon I will have a milky tea plus some paracetamol ! πŸ™‚

    chicken soup is great for a cold Manuel, and it can be healthy & filling too. so you can feed your cold! all these recipes come in at 350cals or less.

    hope you feel better soon.

    Excelente Tomtommum !

    I will try the recipes suggested, as I love chicken !

    I know I shouldn’t weigh myself every day, but this morning I was 1/2 lb from seeing a 14 stone marker on my scales, so I’m determine to have a good week !

    Gracias πŸ˜‰

    I can also recommend tinned tomatoes with lots of black pepper or if you can take the heat, chop some chillies in. Very low calorie and sweat that cold out!!!

    All the best


    Thanks for all the great recipes!!

    Manuel feel better!

    Oh as I’m from the U.S. – how much is a stone?

    Hi Annie, thanks for the tip. Will also try the tomatoes with the chillies..arriba !

    Dimples 1 stone = 6.35 kg = 14 lbs

    Thanks for the best wishes !


    Okay – so I heard about this on NPR and decided on a whim to give it a go…. 8 months later I am down 25 lbs and approaching my goal. My BMI is in the normal range for the first time in 20 years and I weigh about what I did in college (I am 56 by the way). So, all good. When people comment on my weight loss I explain the 5/2 plan but mostly get arguments about how that can’t be good for you. For me it has been amazing. I have knocked a full minute off my running pace and feel great. Runs on post-fast days are a bit tougher but other than that I have only seen good effects on my running. I do notice that it is tougher to concentrate near the end of a fast day – so reading is harder.

    Does anyone else get a kind of buzz at the end of fast day? Weird but I sort of look forward to it.

    And does anyone have any suggestions for re-entry? I am fast approaching what I think is my ideal weight (this month for sure). Do people go to a one day a week fast? Just up the calories on fast days?

    Thanks in advance for any replies….

    Also wanted to quickly give my thoughts on measuring weight. I am a runner in a hot climate so I can easily lose 5 lbs (or even more)in water weight on a long run, so any single weight measurement is not very useful. My technique is to measure my weight every morning when I first get up. I record the weight but don’t really pay much attention to it, just record it in a spreadsheet. My “weight”, what I tell myself and anyone who asks, is the average of the last two weeks measurements. This eliminates the water spikes (ether negative from a run or positive from a salty meal the day before).

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